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Troy McClure 5:16 Mon Jan 23
The Forgot-we-signed-them thread (90s edition)
Jones, Whitbread, Hall, Burrows,
Carr, Atteveld, Harkes, Marquis
Alves, Newell

Scott Mean

Remember going out the cup cos of Atteveld (Sunderland?)

Any other obscure ones?

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mallard 8:46 Wed Jan 25
Re: The Forgot-we-signed-them thread (90s edition)
What happened to that pretty boy Dani who scored the winner at WHL ?

tnb 8:32 Wed Jan 25
Re: The Forgot-we-signed-them thread (90s edition)

tnb 8:32 Wed Jan 25
Re: The Forgot-we-signed-them thread (90s edition)

I remember that too - was hilarious. I'm pretty sure he didn't speak a word of English either and certainly wouldn't have had a clue what 'Paul Kitson is a wanker' in an East Midlands accent meant.

They did look apookily similar, to be fair.

I remember the walk across godforsaken fucking wasteland to get out of the ground, too.

Alves really was fucking gash wasn't he, even in an era that saw Steve Jones and Mike Newell up front.

hammer205 8:23 Wed Jan 25
Re: The Forgot-we-signed-them thread (90s edition)
Alex Bunbury

Chi-townHammer 7:44 Wed Jan 25
Re: The Forgot-we-signed-them thread (90s edition)
Adrian Whitbread is currently manager of Puerto Rico FC in the NASL. I'm not sure it's as glamorous as it sounds.

PostmanPissed 2:31 Wed Jan 25
Re: The Forgot-we-signed-them thread (90s edition)
Paulo Alves

Remember him coming on as sub away at Derby, and their soppy crowd booing him thinking that it was Paul Kitson.

MikeHammer 1:01 Wed Jan 25
Re: The Forgot-we-signed-them thread (90s edition)
Axeman: surely you have the record for the furthest out ... we signed Jimmy (Jimmy) Neighbour in the 1970s !

theaxeman 12:44 Wed Jan 25
Re: The Forgot-we-signed-them thread (90s edition)
Jimmy Neighbour

nerd 12:32 Wed Jan 25
Re: The Forgot-we-signed-them thread (90s edition)
Simon webster

Garth Algar 12:03 Wed Jan 25
Re: The Forgot-we-signed-them thread (90s edition)

Beckton Bill 11:53 Tue Jan 24
Re: The Forgot-we-signed-them thread (90s edition)
The one and only Les Sealey!

hammer205 11:45 Tue Jan 24
Re: The Forgot-we-signed-them thread (90s edition)
Ralph Milne
Peter Shilton
MARCO boogers
Chris Hughton
Bernard lama

Garth Algar 11:36 Tue Jan 24
Re: The Forgot-we-signed-them thread (90s edition)

Garth Algar 11:34 Tue Jan 24
Re: The Forgot-we-signed-them thread (90s edition)
Mohammed BERTHE

Tomshardware 10:55 Tue Jan 24
Re: The Forgot-we-signed-them thread (90s edition)
Hugo Porfirio.

Vexed 7:53 Tue Jan 24
Re: The Forgot-we-signed-them thread (90s edition)
We can all consult Wikipedia Alex, I dont think thats in the spirit of the thread! I think he was still with us in the 90s right?

Alex G 7:30 Tue Jan 24
Re: The Forgot-we-signed-them thread (90s edition)
Vexed 10:28 Tue Jan 24

According to wikipedia he signed as an apprentice in 1989. Which also isn't in the nineties.

But if you want to extend this to apprentices who signed for us but never made a first team appearance then there's plenty you can pick from.

Troy McClure 4:50 Tue Jan 24
Re: The Forgot-we-signed-them thread (90s edition)
Yeah but they still "signed" for West Ham NS old son. Therefore I'd like your comment stricken from the record.

But yeah its not been my finest work

Northern Sold 4:47 Tue Jan 24
Re: The Forgot-we-signed-them thread (90s edition)
Troy... you left off Youth teamers that came through the system... this thread is a right royal fuck up

zico 4:14 Tue Jan 24
Re: The Forgot-we-signed-them thread (90s edition)
yngwies Cat 4:12 Tue Jan 24

Well he was a Viking!!!

yngwies Cat 4:12 Tue Jan 24
Re: The Forgot-we-signed-them thread (90s edition)
That's right mate. He was a monster in that game, won everything, was only a loan deal. He was quality.

Retired now and apparently played his last season with a Helmet on

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