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10thofMay 8:49 Wed Jul 8
Another investment thread
A quick ISA investment question.

when looking at particular funds what weighting should I give to historical data? 2, 3 or 5 years? With the obvious problems in Greece should I take any notice of short term fluctuations?

Cunts can stay away from this thread please.


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10thofMay 3:07 Wed Jul 8
Re: Another investment thread
Branded, you obviously have a reasonable idea when it comes yo investments and i will certainly have a look at your suggestions but I would still like to know something. When you look at past performance at any fund what is the optimum time span? 5 years seem too long and 3 months too short. Or is it a combination of all the data.


10thofMay 12:40 Wed Jul 8
Re: Another investment thread
Thx Branded.

BRANDED 12:36 Wed Jul 8
Re: Another investment thread
I have no idea. I hold all these investments for the long haul and most funds have done just fine when you look back 10 or 20 years.

10thofMay 12:34 Wed Jul 8
Re: Another investment thread
Do you think this dip is a start of a bear market or just a reaction to the Greek crisis?

BRANDED 12:05 Wed Jul 8
Re: Another investment thread
Small businesses funds do well in a bull market. They can be very bad in a bear one. But, again it depends on the underlying businesses.
Regarding tech. Its only a matter of time before there must be a correction. The values are way too high.

10thofMay 12:01 Wed Jul 8
Re: Another investment thread
Agreed, Health care seems a good investment at the moment and tech funds are looking okay too.

I am a bit biased towards Fidelity funds as they seem to have done well for me over the years. They have a UK small business fund which has performed well over the last 5 years.

BRANDED 11:51 Wed Jul 8
Re: Another investment thread

BRANDED 11:50 Wed Jul 8
Re: Another investment thread
Yes. they are good funds full of great companies. The only issue is what happens to the value of the Euro. Well,thats already dropped a lot but the quantitative easing has more than made up for that.
I have a speed of funds that are biased towards the UK but nearly all the companies trade world wide and gain and lose in equal measure to world issues. However, if you think people need tooth brushes or cat food or toilet paper its not too hard to work out where to invest.

10thofMay 11:44 Wed Jul 8
Re: Another investment thread
Will you keep them there if there is a Greek exit form the Euro?

BRANDED 11:42 Wed Jul 8
Re: Another investment thread
Funnily enough my European funds have done really well since they started quantitative easing in Europe. I doubt any of the companies are Greek and most are household names run well.

10thofMay 11:35 Wed Jul 8
Re: Another investment thread
Thx once again Branded. I intend to stay out of European funds all together or anything priced in Euros!

BRANDED 11:20 Wed Jul 8
Re: Another investment thread
One good word of advice would be avoid greek investment funds.

BRANDED 11:17 Wed Jul 8
Re: Another investment thread
Yeah. Fundsmith uses the Warren Buffet principles. Invest in the best companies that are run superbly that make loads of money and use it very wisely. Then keep a very close eye on them to ensure they're always delivering the highest posible standards. Watch that they are not bowing to market pressures to di the unwise or unusual.

Darby_ 10:54 Wed Jul 8
Re: Another investment thread
I've said it before. Learn Buffett-style value investing. Otherwise the stock market is a bit of a casino.


BRANDED 10:48 Wed Jul 8
Re: Another investment thread
Any fund can perform well in the sort term. If you're buying and holding then I'd look at fundsmith. There are a number of other funds that invest in indervalued quality companies. I've done well with Fundsmith but its not great at the moment. But that's the short term. A huge amount of money has gone into these kind of funds. The big risk is one day it may come out.

10thofMay 10:41 Wed Jul 8
Re: Another investment thread
Thx Branded,

I understand what you mean about the fund managers. Anthony Bolton at Fidelity was the best with his special sits fund until he fucked off to China.

However, if you were looking at a series of funds performance would you weight its performance over a shorter time period or longer time period?

I am looking to invest over the longer term not the shorter term if that makes any difference.

Cony Tottee 10:33 Wed Jul 8
Re: Another investment thread
Surely the answer is Pork Bellies and Orange Juice?

BRANDED 10:10 Wed Jul 8
Re: Another investment thread
If you intend investing and holding for a long term looking at historical data is relevant. If it meets the criteria that you have set for yourself in investment it gives you greater confidence. However, you can never really prepare for massive shocks except if you see one coming.
If I was you I'd wait to see what happens in the Greek situation and invest if it crashes. If it seems like there'll be no crash invest.

The hard bit is deviding what your onvestment criteria should be. I got for the best performing find managers over time. They will give you around 10-15% increase on average per year over time.

Even with much beter knowledge it can be hard to beat as I've learnt over the years.

10thofMay 10:02 Wed Jul 8
Re: Another investment thread
Trouble is my money is already invested. Some funds haven't performed as well as I would like so I would like to switch some of them.

Anyway, thanks for your help (including the nuts warning!)

Sir Alex 9:07 Wed Jul 8
Re: Another investment thread
No value in the market.

Monk~koknee 8:55 Wed Jul 8
Re: Another investment thread
Past performance is no guarantee of future results. Your home is at risk if you do not keep up repayments on a mortgage or other loan secured on it. May contain nuts.

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