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claret on my shirt 7:54 Wed Mar 16
Jamie Oliver and the Sugar tax
I hated this cock before today but i hate him even more now along with probably every kid in the UK. The guy is celebrating after helping to add yet another Tax to the UK, fucking cock.

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New Jersey 8:46 Fri Mar 18
Re: Jamie Oliver and the Sugar tax
I don't get all this breakfast club bollocks at schools. It surely isn't the hardest thing in the world at home to get a packet of some sort of cereal and pour some semi-skimmed milk on it ffs!

Lots of primary schools in Scotland are pioneering a morning mile, getting all the kids to do a walk/run in the morning before lessons, didn't think that was a bad idea from the sweaties. They robably have a deep fried mars bar at lunch as a treat though!

SurfaceAgentX2Zero 8:23 Fri Mar 18
Re: Jamie Oliver and the Sugar tax

And while we are on the subject, can you show us your projection of just how much of the cost of free breakfast clubs is going to be raised by a doubling of the sugar tax?

Are you now a believer in the magic money tree?

SurfaceAgentX2Zero 8:20 Fri Mar 18
Re: Jamie Oliver and the Sugar tax
After8 7:25 Fri Mar 18


'Id like to see the tax doubled actually and for the state to provide funding for free breakfast clubs for children so each child has a nutritious breakfast not full of crap and starts the day right.'

I you sure you are really a Tory? Only this is the sort of high tax, nanny-state guff the other lot usually bangs on about.

orwells tragedy 8:20 Fri Mar 18
Re: Jamie Oliver and the Sugar tax
'A muffin contains around 500 calories - so you would have to run for five miles or walk for 10 miles to burn it off' Dr Michael Mosely.

SurfaceAgentX2Zero 8:18 Fri Mar 18
Re: Jamie Oliver and the Sugar tax
After8 8:02 Fri Mar 18.

'We've always been a coalition and a broad church. Why can't you accept that?'

'Always'? I don't think so.

Tell me, is this acceptance of the Conservative Party as a broad church exemplified by David Cameron's referring to a large section of it as 'swivel-eyed loons', causing 4 million of them to fuck off to UKIP?

Big Bubble 8:17 Fri Mar 18
Re: Jamie Oliver and the Sugar tax
The amount of companies profiteering off food that they know is diabolical addictive shit is the problem here. It's akin to some giant taking a massive shit and we're all stood here with our mouths open. We seem to have adopted a culture of fat cunts eating rubbish food in this country and at least this is some kind of step in trying to address this

RM10 8:11 Fri Mar 18
Re: Jamie Oliver and the Sugar tax
A8- im sick of paying for fatties? you are one big TWAT

After8 8:06 Fri Mar 18
Re: Jamie Oliver and the Sugar tax
But they're going to get exercise. That's the point.

Off The Shin 8:03 Fri Mar 18
Re: Jamie Oliver and the Sugar tax
This tax will do absolutely fuck all to cut down obesity in children. Think of all the shit we ate as kids , difference was we werent a bunch of lazy cunts. Regular exercise is all thats needed.

Anyone who thinks this tax will change kids health is a thick cunt in my book.

After8 8:02 Fri Mar 18
Re: Jamie Oliver and the Sugar tax
Then they can have more hermit.

I love how people like you think you've got the God given right to be the voice of the conservative party. You don't. Indeed no one does.

We've always been a coalition and a broad church. Why can't you accept that?

Hermit Road 7:58 Fri Mar 18
Re: Jamie Oliver and the Sugar tax
I haven't watched the video. I'm listening to Jihnny Cash and that ain't stopping for no fucker. If it says they're eating loads more sugar though, and that it's bad for them. Then it's probably right. They also don't seem to exercise much of though. Not when compared to us a their age.

orwells tragedy 7:43 Fri Mar 18
Re: Jamie Oliver and the Sugar tax
Hermit Road 6:41 Fri Mar 18

Sorry mate, you're wrong. I used to be the biggest critic in the world about fat people. Watch this:

Hermit Road 7:31 Fri Mar 18
Re: Jamie Oliver and the Sugar tax
The funding won't get kids more active. Extending the school day mwill result in more revision classes. Your party is asleep at the wheel. They think they only have to keep breathing to be elected next time. I think they're in for a shock and the previously unthinkable, a Corbyn-led government, could become a reality.

And they already have daily Maths lessons.

You are a reason why traditional Tories are despairing of the Conservative party. Trying to build an even bigger nanny state.

After8 7:25 Fri Mar 18
Re: Jamie Oliver and the Sugar tax
I'm glad the tax is coming in but I can't stand that hypocrite and smug git Jamie Oliver.

The funding is going to extend the school day and getting kids to exercise.

Id like to see the tax doubled actually and for the state to provide funding for free breakfast clubs for children so each child has a nutritious breakfast not full of crap and starts the day right. I'd also like to see language and maths lessons daily too.

I have no problem with the state extending the school day6so parents can goto work. Our economy would grow and if we had kids exercising more and eating healthy we would have less fat children growing up with health problems meaning they never work because they're too fat.

I'm sick of paying for fatties.

Darlo Debs 6:47 Fri Mar 18
Re: Jamie Oliver and the Sugar tax
I done that once when reading a Tom Sharpe book.

Nurse Ratched 6:45 Fri Mar 18
Re: Jamie Oliver and the Sugar tax
The phrase "a paedophile in every bush" made me bark with laughter. On a packed train. :-(

Darlo Debs 6:43 Fri Mar 18
Re: Jamie Oliver and the Sugar tax
Or get taken in a car the size of an armoured tank that probably knackers the lungs of the few kids that might be brave enough to walk to school.

Hermit Road 6:41 Fri Mar 18
Re: Jamie Oliver and the Sugar tax
The problem for kids today is more about how little they do than what they eat. Take going to school for example. We used to get our bus fare for the week and then walk to and from school every day so we could spend the money on sweets. The exercise more than made up for the sugar. Nowadays there's free bus travel in London and kids get a bus 1 or 2 stops. I shit you not.

Darlo Debs 6:36 Fri Mar 18
Re: Jamie Oliver and the Sugar tax
Us parents are a paranoid bunch to be fair, We feel like we are being judged for being bad parents for letting our kids play out (though mine do in good weather, or if it snows) in case something should happen to them, but equally feel like we are being judged for being bad for letting them be home using tech etc.
Parents are a nightmare for being judgemental about other people's parenting.

mashed in maryland 5:28 Fri Mar 18
Re: Jamie Oliver and the Sugar tax
Irvine Welsh's newish book Sex Lives of Siamese Twins covers the issue of obesity quite a fair bit.

Quite a unique take on it all.

BRANDED 5:25 Fri Mar 18
Re: Jamie Oliver and the Sugar tax
The main fact is there are loads of fat cunts and those of us who pay taxes don't want to pay for their I'll health.

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