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iphammer 1:28 Sat Aug 27
Saturday 5K ParkRun
Anyone on here take part in the Saturday 5K ParkRuns?

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Gavros 1:39 Sun Sep 10
Re: Saturday 5K ParkRun
I got into running every day and conditioned myself to be used to a running speed of 15 kmh. Dependent on how I'd feel id then speed up in the last couple of ks till I was literally sprinting the last couple of hundred metres.

The old sciatica and fucked knees have put an end to that though.

Grumpster 10:23 Sat Sep 9
Re: Saturday 5K ParkRun
I could run 5k in 17 mins back in the day and literally it was how I was born, as it came naturally.

Can get as fit as you like, but it doesn't make your legs go any faster.

Doubt I could break 30 minutes now :o(

Two chaps done Southend today in 14 mins. Was watching and was a decent race with just 3 seconds between them. Great effort.

lowermarshhammer 9:54 Sat Sep 9
Re: Saturday 5K ParkRun
Also to be FAST, sub 20, you need to be running even splits on your km times.

When I have run my best times I have had to charge the first three km at even pace, tail off in the 4th and come back strong in the 5th.

Very difficult to keep the maximum effort up equally for every km.

lowermarshhammer 9:48 Sat Sep 9
Re: Saturday 5K ParkRun

The effort required to take time down by a minute increases massively as you get faster.

I've done a lot of sub 22 runs, only three times have I been sub 21 and to be honest they were brutally painful.

For.years I considered sub 20 to be the holy grail but realistically that is not going to happen despite only being 23 secs off a pb recently

To get FAST if you are not young (under 30) I think you really need to dedicate the whole way, diet, gym and training.

Think I could go sub 20 even though I am late 40''s but only if I the regime of an elite athlete for between 6 and 12 months.

And I like crisps, pistachios and beer too much to want to do that.

madeeasy 6:40 Sat Sep 9
Re: Saturday 5K ParkRun
Gavros. How do you get down to that.

I am looking to do a half marathon in October and feel I can get to do it in 1hr 35. Which is about 7 min mile

But to do 18 mins is just over 6 min miling that's fast.

How do you train to get down to that sort of speed?

Gavros 6:23 Sat Sep 9
Re: Saturday 5K ParkRun
My 5k PB is 18.16

Closer to 30 at the moment though.

madeeasy 6:06 Sat Sep 9
Re: Saturday 5K ParkRun
Thanks for starting this thread iphammer

Did my first one this morning. I ran 5k to the park as a warm up.25 mins

Then ran the 5k in 23.04.

Looking forward to next week. Want to get under 20 mins

Alwaysaniron 4:41 Thu Sep 7
Re: Saturday 5K ParkRun
I'm fat and old but love them. Ours has a couple of nasty little climbs in it and my PB is 26,28 which will do for me (at 57 and 16 stone it aint too shabby) My 7 year old did it in 25.16 which sort of puts it into perspective.

ivan 2:43 Thu Sep 7
Re: Saturday 5K ParkRun
sounds like fun !

madeeasy 2:29 Thu Sep 7
Re: Saturday 5K ParkRun
ivan , when you do spin for the first time, it is really important to give 100% from the start.......

you'll be sick within 5 mins!!

great exercise class but only if you have a good instructor

ivan 2:11 Thu Sep 7
Re: Saturday 5K ParkRun
Some really good times on here.I'm actually thinking about joining a gym to get my core strength up.Also want to do a spinning class.Anything to improve !

madeeasy 1:37 Thu Sep 7
Re: Saturday 5K ParkRun
signed up 2 years ago and never done one.

this thread has got my arse in gear and doing my first one this saturday.

wont be a pb though as she wants me to run it with her....

pb is 20.22 in Barbados and 30 degree heat in the middle of the afternoon, after i had done an 8 mile run in the morning....

Cony Tottee 1:34 Thu Sep 7
Re: Saturday 5K ParkRun
Ran my first one at Thurrock a few weeks ago, 21.25 which I was pretty pleased with.

Not sure if I can be bothered to drive to others but who knows.

Dudley Moore 6:23 Wed Sep 6
Re: Saturday 5K ParkRun
Parkrun is great. I tend to flit between Thurrock, Barking and Basildon. 22:49 my PB, but looking to get that down into the 21's sharpish.
Believe the record is held by Andrew Baddeley at 13:48! Incredible.
Agree with a previous post, Hadleigh and Hockley are widely regarded as two of the toughest around, but still have to be done.
However, 9am starts on a Saturday are not really for me, so really have to push my self out of the door.

G-IRONS 10:54 Tue Sep 5
Re: Saturday 5K ParkRun
I do the Basildon one at Northlands park now and again.Mainly pathway but about a third on grass.Gets about 150-200 runners depending on the weather,my PB is crap as i'm a fat bastard and approaching old coggery.

Northern Sold 6:46 Tue Sep 5
Re: Saturday 5K ParkRun
Dancer....if I ever meet you I will stick a knitting needle through your liver.... you can have that as a given... you bring fuck all to this site apart from S T A L K I N G... you fucking hermaphrodite fucker...

Private Dancer 6:43 Tue Sep 5
Re: Saturday 5K ParkRun
Please fuck off, Sold, or fuck off back to America. This site is so much better without you cluttering up every fucking thread. You're a self obsessed cunt.

Northern Sold 6:39 Tue Sep 5
Re: Saturday 5K ParkRun
Grumps.... my missus and my daughters boyfriend runs the Southend one over East beach.... he runs it in 19 mins... my missus is a day and a half

Mace66 1:54 Tue Sep 5
Re: Saturday 5K ParkRun
My local parkrun started with about 20 runners 4 years ago and now gets about 200, they've grown and enormously over the years.

17:20 is my quickest

Grumpster 12:46 Tue Sep 5
Re: Saturday 5K ParkRun
Just signed up to do the Southend one this Saturday.

Should be fun considering I haven't run 5k for around 15 years.

The winner last week done it in 14 mins 42 seconds!!!

Grumpster 11:56 Tue Sep 5
Re: Saturday 5K ParkRun
I weighed about 9 stone back then Ivan as I didn't really drink lager until I was 21 and took my running and swimming very very seriously.

20 years on, 4 stone heavier and I now instead take my lager drinking very very seriously ;o)

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