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twoleftfeet 7:50 Wed May 22
General Election - July 2024
This appears to be the rumour on Sky.

An easy win for Starmer and some big names losing their seats.

The Country needs a change but is it going to get one?

The thought of seeing that annoying Beth Rigby for 6 weeks though is a horrifying thought.

Replies - Newest Posts First (Show In Chronological Order)

Gary Strodders shank 12:04 Wed Aug 7
Re: General Election - July 2024
Musk will finish Starmer I reckon.

wd40 5:34 Sun Aug 4
Re: General Election - July 2024
Most of the good
people protesting are from the same good honest working class lot that were 1st in line on day one of the 1st & 2nd war call up .

Mike Oxsaw 10:49 Sun Aug 4
Re: General Election - July 2024
Don't think it matters what event triggers the next round of violence - enough of the members of different communities in our "multi-racial" society will feel emboldened to protest.

It could well be a complete genuine accident - "car kills child who ran blindly into the street", for instance; if the driver is white and the child one "of colour", it will trigger one group. If the races are reversed it will trigger another.

This is 100% down to the authorities (Red AND Blue) not nipping the problem in the bud when it was still manageable.

Kick the same can down the road often enough and one day it will burst on landing and spread it's contents around.

Maybe last week was the hard landing and bursting of one of the many cans the authorities have been happily kicking, for decades, down that road (that a lot of us, it seems now live on or near).

SurfaceAgentX2Zero 2:31 Sun Aug 4
Re: General Election - July 2024

Were they being played in Stoke today?

Jaan Kenbrovin 2:22 Sun Aug 4
Re: General Election - July 2024
goose 2:09 Sun Aug 4

Bang on.

Diversity isn't a strength, it's unity, and the disgraceful demise of Britain is finally reaching boiling point and creating a unity amongst people that aren't going to back down. People like comma canlabel and snear at them but that contempt is only fuelling the fire.

goose 2:09 Sun Aug 4
Re: General Election - July 2024
The people of this country were lied to by successive governments who changed the fabric of society beyond recognition.

Southport was just the last straw.

, 2:02 Sun Aug 4
Re: General Election - July 2024
Starmer, like us on here, knows that the far right are stirring this whole affair up. They were instrumental in propagating the big lie several hours after the Southport murders and continue to provoke and encourage people to break the Law by turning legal rights to protest into violent physical confrontations.

Sadly the people of this country are being played.

ForeverHammers 1:42 Sun Aug 4
Re: General Election - July 2024
Starmer right to make a statement about the horrific Stockport crime but he made a mistake by immediately associating those involved in acts of violence since to being just far right.

Mike Oxsaw 8:20 Fri Aug 2
Re: General Election - July 2024
One of the benefits of Brexit was that it no longer became possible for illegals to sneak in under/inside juggernauts/freight trains simply because, previously, most were just waved through.

Now they can't do that they have to resort to the far more photogenic and headline grabbing dinghies.

I suspect the number of illegals coming into the UK hasn't changed that much since Brexit, but they are now so much more visible they are almost impossible to ignore.

marty feldman 7:35 Fri Aug 2
Re: General Election - July 2024
There's a shock . Come on you irons . Calling starmers speech a disgrace. He cannot see the biggest piss takers are on the right . As soon as we left the EU wasn't the reason for it was because we could control the borders more easily. Last year 750 000 came through the highest ever . You're being lied to son .yet refuse to look at the evidence in front of you . Wake up . As billy Connolly said never believe any politician . It only encourages them .

Mike Oxsaw 7:24 Fri Aug 2
Re: General Election - July 2024
Fauxstralian 6:40 Fri Aug 2

You post like you've no idea of the concept of "Work" (either what it is or how to do it), let alone the art of conversation.

Information about what I did/do is of absolutely no value to anybody in my social circle (OK, you NEED it to be a tiny one minute of arc, but just to boil your piss it encircles the globe and we all meet up regularly at wherever somebody choses.

One of said social circle actually was a lavatory attendant in his working life but he did an OU degree in Cosmology/Relativity and is actually a rather pleasant chap who understands the subject rather well.

Another was "just" a postman, but he. too, took an OU degree in Entomology, and, although not a particular favourite topic of mine, when we meet up, his enthusiasm in discussing it is boundless.

What you do (or did) for a living is completely irrelevant (so long as you're not a soap-dodging benefits cheat) - it's who you are that matters.

You're not even worth insulting.

Fauxstralian 6:40 Fri Aug 2
Re: General Election - July 2024
You do know if someone just making conversation asks what you did & you say WORK thinks
a What a miserable cunt
b Just say Lavatory attendant and be done with it , cunt

Mike Oxsaw 5:07 Fri Aug 2
Re: General Election - July 2024
Retirement is absolutely the dogs bollocks. Means I'm now only defined by who I am, not what I do.

I meet people and they inevitably ask what I do for a living. "Nothing, I'm retired," I respond. "Well," they come back with, "What did you do?". "Work," I say and close that direction of conversation down.

Still, if you want to be a Scot-paying serf until you die, fill yer boots. It's not big, it's not smart and it's not responsible (or helpful).

Nutsin 5:00 Fri Aug 2
Re: General Election - July 2024
It’s one thing to single out the Brits as the bad guys and another to empower the monsters who are raping and killing people, including children.

I think we can all agree it’s about to get a lot worse.

Globalism and liberalism have a lot to answer for.

If it’s not ugly enough for you yet then hold on to your hat,

goose 4:43 Fri Aug 2
Re: General Election - July 2024
stewie griffin 1:45 Thu Aug 1
Re: General Election - July 2024.

Reeves is quite laughable, mind. Boldy announced that they had full access to the public finances, that all plans were fully costed and that there would be no need to raise any taxes…then uncovers a mysterious £20 billion black hole that the IFS said should have been clear to anyone with a functioning braincell.


Come On You Irons 4:33 Fri Aug 2
Re: General Election - July 2024
Nutsin 8:32 Thu Aug 1
Re: General Election - July 2024
So according to the new Prime minister it is now illegal to protest? Unless you are a Muslim of course.


Indeed. Starmer's speech yesterday was a disgrace.

Gary Strodders shank 9:57 Thu Aug 1
Re: General Election - July 2024
The Tories need to elect a leader soon because Starmer ain't gonna last that long

Nutsin 9:48 Thu Aug 1
Re: General Election - July 2024
People need to go on strike. A national strike will take care of it.

Nutsin 9:38 Thu Aug 1
Re: General Election - July 2024
So while they are still mopping up the blood of children off the floor in Southport, the Prime minister ( won’t say his name, don’t want to humanize him) is coming out with the kind of hateful, divisive verbiage you’d expect from the Taliban.

It’s a whole level of cunty I can’t ever recall from a British PM targeted at the British public.

To say it Bizaar is an understatement.

Hammer and Pickle 9:08 Thu Aug 1
Re: General Election - July 2024
I’m going to be paying my taxes till I die; I just don’t get the idea of retirement.

I mean, it’s just wrong at all levels if you aren’t a stunt double or something.

Nutsin 8:51 Thu Aug 1
Re: General Election - July 2024
Not sure Coma went to school to be fair.

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