WHO Poll

Stories from WHO you have stolen as your own
I keep trying to pass off Belstaffs one of his mate jetskiing back to London off his head on pills.

Basically make it any Med holiday tale and say I was in magaluf and.... 'my mate was so fucked up he tried to jet ski back to London off his head'.

That was a goodie but I don't think anyone believed it.

What have you told from here?

Replies - Newest Posts First (Show In Chronological Order)

Dick Shaftsbury 12:01 Fri Feb 23
Re: Stories from WHO you have stolen as your own
lab 9:07 Wed Feb 21
Re: Stories from WHO you have stolen as your own

I can’t remember the wording or indeed the story ….but there was a poster about to do some bird in the rear but changed his mind because it looked like the top of a Daddy’s sauce bottle .

LOL that's fucking hilarious.

bruuuno 3:27 Fri Feb 23
Re: Stories from WHO you have stolen as your own
I’ve used the shoes falling out of the attic as well it’s a great description.

I think the Spanish foggy island cunts bloke stopped posting after he asked if anyone wanted to meet up for a pint before a game and got roundly cunted off.

mashed in maryland 10:52 Thu Feb 22
Re: Stories from WHO you have stolen as your own

Leonard Hatred 12:05 Wed Feb 21

Was it you who described having a shit like "a load of old shoes falling out of an attic"?

I've used that if so

lab 9:07 Wed Feb 21
Re: Stories from WHO you have stolen as your own
I can’t remember the wording or indeed the story ….but there was a poster about to do some bird in the rear but changed his mind because it looked like the top of a Daddy’s sauce bottle .

Alfs 4:52 Wed Feb 21
Re: Stories from WHO you have stolen as your own
I wrote a film script that had a horse race scene in it, and called one of the horses Lord Zoltan, but the thing never got made.

Another three years that I was paid to waste my fucking time.

Leonard Hatred 1:14 Wed Feb 21
Re: Stories from WHO you have stolen as your own
Circa 2007, for some reason a poster on here had my phone number.

He rang me at pub closing time, to give me some abuse.

Although unprepared, I shouted blue language at him by way of reply.

By the end of the conversation we were pissing ourselves laughing about it.

This happened several times over a period of about 9 months.

He would call me, from a noisy pub, we would call each other cunts, laugh about it, then hang up.

To this day I don't know who he was 🤔

Nurse Ratched 1:14 Wed Feb 21
Re: Stories from WHO you have stolen as your own
Spanish, that's it. Well remembered. Or someone pretending to be a Spaniard, at any rate.

collyrob 1:04 Wed Feb 21
Re: Stories from WHO you have stolen as your own
Wasn’t foggy island cunts, from some Spanish poster?

I told my mates years ago that Joanna lumley had a rubber arsehole from reading it on here😂

Nurse Ratched 12:57 Wed Feb 21
Re: Stories from WHO you have stolen as your own
Might have been. The 'character' was along those lines.

Leonard Hatred 12:55 Wed Feb 21
Re: Stories from WHO you have stolen as your own


The pretend Turk?

Leonard Hatred 12:53 Wed Feb 21
Re: Stories from WHO you have stolen as your own
Best insult ever was "fuck off Davies you Scotch egg faced cunt".

Nurse Ratched 12:48 Wed Feb 21
Re: Stories from WHO you have stolen as your own
I was genuinely pleased and proud to be included in the insult "You foggy island c##ts" Who was that again?

ooooh Morley Morley 12:40 Wed Feb 21
Re: Stories from WHO you have stolen as your own
I sometimes tell strangers I’m a cube headed failed estate agent.

Leonard Hatred 12:05 Wed Feb 21
Re: Stories from WHO you have stolen as your own
I am single-handedly responsible for introducing FMOB into contemporary English vernacular.

Hammer and Pickle 11:58 Tue Feb 20
Re: Stories from WHO you have stolen as your own
People still demand an explanation when I express surprise with a FOMB.

mallard 11:42 Tue Feb 20
Re: Stories from WHO you have stolen as your own
If someone asks a technical question at work, I’ll often suggest the knob wiping remedy

Gentile 11:28 Tue Feb 20
Re: Stories from WHO you have stolen as your own
I've Zoltanerered a lot.

Hammer I am 11:15 Tue Feb 20
Re: Stories from WHO you have stolen as your own
Yeah fuck me this is 7 years old

Hammer I am 11:13 Tue Feb 20
Re: Stories from WHO you have stolen as your own
Well confused, this is a years old thread right? That's someone coincidentally dug up at a similar date!?

Hammer and Pickle 10:56 Tue Feb 20
Re: Stories from WHO you have stolen as your own
Ah the Mornington Crescent threads! Ah Cameltoe!

Leonard Hatred 10:53 Tue Feb 20
Re: Stories from WHO you have stolen as your own
The site is on it's arse these days which is a shame, but there has been some genuine genius stuff on here over the years

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