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mashed in maryland 1:02 Thu Feb 2



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Northern Sold 3:40 Sat Feb 4
Re: Lampsy
My way of looking at classing players of any sport is at that time would they get in a world XI above anyone else.... in their position... for me Gerrard at his peak was a better player than Lampard... but i'm not sure I could have put them in a best XI even at their peak.... both magnificent club players .... but just did not do it at the top level on the world international stage... that's my way of classing world class... other people may think differently

Sven Roeder 3:15 Sat Feb 4
Re: Lampsy
To be honest I don't particularly care what we call Lampard besides a childish bitter cunt.

So is there anyone in that list that you think Keane would rank behind Lampard?
Actually I don't mind Keane as a pundit. Especially when he used to scare the shit out of Adrian Chiles.

Private Dancer 2:57 Sat Feb 4
Re: Lampsy
Sven - We get it, you know more than Roy Keane about what makes a world class footballer. Just accept that your opinion may not always be right and different to others. You have become a proper know it all on here these days. I never knew you were such an expert :-)

Tomshardware 2:48 Sat Feb 4
Re: Lampsy
The people calling him average are way off the mark. When the Russian took over at Chelsea all expected Lampard not to get a game, he went on to be one of their best players in their history. Just because you are in a good team with good players doesn't mean it's a given you'll score 15-20 goals from midfield every season. Maybe it's sheer hatred for the man thats forming some opinions on here. He was a very good footballer, very few will come close to scoring as many from midfield.

j.a 2:06 Sat Feb 4
Re: Lampsy
Gerrard was superior to Lampard by some distance.
Completely disagree that Gerrard never controlled games.

Sven Roeder 2:06 Sat Feb 4
Re: Lampsy
I'm guessing if Roy Keane had Lampard as world class he probably also had
G Neville
& possibly some other teammates

Private Dancer 1:45 Sat Feb 4
Re: Lampsy
It is a lazy term, I agree,- and I don't use it often myself and I suspect someone like Roy Keane doesn't eiher.

Yes, Xavi and Iniesta were world class midfielders, also in a good team that won lots, but hardly the only ones. IMO he operated at a very high standard consistently, including Europe, for a long time, This, with his all round game, and goals record does IMO does put him in the world class bracket.

Sven Roeder 1:25 Sat Feb 4
Re: Lampsy
Depends what your definition does of 'World class' is and where you want to set the bar.
I happen to think it's a lazy term thrown around too much and in terms of midfielders I put the likes of Xavi and Iniesta in it.
But not Lampard.
He was a very good player in a good team that won lots.
Some seem determined to place him higher.
Their choice

wanstead_hammer 1:09 Sat Feb 4
Re: Lampsy
The last goal v Southampton was another 'trademark lung-bursting run into the box'. In other words, a 4/5 yard stroll for a tap-in.
After Silva had helped set it up.

Went off 15 mins from the end (cream-crackered after all that walking).
After the game, Aguero was presented with the Golden Boot award on the pitch, but guess who got the headlines in the papers the next day cos they presented him with a shirt on the pitch?

Then said he could carry on for another couple of years in the premiership, but went to them other World class footballing giants, New York City FC. (He probably thought they was in the NFL where he could just come on and take all the dead ball kicks. After the adverts of course). Pirlo was in midfield by the way. Even got the headlines then. It was HIS New York City FC all
of a sudden, even though Viera was manager.

Has had everything put on a plate for him since he was a saucepan. (including plenty of meat puddings).

Nothing special. Overrated lazy fucker.

Just my opinion. That's all.

Anyway, enough about him,
COYI today.

collyrob 12:15 Sat Feb 4
Re: Lampsy
Gerard's best football was when he was playing behind Torres with masch and xabi doing all this work.

He's not a natural midfielder, and although he could win a match with a great strike he could never control a game.


In that order

Private Dancer 12:14 Sat Feb 4
Re: Lampsy
Two top ex-pro's who do not hand out praise lightly..

Jamie Carragher - “I have always said Steven Gerrard was born world class, whereas Frank became world class,” says Carragher.

Roy Keane - ''I never rated Lampard but now I think he’s world-class'' says Keane

Still, forget that, WHO and Sven Roeder know best.

j.a 11:58 Sat Feb 4
Re: Lampsy
Lampard, world class lol?

Private Dancer 11:48 Sat Feb 4
Re: Lampsy
Like I said already, why the comparison with Iniesta or anyone else?? I only spoke about Lampard on this thread, for some reason others are piping up ref other players I already said below he wasn't as good as him. Can you not be world class then if you are not as good as Iniesta? What a strange theory.

I'm saying that with all his attributes combined playing at the highest level for more than a decade made him a world class operator. Simple as that.

I also see you are also trying to de-value his goal record as he played just 'off' the striker. Laughable. Remember one thing, scoring goals is comfortably the most diffulcult thing to do in football, Lampard was amongst the best at that and a lot more.

geoffpikey 11:43 Sat Feb 4
Re: Lampsy
This thread has provided great entertainment. Well done WHOers!

Lampard scored his last Pl goal, his 177th, vs Southampton. Let's mark his football schooling by winning today: 0-177 (Snodgrass to get 34, nailed on).


Sven Roeder 11:41 Sat Feb 4
Re: Lampsy
Xavi scored 58 goals in 500 odd games and Iniesta has about 40 in 400 for Barcelona if you want to plug that into your GOALS = WORLD CLASS TABLE

Sven Roeder 11:37 Sat Feb 4
Re: Lampsy
So are you ranking Lampard above Silva?
Which player would you like to see against West Ham at their peak?
Obviously all players are different. Silva is more of a goal maker. Lampard played mainly in almost a second striker role.

And where are you ranking him against Xavi, Iniesta & Modric?

Private Dancer 11:33 Sat Feb 4
Re: Lampsy
37 goals in 207 games for Man City and you're telling me he's world class? Completely laughable.

Private Dancer 11:30 Sat Feb 4
Re: Lampsy
Ah the old world cup/euro winner chestnut. Is Fonte world class too? Oh so he ran a game up against Noble and co? Amazing that.

How many gmaes has he 'run' a game in the Champs league for Man City, this great world class player? I'll help you out, it's NONE.

And again, why doesn't he score more goals playing in a forward position for a top side? Tell me.

Sven Roeder 11:26 Sat Feb 4
Re: Lampsy
The double Euro & World Cup winner David Silva?
Reckon his reputation will look after itself.
You might have noticed him on Wednesday running the game.

Can anyone list Lampards 6 best world class important performances in major games?
Or his best 3 England games?

Private Dancer 11:03 Sat Feb 4
Re: Lampsy
Stewie - He may have not been incredibly brilliant at 1 particualry thing, but I think all of his attributes combined that he possesed made him a world class operator. How many 35 year old players do Man City buy by the way?

Sven - You are just listing silky players, but it's not just those types of players who are word class. If Silva is so great tell me why he doesn't score a lot more goals? Silva isn't even rated that highly in Spain.

Sven Roeder 10:36 Sat Feb 4
Re: Lampsy
I always thought of him as a classic icing on the cake player.
Never was one I worried about against us who was going to grab hold of a game ... like Drogba as mentioned .... or lift them to victory when others were struggling.

World class midfielders in recent years ...: Xavi, Iniesta, Modric , Silva for starters
Lampard wasn't at that level

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