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maverick180 8:09 Fri May 24
The toughest hypothetical question I’ve ever been asked
Was asked an interesting question today

Would you swap your life now to going back to living in your 20’s with the current knowledge you have, 20 - 29 but you die a painless death as you turn 30

I originally said no
But the more I thought about it, it’s a tricky one
If your memories good you could become a millionaire pretty quickly, a la biff from back to the future 2
You’d have hair restoration and a license for as much excess as you please
Tricky one

Replies - Newest Posts First (Show In Chronological Order)

Pee Wee 6:53 Mon May 27
Re: The toughest hypothetical question I’ve ever been asked
Mad dog - that reminds me of…

Would you rather have to watch your parents having sex, every day for the rest of your life.

Or join in once, but never having to see it again?

Mad Dog 5:39 Sun May 26
Re: The toughest hypothetical question I’ve ever been asked
I didn't invent it, I just said it was a difficult dilema

plankton 2:55 Sat May 25
Re: The toughest hypothetical question I’ve ever been asked

Mad Dog 9:00 Sat May 25
"You're 2 inches inside your mum and your dad isn2 inches inside you..."

The mind boggles at this incestuous tableau. Is this really what you meant? lol

Mad Dog 9:16 Sat May 25
Re: The toughest hypothetical question I’ve ever been asked
Also no.

Most of my mistakes were more than 20 years ago
And in the past 20 years I've met the wife and had kids. And I wouldn't change a single thing as that would potentially alter this.

Mistakes make you what you are.

Mad Dog 9:00 Sat May 25
Re: The toughest hypothetical question I’ve ever been asked
The hardest theoretical question is

"You're 2 inches inside your mum and your dad isn2 inches inside you. Do you go forward to let your dad out or back up to free your mum"

Bungo 8:30 Sat May 25
Re: The toughest hypothetical question I’ve ever been asked
Can I take one of these?


Side of Ham 12:12 Sat May 25
Re: The toughest hypothetical question I’ve ever been asked
Yep I met the woman who was brave enough to have my children at 30 so this can fuck right off.....I may have known a lot but the purpose in life having kids gives you (and hopefully grandkids) is immense, well worth the £200,000 a pop imo....so I was never into having a proper few bob and if I did I'd want it now for them.....

Jasnik 12:10 Sat May 25
Re: The toughest hypothetical question I’ve ever been asked
No as I'd only ferk something else up. so best to live with where I am now.

Massive Attack 12:06 Sat May 25
Re: The toughest hypothetical question I’ve ever been asked
Tits or arse, surely?

chim chim cha boo 12:05 Sat May 25
Re: The toughest hypothetical question I’ve ever been asked
I'm pretty much in the same boat as you Exile. Too young, stupid and plain old unlucky to appreciate my daughter properly in the brief year I had with her before her mum fucked off back to her husband, an architect in Tasmania but he's dead and I'm LOVING my grandchildren.

It's been a rough time for most of us with a government who couldn't care less about emptying bins, fixing holes or even sweeping them and all the little bits that don't make too much money but make the place a shithole to live in without you really noticing.

The place could really do with a sweep and a bit of disinfectant, then we had lockdowns, Brexit and Covid but essentially I am optimistic that things will get better slowly.

I'd much rather live the life I have left with it's sea of troubles than be rich and imminently dead.

the exile 11:22 Fri May 24
Re: The toughest hypothetical question I’ve ever been asked
What, and miss out on my grandchildren? Absolutely no way.

lab 10:39 Fri May 24
Re: The toughest hypothetical question I’ve ever been asked
Yes I’d go back to twenty and take death at thirty .

mashed in maryland 10:23 Fri May 24
Re: The toughest hypothetical question I’ve ever been asked
Not a chance, life's about more than excess

maverick180 8:29 Fri May 24
Re: The toughest hypothetical question I’ve ever been asked
The other issue is how much was u allowed to put on at the bookies
Greece winning the euros would be a guaranteed millionaire banker
Depending on how much they’d accept

And then you’d have the worry that it makes it to the press
Lunatic from London sticks 10k on Greece to win the euros
Does it then affect their performance ;)

Pub Bigot 8:28 Fri May 24
Re: The toughest hypothetical question I’ve ever been asked
No. At 40 I’m hoping my best years are still to come.

maverick180 8:20 Fri May 24
Re: The toughest hypothetical question I’ve ever been asked
Tricky one ain’t it
I suppose the cons are u could be selling your life short
But on the plus side you’d see long past loved ones
If you could remember enough to make a fortune on betting, you’d be able to spend those years with them, no more work

twoleftfeet 8:14 Fri May 24
Re: The toughest hypothetical question I’ve ever been asked
That is a good question.

I would have to say no because my best years were definitely 30 - 40, brilliant times.

I'd happily repeat those years with my new found knowledge and then pass away peacefully on my 40th birthday.

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