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LeroysBoots 8:08 Wed Nov 5
A great word for those charity mugger cunts that accost you outside train stations or other areas

Why don't they fuck the hell right off ?

They give charidee a bad name and turn me right off the cause in question

I don't get why some organisations associate themselves with these swampies

Replies - Newest Posts First (Show In Chronological Order)

WHU(Exeter) 8:25 Thu Nov 6
Re: Chuggers
1. No it doesn't

2. I'm at work and outside of work, I wouldn't waste 5 or 10 minutes of my life, having a pop at a charity collector.

Far Cough 8:25 Thu Nov 6
Re: Chuggers
Nicey knows what he's talking about, he's a Big Issue seller you know

Nicey 8:21 Thu Nov 6
Re: Chuggers
Takes just as much effort as you responding to me on here

WHU(Exeter) 8:19 Thu Nov 6
Re: Chuggers
I still can't believe though, that you see a charity collector up the street, google all the details of the charity, and then start taking it up with them?

Wouldn't a 'no, sorry, not interested' suffice?

Nicey 8:15 Thu Nov 6
Re: Chuggers

LeroysBoots 4:19 Thu Nov 6
Re: Chuggers
Do they get paid per customer ?

They get paid by the hour , if they don't sign up enough monthly direct debits they soon see their hours reduced.

Honest Hammer 6:37 Thu Nov 6
Re: Chuggers
Penners has this spot on.

Mr Strug 6:30 Thu Nov 6
Re: Chuggers
Mr. Burns 4:39 Thu Nov 6

There's Jehovah's Witnesses outside the station every morning when I'm on my way to work, trying to hand out leaflets about their fucking religion.

Go and knock some doors you lazy cunts.

Dan M 4:40 Thu Nov 6
Re: Chuggers
I like Wilson and Brewster, but Hodge is my favourite. Koko can fuck right off.

Mr. Burns 4:39 Thu Nov 6
Re: Chuggers
All I ever seem to see outside stations are religious nuts with demented grins trying to give out some weirdo brochures.

mashed in maryland 4:35 Thu Nov 6
Re: Chuggers
Eerie Descent 12:00 Thu Nov 6

goose 4:32 Thu Nov 6
Re: Chuggers
i donate a certain amount every month to the British Red Cross. No problems there, I'm happy to do so.
But now everytime something happens in the world i get a phone call asking me to up my donation.
if it's not a war in Syria it's a typhoon somewhere else.............. or Ebola!!

WHU(Exeter) 4:22 Thu Nov 6
Re: Chuggers
Blimey, you must have a lot of time on your hands Nicey.

mashed in maryland 4:21 Thu Nov 6
Re: Chuggers
This thread is a good 10 years too late.

LeroysBoots 4:19 Thu Nov 6
Re: Chuggers
Do they get paid per customer ?

penners28 1:31 Thu Nov 6
Re: Chuggers
I just ask them how much they believe in the charity. Then f they answer they really do I say "I assume you are volunteering to do this then?"

They soon get the message.

I donate to charity buts it's on my own terms.

Boycie 1:27 Thu Nov 6
Re: Chuggers
I cant stand them. It is an industry now

Obama The Hammer 1:04 Thu Nov 6
Re: Chuggers
Nicey 11:31 Wed Nov 5

Charity shouldn't exist at all NIcey. Most charities only exist in this country because of failures in the welfare state. Tax more and make it necessary for the state to provide for those in need. Take the NSPCC for example, the work they do should be done by the state.

side effect 12:11 Thu Nov 6
Re: Chuggers
Around six years ago I yanked the door bell wire out and took the intercom of the hook. It works really well.

Eerie Descent 12:00 Thu Nov 6
Re: Chuggers
Or just give them 50p and carry on living life?

Nicey 11:31 Wed Nov 5
Re: Chuggers
They are paid £7.85ph so imagine the amount of sign ups they have to get to pay those wages.

Just another charity scam really.

Really confuse them by , when you see them down the street, do a quick google search on the charity they claim to represent and then when they occust you question them heavily on said charity, they won't know what has hit them.

Charity should not exist to create jobs and pay salaries , it shouldn't be an industry!

Billy Blagg 10:14 Wed Nov 5
Re: Chuggers
My step-daughter....

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