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jack flash 9:38 Tue Nov 4
Reid set to sign a new contract till 2019
According to Daily Star

Replies - Newest Posts First (Show In Chronological Order)

AKA ERNIE 10:50 Fri Nov 7
Re: Reid set to sign a new contract till 2019
Sakho happy to sign new deal on 25k a week
Greedy cunt wants 75k tell him to fuck off

Full Claret Jacket 9:45 Fri Nov 7
Re: Reid set to sign a new contract till 2019
terry-h 6:34 Thu Nov 6

In the games Reid has been captain for he has showed no leadership whatsoever. He's also been average since returning from injury last year IMO.

After8 9:44 Fri Nov 7
Re: Reid set to sign a new contract till 2019
If anyone deserves the armband full time it's mark noble.

SurfaceAgentX2Zero 9:37 Fri Nov 7
Re: Reid set to sign a new contract till 2019
If Reid is a natural leader how comes discipline in our back line is often a shambles when Collins is absent?

Pagey 1:28 Fri Nov 7
Re: Reid set to sign a new contract till 2019
I give it a couple of weeks until he comes out with the inevitable quote "West Ham have been great to me but we're in the middle of a very important season and I want to focus all of my energy into ensuring that we finish as high up the league as possible. We can discuss a new deal at the end of the season.

Translated: "I'm fucking off."

terry-h 1:06 Fri Nov 7
Re: Reid set to sign a new contract till 2019
They have resumed talks after a long period of silence. 'Team Reid' v 'The Two Daves.'

Sullivan's sons and Gold's daughters are keeping a beady eye on negotiations as their inheritances are involved.

franksfat&slow&wank 12:55 Fri Nov 7
Re: Reid set to sign a new contract till 2019
Is it signed then ?

wrighty 11:05 Thu Nov 6
Re: Reid set to sign a new contract till 2019
Not sure how anyone can tell that Reid is a natural leader.

I.want.that.one 10:41 Thu Nov 6
Re: Reid set to sign a new contract till 2019
cranes neck

norwaytips 10:40 Thu Nov 6
Re: Reid set to sign a new contract till 2019
Sam said that it's going in the right direction.

On The Ball 9:36 Thu Nov 6
Re: Reid set to sign a new contract till 2019
It's still not about money.

Lertie Button 9:33 Thu Nov 6
Re: Reid set to sign a new contract till 2019
Been our best player over the past 3 seasons, make the very best offer we can to try to keep him.
Compare his contribution to Carrolls' & pay accordingly.

terry-h 6:34 Thu Nov 6
Re: Reid set to sign a new contract till 2019
Reid is not a natural leader. Ginge for all his faults would make a better skipper.

Ps we all know who you are having a dig at,Rody.

Norflundon 6:33 Thu Nov 6
Re: Reid set to sign a new contract till 2019
So you think by making him captain he's going to say fuck champions league football and the multimillion signing on fee that he'd get as a free agent......I'm captain now I can't leave!!!!

This isn't championship manager mate

Don't think its the dough now and Sullivan has said that he'll of been tapped up and barring a bad injury he'll have the pick of clubs in the summer IMO our only hope is we finish top 6 which I still don't think would be enough

El Scorchio 6:15 Thu Nov 6
Re: Reid set to sign a new contract till 2019
You're half right. Your agenda certainly is not hidden...

Rodfarts 6:02 Thu Nov 6
Re: Reid set to sign a new contract till 2019
Why? No hidden agenda just the truth.......Reid has been our best player for the past 3 years he is a natural leader and is an international captain.

Do the right thing for him.......and the club.

Eggbert Nobacon 5:59 Thu Nov 6
Re: Reid set to sign a new contract till 2019

no weirdly after saying there's only five playing well, he then says they've been good but Reid has been better

ironsofcanada 5:59 Thu Nov 6
Re: Reid set to sign a new contract till 2019
Rodfarts 5:56 Thu Nov 6

You almost did it there.

I know you can become a real contributor to the site someday, just keep trying.

Rodfarts 5:56 Thu Nov 6
Re: Reid set to sign a new contract till 2019
I've said this before and I say it again.......

Pay him what he desrves (£75k really ain't much for a top class CB) and what he wants. Then do the right thing and give a natural leader(Reid) the captains armband.

Do this I have no doubts he would sta otherwise he would have already been gone.

If we don't everything we have done to strengthen the front of our team will be worthless as we will concede more than we score.

Far Cough 5:52 Thu Nov 6
Re: Reid set to sign a new contract till 2019
Keown is one of the very few pundits that are worth listening to

He's still got monkey's head though

Lily Hammer 5:51 Thu Nov 6
Re: Reid set to sign a new contract till 2019
Eggbert Nobacon 5:49 Thu Nov 6

Ginge and Tomkins in that 5?

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