WHO Poll

wrighty 11:42 Sat Sep 6
Jocks To Vote Yes? ............Or NO!!!
Scotland on course to vote Yes, shock poll reveals

Scotland is on course to vote for independence, according to a shock new poll, which today puts Alex Salmond’s Yes campaign in the lead for the first time.

The YouGov survey for The Sunday Times shows the nationalists have now taken a two point lead and are poised to triumph in the referendum on September 18.

It revealed Scottish voters are quickly deserting the Labour-led unionist campaign with 35 per cent now backing independence - nearly double the supporters a month ago.

The under 40s, working class and women voters are also shifting towards the Yes camp.

In a second blow for Labour, just one in three voters trust arguments made by Alistair Darling, the head of the Better Together campaign, or its most high profile campaigner, Gordon Brown.

Yes campaigners Alex Salmond and Nicola Sturgeon are on course to get the result they want. Credit: David Cheskin/PA Archive
In contrast, Salmond and his deputy Nicola Sturgeon are trusted by more than 40 per cent of Scottish voters.

Sturgeon said: "This breakthrough poll shows that Yes has the big momentum - but we still have work to do if we are to win.

"More and more people are beginning to realise that a Yes vote is Scotland's one opportunity to make that enormous wealth work better for everybody who lives here, create more jobs, and protect vital services such as the NHS from the damaging effects of Westminster privatisation."

The poll revealed Scottish votes are quickly deserting the Labour-led No campaign. Credit: Danny Lawson/PA Wire/
Better Together leader Alistair Darling said: "The polls may conflict, but the message I take from them is clear: If you want Scotland to remain part of the UK family you have to vote for it on 18 September. Separation is forever.

"These polls can and must now serve as a wake-up call to anyone who thought the referendum result was a foregone conclusion. It never was. It will go down to the wire. Now is the time to speak up and speak out."

Replies - Newest Posts First (Show In Chronological Order)

The Kronic 5:27 Mon Sep 22
Re: Jocks To Vote Yes? ............Or NO!!!
Who the fuck are the Left in mainstream politics anyway? My choice next election will be Blue Tories, Yellow Tories, Red Tories or the all new Purple Tories.

I shit on English democracy.

Eddie B 4:59 Mon Sep 22
Re: Jocks To Vote Yes? ............Or NO!!!
stevo, superb. Aren't Rangers fans funny.

Gavros 4:49 Mon Sep 22
Re: Jocks To Vote Yes? ............Or NO!!!
Good piece by Nick Cohen on the left's intrinsic hatred for the English


Hani 3:30 Sat Sep 20
Re: Jocks To Vote Yes? ............Or NO!!!
Holding his mouth so that his teeth don't fall out haha. I feel for the normal people of Glasgow that have to deal with these zombie cunts on a daily basis.

Dick Gozinia 12:40 Sat Sep 20
Re: Jocks To Vote Yes? ............Or NO!!!
hahahaha "yer fockin poofter. fock off"

stevo 12:38 Sat Sep 20
Re: Jocks To Vote Yes? ............Or NO!!!
These guys seem pleased to have won !



Dick Gozinia 12:21 Sat Sep 20
Re: Jocks To Vote Yes? ............Or NO!!!
Hani what do you expect? I's Glasgow, they're Jocks and they're pissed. Guarantee it was happening on both sides and probably a lot worse than a bit of flag snatching.

Hani 12:12 Sat Sep 20
Re: Jocks To Vote Yes? ............Or NO!!!
Young girl gets scot flag ripped from her and reported kicked to the ground by No voters.


Women and children attacked by a mob of Rangers fans doing Nazi salutes. So much for a graceful victory.

terry-h 11:02 Sat Sep 20
Re: Jocks To Vote Yes? ............Or NO!!!
The message of the results seems to be if you want to retire to Scotland, don't settle in the Glasgow or Dundee areas. The rest looks ok.

Re: Jocks To Vote Yes? ............Or NO!!!
Fuck you Scotland England owns you and you are inferior your women are ugly and you are England's bitch and always will be that is my take on things and I think its a very appropriate view on the situation given the behavior of these yes voters.

They couldn't stab the decent loyal people in the back it would have put them in a bad situation like our brethren in Northern Ireland have had to endure they would have created loads of unnecessary shit for the good people fucking wankers.

Crassus 9:32 Sat Sep 20
Re: Jocks To Vote Yes? ............Or NO!!!
This threat claim - what actually threats were made then

I only saw certain consequences. those glossed over by the rabid Yes, illustrated for the hard of understanding

As it goes, I suspect more for an audience south of the border than north of it

Make no mistake, as I have said all along, Yes may have won the vote (a vote they were always going to) but the result of the voting process will be far more significant in England

mentor 8:20 Sat Sep 20
Re: Jocks To Vote Yes? ............Or NO!!!
NO would've have won without the 'threats'. (and promises)

I disagree.

cholo 8:07 Sat Sep 20
Re: Jocks To Vote Yes? ............Or NO!!!

NO would've have won without the 'threats'.

Some people value being British and part of the UK, I know you think they are intrinsically wrong and that you are right, but it's something that for now we all have to accept.

mentor 7:56 Sat Sep 20
Re: Jocks To Vote Yes? ............Or NO!!!
Their hatred of the English goes back 1000 years. A bit before Mel Gibson's Braveheart. And yess, the majority of Scots bottled it because of empty threats by RBS and others and sold their soul for for a few empty promises by the treachorous cunt Cameron. Historically people all over the world have given their lives for freedom and independence. 2 million Scots should hang their heads in shame.

dougles badder 2:28 Sat Sep 20
Re: Jocks To Vote Yes? ............Or NO!!!
No collyrob brought up British by my dad (RIP) i was born in Scotland but have been British in my eyes all my days my old grandad was English so i am a half breed as i have been called up here.
But its poisonous up hear 2 of my lads no voters are on the piuss with their pals told them be carefull.

Gavros 2:22 Sat Sep 20
Re: Jocks To Vote Yes? ............Or NO!!!
Mel Gibson has a lot to answer for. Before his hatred of the Jews, there was his hatred of the English, and the ridiculous attempt to rewrite history...


Capitol Man 2:14 Sat Sep 20
Re: Jocks To Vote Yes? ............Or NO!!!
Went out to lunch with the mrs and ended up listening to some Scottish tossed telling the bar an that the sweaties had rejected freedom.

"How can anyone say no to freedom" - watched brave heart a few too many times by the sound of things.

collyrob 2:13 Sat Sep 20
Re: Jocks To Vote Yes? ............Or NO!!!

dougles badder 1:53 Sat Sep 20
Re: Jocks To Vote Yes? ............Or NO!!!
Silver Surfer no one bottled it 55% new we are Great Britain brought up British Die British.

Sorry mate but I just can't understand that mentality at all. You're Scottish Surely you want to live in your own independent country run by your people.

dougles badder 1:53 Sat Sep 20
Re: Jocks To Vote Yes? ............Or NO!!!
Silver Surfer no one bottled it 55% new we are Great Britain brought up British Die British.

SilverSurfer 1:31 Sat Sep 20
Re: Jocks To Vote Yes? ............Or NO!!!
that's a score in my bin from a wager.

Of course the sweaties want to stay.

Bit of a knee jerk wobble, but when it came down to it they bottled it.

claret on my shirt 1:31 Sat Sep 20
Re: Jocks To Vote Yes? ............Or NO!!!
If i was scottish and I am very pleased I am not I would want to be governed by my own people.

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