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Big Tel 3:34 Tue Oct 4
ched evans
Retrial starting now. If it turns out he ain't done it, it will have fucked up his career anyway

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penners28 4:37 Thu Oct 27
Re: ched evans
You ok hun?

SurfaceAgentX2Zero 4:21 Thu Oct 27
Re: ched evans
Just in case, I also contacted ALL of the national newspapers who ALL revealed the contents of the non-existent tweets and have luckily not been sued by the 'victim'.

You can accuse me of a lot of things, but on this occasion you certainly can't accuse me of not thinking ahead.

SurfaceAgentX2Zero 4:17 Thu Oct 27
Re: ched evans
Yes. Everybody made them up and is a liar except you- especially me.
A year ago I formed a team of people all over the country who spent their days placing links to a spurious section of Ched Evans site (also to the blog of a guy named Mike Ross who originally hacked them). I formed another team of people to say, 'thanks very much for that' to those posts and a third team to hack into sites and delete all the posts that said, 'there is no such page'

I arranged this just on the off chance that you would challenge the lie I had already invented but wasn't going to use for a year.

penners28 12:25 Thu Oct 27
Re: ched evans
are these the same tweets never submitted as evidence during the trial...

kirok1 12:08 Thu Oct 27
Re: ched evans
Are these the ones where she said about buying minis because she had someone on tap?

Marston Hammer 11:48 Thu Oct 27
Re: ched evans
what did the tweets say?

SurfaceAgentX2Zero 11:45 Thu Oct 27
Re: ched evans
I saw the tweets on this page, since delete.


I'm sure you will claim that I'm a liar and that the page never existed, along with all the other people who have posted up the link to the page. These links an be found by pasting the above URL into the Google search box and clicking the little symbol next to it that looks like a magnifying glass.

Alfs 8:26 Wed Oct 26
Re: ched evans
So if she only went to the police to report her handbag being stolen, how did it emerge that she'd been 'raped'.

Bird - I'd like to report that my handbag was stolen.

Desk Sergeant - Certainly madam. Is there anything else you'd like to report?

Bird - Like what?

Desk Sergeant - I don't know, erm, being raped by a professional footballer for instance?

Bird - Not that I remember.... Though I did SEE a footballer at the pizza parlour, but after that my mind is a blank.

Desk Sergeant - Hmmm. Phillips, get this young lady to the rape suite. I have a bad feeling about this.

Bird - But....

Phillips - This way, madam.

Trevor B 1:25 Wed Oct 26
Re: ched evans
OM and MPH

Surface is a quantitative mathematician. That should tell you all you need to know.

ManorParkHammer 1:37 Tue Oct 25
Re: ched evans
Has to be IT related.

Been getting Garth Marengi in The Office vibes for years.

ManorParkHammer 1:36 Tue Oct 25
Re: ched evans
So, you dont have an answer.

Hope you dont have daughters.

Something not quite right about you.

penners28 1:35 Tue Oct 25
Re: ched evans
you saw the tweets surface? so on the ched evans appeal site there were screenshots of the tweets? didnt know that. post up a link will you...

ps - she had no recollection of what happened so couldnt say whether she was raped or not. do people not understand the facts of this case?

SurfaceAgentX2Zero 1:33 Tue Oct 25
Re: ched evans
ManorParkHammer 1:23 Tue Oct 25

You're pissed early MPH.

SurfaceAgentX2Zero 1:33 Tue Oct 25
Re: ched evans
Actually, they were tweets not FB posts and they were published on Evans' website and several others between his original conviction and when a retrial was ordered

One McAvennieeeeee 1:25 Tue Oct 25
Re: ched evans
Surface is an expert on absolutely everything. Like a slightly less boring gavvy.

Would love to know what he does for a living. Anyone know?

ManorParkHammer 1:23 Tue Oct 25
Re: ched evans
Could she Surface?

My understanding that domestic violence victims cant, so why would rape victims?

Seriously interested to know the difference.

SurfaceAgentX2Zero 1:21 Tue Oct 25
Re: ched evans
penners28 12:35 Tue Oct 25

I've seen the FB posts.

And she could have stopped the case at any point by saying, 'I really don't think I was raped, you know, I do this sort of thing all the time'.

penners28 1:11 Tue Oct 25
Re: ched evans
Haha you're all over the shop. They decided she was a victim. She went to report a stolen handbag. She didnt allow him to be prosecuted.

Stop pretending to know about english law when you dont. Will save a lot of your time on this thread i reckon!

Willtell 12:56 Tue Oct 25
Re: ched evans
Of course I know that the CPS prosecute. You on the other hand, clearly don't know that the CPS only prosecute if they have a victim!!!

Now fuck off!

penners28 12:35 Tue Oct 25
Re: ched evans
ps - a witness for the defence confirmed she had blacked out before and had no recollection of what happened the previous night

pps - pointless now, but anyone actually see the fb mini posts etc?

penners28 12:33 Tue Oct 25
Re: ched evans
she allowed the case to go ahead? you do know the CPS prosecute dont you, not the victim?

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