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Sydney_Iron 2:00 Wed Jul 29
Aussie footballer will quit if fans don’t stop booing him.
Kept going on about how he didn’t like being booed, so what happens from opposition fans every time he plays????????

Stupid cunt only came out today and said, he is thinking of retiring as he is always booed by the opposition fans, oh and it down to racism?


Replies - Newest Posts First (Show In Chronological Order)

Seamus 11:20 Thu Jul 30
Re: Aussie footballer will quit if fans don’t stop booing him.
'what was acceptable years ago isn’t now, but all these groups also need to move on and stop blaming the current generation for the wrongs of there forefathers, we have acknowledged, apologised and changed for the better but some still wont let go.

So you agree calling him an ape is unacceptable , this girl didn't dream this up, she has heard others calling him an ape , probably her parents and peers who must be in a society where it is ok to call indigenous people apes.

It certainly wouldn't be acceptable in the UK to call a black person an ape, one could argue it's worse calling it to a person who's indigenous to the land ..

Denial is a river in Egypt ..

Alfie 1:55 Thu Jul 30
Re: Aussie footballer will quit if fans don’t stop booing him.
Is it true also that koalas are kicked to death at such gatherings before being set alight and then a game is set up whereby their little carbonised bodies have to be underarm thrown into the pouches of tranquilized kangaroos?

Afterwards the spirit of michael hutchene is summoned up when a frickin flamin galaa has a tangerine sellotaped to its snout and a rubberized gimp suit is then flung at it from a passing ute, before it is then driven into the woods by having snags thrown up its flanks by jason donovan who is clearly more bugled up than the band of the royal engineers

Alfie 1:46 Thu Jul 30
Re: Aussie footballer will quit if fans don’t stop booing him.
Is it true that at half time during aussie football they all meet at the centrecircle, set up a rudimentary outdoors cooking platform and then proceed to burnish snags shrimps n koala with fire in a quaint outdoors procedure known as 'avin a feed at the fucken barbie'

Is it not also true that this is done beneath brimmed hats with string hung corks danglin neath, whilst slagging off the english and calling one another cobber in the spirit of classless mateship sprung up from the quaint sense of colonial inferiority harboured since the days of sail hung boats and far flung penal banishment colonies. All done whilst slugging back tinnies and laropping abbos with fucken cricket bats and behaving in a fashion where neighbours become good friends?

Or is that untruth and cliche?

Ronald_antly 1:20 Thu Jul 30
Re: Aussie footballer will quit if fans don’t stop booing him.
we? our?

You're sounding like Banjo.

The "Sorry" was an Australian government deal. For the record, I thought it was vacuous.

There's still plenty of people who have a grubby attitude to life, and they're the kind that Goodes is trying to throw the spotlight on.
They're really just using it is a means to get under his skin, I reckon, but it's overstepping the mark.

Sydney_Iron 1:04 Thu Jul 30
Re: Aussie footballer will quit if fans don’t stop booing him.
Yes Ron, I do get that point but also see the other side of the argument as well.

Australia as a country has acknowledged its wrong in the past with the indigenous population, but its down to our forefathers not us, we have rightly said sorry and continue to try and improve every aspect of life and integration into modern Australia for them and all who live or migrate here but we cant change the past, you will always get the mongs but there best ignored, Goodes and co choose otherwise and its almost as if they want to tar everyone with the same brush, then wonder why they get booed.

As to my use of the English language, well it’s ALMOST perfect!

Ronald_antly 12:51 Thu Jul 30
Re: Aussie footballer will quit if fans don’t stop booing him.
I think you've got it wrong here, Squiddly, and I'm not just talking about your spelling.

With regard to the 13 year old calling him an ape, my initial thoughts were that he should just ignore it.
But, on reflection, it occurred to me that I haven't lived a life of being on the receiving end of racial abuse, so who am I to judge him.
He probably wanted to shame the parents/guardians of that child which is entirely appropriate.

Sydney_Iron 12:29 Thu Jul 30
Re: Aussie footballer will quit if fans don’t stop booing him.
That’s right manic, but that also highlights that the world is full of mongs who say stupid things and are best ignored, problem with some of those that feel they are discriminated against or victims of Racism is they wont let go, don’t seem to get it’s a very small minority that think this way, they almost revel in playing the victim at every opportunity.

manic 12:10 Thu Jul 30
Re: Aussie footballer will quit if fans don’t stop booing him.
The Maori do the Huka and no one gives a shit,

Of course this is the headline picked - not some white bloke telling Goodes that he should be deported

Sydney_Iron 12:08 Thu Jul 30
Re: Aussie footballer will quit if fans don’t stop booing him.
Yeah, that’s right it’s deep rooted Racism! just like the Gay community say there is deep rooted homophobia, certain religious groups will tell you there is deep rooted discrimination against them, even some woman’s groups say they are discriminated against as well, you could go on and on with them, gingers, the disabled, Irish, amputees blah blah blah

Thing is they are all right if you look back in history, but our society is gradually getting more tolerant and accepting and what was acceptable years ago isn’t now, but all these groups also need to move on and stop blaming the current generation for the wrongs of there forefathers, we have acknowledged, apologised and changed for the better but some still wont let go.

Goodes and co are quite happy to have a dig all the time, Australia day is invasion day, the day they lost there country and the white man destroyed there way of life, they will do war dances on the pitch and throw imaginary spears at the crowd and then they wonder why they get abuses?, plenty of wrong has been done to the aboriginal, plenty of apologies and acceptance of that has been forthcoming but no one can change the past.

Sven Roeder 10:20 Wed Jul 29
Re: Aussie footballer will quit if fans don’t stop booing him.
The funny thing is that Australian Rules football is probably the one area of Aust society where Aboriginal people get any sort of respect but that's only if they keep their mouths shut and just entertain.
Some of them like Buddy Franklin and Cyril Rioli are just incredible athletes and the history of the game has some of them as the biggest ever stars ... Graham Farmer , Barry Cable etc

Goodes and someone like Nicky Winmar who once confronted a whole stand of racist abusers at Collingwood are thought of divisive as they won't stay in their box and take the abuse.

Seamus 9:53 Wed Jul 29
Re: Aussie footballer will quit if fans don’t stop booing him.
The outcry here by Aussies is because they feel threatened to be confronted with their deep rooted racism.
Goodes has done fuck all wrong here only bring attention to the racism directed at the indigenous people . I lived in Oz for seven years, Abos ( as they are called, a racist term in itself, think the term pakis ) are treated like second citizens & fair play to Goodes as a high profile 'abo' for calling it...
It's institiutional racism coming from a 13 year old...think about it.

Marston Hammer 7:40 Wed Jul 29
Re: Aussie footballer will quit if fans don’t stop booing him.
How should he have dealt with it differently? He pointed it out to a steward, I would've that that was fairly standard.

Far Cough 7:19 Wed Jul 29
Re: Aussie footballer will quit if fans don’t stop booing him.
I know exactly what it means, what the fuck does "is she the only racist person in Australia" have to do with this argument

ironsofcanada 7:16 Wed Jul 29
Re: Aussie footballer will quit if fans don’t stop booing him.
Far Cough 7:14 Wed Jul 29

Not sure you know what that phrase actually means.

People (the antecedent of "their") in Australia have been using that too boo him, yes or no?

Far Cough 7:14 Wed Jul 29
Re: Aussie footballer will quit if fans don’t stop booing him.
Another straw man


ironsofcanada 7:12 Wed Jul 29
Re: Aussie footballer will quit if fans don’t stop booing him.
Far Cough 7:10 Wed Jul 29

She is the only racist person in Australia?

Far Cough 7:10 Wed Jul 29
Re: Aussie footballer will quit if fans don’t stop booing him.
*Her racism

ironsofcanada 7:10 Wed Jul 29
Re: Aussie footballer will quit if fans don’t stop booing him.
Far Cough 7:08 Wed Jul 29

And if he handled it better, people would not be using it a crutch to justify their racism.

Far Cough 7:08 Wed Jul 29
Re: Aussie footballer will quit if fans don’t stop booing him.
She in effect outed herself, that's what happens when you do disagreeable things in PUBLIC

ironsofcanada 7:06 Wed Jul 29
Re: Aussie footballer will quit if fans don’t stop booing him.
Far Cough 7:04 Wed Jul 29

Names, names names, right. Is this not what this all about?

I think he could have dealt with it better for her and the cause in general's sakes.

Deal with it.

Far Cough 7:04 Wed Jul 29
Re: Aussie footballer will quit if fans don’t stop booing him.
Listen you fuckwit, if she hadn't have called the bloke an ape in PUBLIC, then we wouldn't be having this argument but she did and she was rightfully shamed

Deal with it

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