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Turan 1:33 Thu Nov 13
Fave part of the bible
I am not a Christian, but I do enjoy and appreciate some of the parts in the bible. Some of them make perfect sense.

I was hoping you would share with us your favorite part of the bible.

Mine is Luke 23:34

“Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.”

Which to me as such a profound and truthful meaning no matter what religion you are.

People don't understand that when you hurt someone else, you hurt all of humanity including themselves.


Replies - Newest Posts First (Show In Chronological Order)

DukeofDevo 10:45 Mon Nov 17
Re: Fave part of the bible
New series called The Bible on H2, one of the sky documentary channels for anyone who wants to reacquaint themselves with the holy scriptures!

Let he who has not sinned cast the first stone!

side effect 9:57 Mon Nov 17
Re: Fave part of the bible
psalm 139. We are fearfully.and wonderfully made.

deanfergi 12:39 Mon Nov 17
Re: Fave part of the bible
...and Lo, Jesus did a wee wee...

Turan 12:08 Mon Nov 17
Re: Fave part of the bible
Another great one .

Matthew 16: 24, Jesus says: "If anyone wants to become my followers, let them deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me."

I think when Jesus says Deny thyself, what he means is Negate (and thus undo) the illusion of self. If the self - the ego - were truly who I am, it would be absurd to deny it.

Hammer and Pickle 10:58 Sat Nov 15
Re: Fave part of the bible
Shut it Hermit.

Reality Cheques 10:57 Sat Nov 15
Re: Fave part of the bible

Pringle 10:47 Sat Nov 15
Re: Fave part of the bible
The End

cholo 10:33 Sat Nov 15
Re: Fave part of the bible

To be fair Jeffery Archer wasn't forced on anyone by anyone.

Well except perhaps on Monica Coghlan, by Jeffery Archer.

Hermit Road 10:28 Sat Nov 15
Re: Fave part of the bible
ajc123 wrote...

" Utter drivel and pointless to read. (Yes I have read many versions)"

I read a Jeffrey Archer book once. Not only did I never read one again, but I didn't read the same one in different languages. It never crossed my mind why I didn't, until I read your post. I think the reason I didn't read it again was because it was utter drivel and pointless.

les marteaux 2:36 Sat Nov 15
Re: Fave part of the bible
Mark 1:17-20 Jesus said: "Come and I will make you fishers of men".

A gay importuning ring?

Jasnik 10:44 Fri Nov 14
Re: Fave part of the bible
He makes me lie down in green pastures -this one worried me ...

Geoffrey Pike 10:41 Fri Nov 14
Re: Fave part of the bible
And spotteth twice they the camels before the third hour. And so the Midianites went forth to Ram Gilead in Kadesh Bilgemath by Shor Ethra Regalion, to the house of Gash-Bil-Betheul-Bazda, he who brought the butter dish to Balshazar and the tent peg to the house of Rashomon, and there slew they the goats, yea, and placed they the bits in little pots. Here endeth the lesson.

Far Cough 2:18 Fri Nov 14
Re: Fave part of the bible
Psalm 113:9

Non nobis, non nobis, Domine
Sed nomini tuo da gloriam.

Not to us, not to us, O Lord,
But to thy name give glory.

Some of you may recognise this humble hymn from Kenneth Branagh's Henry V, sung after the Battle of Agincourt?

Joke Whole 1:49 Fri Nov 14
Re: Fave part of the bible
All organised religion, along with their supporting documentation is well past it's "best before" date and truly deserves to be binned.

Many of the processes & procedures that are apparently derived from such religions (although it's more likely the other way around) can be adapted to and adopted by a modern, forward-thinking society.

23ad 12:32 Fri Nov 14
Re: Fave part of the bible
'come forth Fat Sam'
you're sacked'

ajc123 12:16 Fri Nov 14
Re: Fave part of the bible
Nothing is straightforward about the bible. My favourite is 'it ill profits a man to gain the world and lose his soul' which just about sums up christians and status driven people who trample over those close to them to get what they want only to find the 'top' is empty.

Anyway, you google it for the reference and you get loads with slightly different (and less meaningful) nuances - Luke 9:25, Mark 8:36 and Matthew 16:26. Probably because the bible is made up stories by many people. Utter drivel and pointless to read. (Yes I have read many versions)

13 Brentford Rd 12:05 Fri Nov 14
Re: Fave part of the bible
The first part...............

Leigh Jim 10:49 Fri Nov 14
Re: Fave part of the bible
I am right though

After8 HenryMc and Turan - nailed on the same

cholo 10:21 Fri Nov 14
Re: Fave part of the bible

Leigh Jim 1:18 Fri Nov 14

That would easily usurp Hugh Monteith for weirdness.


Eggbert Nobacon 10:14 Fri Nov 14
Re: Fave part of the bible
"Thou shalt go forth and selleth fried chicken"

WHOicidal Maniac 9:34 Fri Nov 14
Re: Fave part of the bible
chiff 9:31 Fri Nov 14

Are you a comedy character too?

A Gentile-lite perhaps?

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