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geoffpikey 10:53 Thu Aug 25
DAvid Gold on TALKSPORT just now
"Atmosphere at OS better than Upton Park, especially under lights..."

"Hope to bring in another midfielder..." "It's difficult."

Missing seats problems of last weekend solved.

Antonio "hates" (DG's word) playing at right back... but hints that is over. DG tips him for Englerand as a winger.

Payet very settled, not leaving, "he has a great manager and board of directors who care about him.".

NO MENTION OF A STRIKER. coming in, or the ones we have... apart from Carroll being the best in his position in England.

Otherwise, the usual positivity, of course.

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geoffpikey 1:17 Thu Aug 25
Re: DAvid Gold on TALKSPORT just now
I am not criticising DG for being vague, btw. Rather that than Sullivan gobbing off when HE is the one more involved in negotiations. Raises expectations than makes himself look inept when they don't happen. But that's been said time and time over.

I like Goldo.

logo 12:28 Thu Aug 25
Re: DAvid Gold on TALKSPORT just now
El Scorchio 11:45 Thu Aug 25

Bang on.

penners28 12:01 Thu Aug 25
Re: DAvid Gold on TALKSPORT just now
think of what they have done for us though. i might tweet him to tell him.

Mike Oxsaw 11:58 Thu Aug 25
Re: DAvid Gold on TALKSPORT just now
Profile of a typical 21st Century West Ham fan:

"There's the way I think things should be done, and there's the wrong way things are done."

El Scorchio 11:45 Thu Aug 25
Re: DAvid Gold on TALKSPORT just now
Well, we often criticise Sullivan and JR for being too specific on targets.

We shouldn't then criticise Gold for being a bit vague.

franksfat&slow&wank 11:36 Thu Aug 25
Re: DAvid Gold on TALKSPORT just now
why didn't he tell the UK who we were trying to buy, very slack of him

Grumpster 11:36 Thu Aug 25
Re: DAvid Gold on TALKSPORT just now
Our owners might get a big of credit one day.

geoffpikey 11:34 Thu Aug 25
Re: DAvid Gold on TALKSPORT just now
Cheers Fake. Yeah, "vague" was the word.

ludo21 11:34 Thu Aug 25
Re: DAvid Gold on TALKSPORT just now
Thought he came across very well.

Also said that he and DS had no intention of selling and would 'be there until they died'. (which I appreciate means nothing but it's nice to hear!)

geoffpikey 11:33 Thu Aug 25
Re: DAvid Gold on TALKSPORT just now
He more or less said that. Asked about Allardyce picking WHU players and mentioned Carroll ("best in England in that position" or suchlike), Nobes ("Mr Reliable") and Antonio, as a winger. It will no doubt be on TS website later. Just reporting it. Didn't warrant Transfer Thread!

Fake 11:31 Thu Aug 25
Re: DAvid Gold on TALKSPORT just now
Actually Brazil's first question was asking him about bony . His response was a little vague, something about bad injuries and looking to get someone in but no specifics.

Hermit Road 11:30 Thu Aug 25
Re: DAvid Gold on TALKSPORT just now
Antonio should be playing for England as a winger.

geoffpikey 11:28 Thu Aug 25
Re: DAvid Gold on TALKSPORT just now
Brazil's questions were shit, of course.

To be fair to DG, he DOESN'T volunteer unhelpful gossip/rash statements, usually just answers what he's asked.

He wasn't asked about Rem/Bony/Zaza from what I heard.

Steven P 11:05 Thu Aug 25
Re: DAvid Gold on TALKSPORT just now
I don't know what people expect. He is hardly going to slag off the new ground and people moan when he talks about our transfer dealings and now moaning when he doesn't...

Mr. Burns 11:04 Thu Aug 25
Re: DAvid Gold on TALKSPORT just now
Bit like you on fixtures then.

Gavros 11:04 Thu Aug 25
Re: DAvid Gold on TALKSPORT just now
he's out of the loop on transfers.

Mr. Burns 11:01 Thu Aug 25
Re: DAvid Gold on TALKSPORT just now
"Hope to bring in another midfielder..." "It's difficult."

He's over here now isn't he? Does he actually know what's going on?

logo 10:58 Thu Aug 25
Re: DAvid Gold on TALKSPORT just now
To be honest, the area he is in, does have a better atmosphere than UP when comparing it like for like.

But in general terms, not a chance. UP on an evening under the lights will never be beaten, by anyone.

Kidders 10:56 Thu Aug 25
Re: DAvid Gold on TALKSPORT just now
So he can tell after 3 games the atmospheres better than UP, what a deluded old c..t.

BulphanIron 10:55 Thu Aug 25
Re: DAvid Gold on TALKSPORT just now
"Atmosphere at OS better than Upton Park, especially under lights..."

Haha at least he's still got a sense of humour in his old age!

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