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violator 4:24 Wed Mar 22
Incident at house of commons - 4 Dead.
Gunfire, people injured

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Hammer and Pickle 8:48 Fri Mar 31
Re: Incident at house of commons - 4 Dead.
Gavros is right about the power of nightmares.

And it happens on here every day.


Mart O 6:52 Fri Mar 31
Re: Incident at house of commons - 4 Dead.
Well, having your effigy burnt IS a form of celebration, I suppose. I'd settle for that.

Gavros 6:46 Fri Mar 31
Re: Incident at house of commons - 4 Dead.
muslims dont consider it a fireworks display unless there are severed body parts involved.

Sven Roeder 6:41 Fri Mar 31
Re: Incident at house of commons - 4 Dead.
Guy Fawkes is celebrated like an almost cartoonish figure from history with a dramatic story.
No one goes to a fireworks display and thinks about blowing up Parliament next week

Unless they are Muslims maybe

Gavros 6:04 Fri Mar 31
Re: Incident at house of commons - 4 Dead.
guy fawkes is more famous now than he has ever been

Mart O 5:58 Fri Mar 31
Re: Incident at house of commons - 4 Dead.
defjam 4:58 Fri Mar 31

''Before that you could put down Guy Fawkes as a terrorist act and he's celebrated here''

Guy Fawkes is celebrated ? Er, his failure and death might be. Him ? Not so much.

defjam 5:26 Fri Mar 31
Re: Incident at house of commons - 4 Dead.
Really? That wasn't that long ago.

I remember about 20 years ago i was going to Egypt with this bird and there was a load of attacks, i think a couple of bus loads of Germans got killed so my trip got cancelled.

I ended up going a few weeks later on my own, it was great, hardly any tourists.

simon.s 5:21 Fri Mar 31
Re: Incident at house of commons - 4 Dead.
Terrorism does come in all shapes and sizes, unfortunately. I saw a lot of stuff on social media last week, saying places like Tokyo never have to deal with this kind of problem. They obviously don't remember the sarin gas attack some years ago. Nowhere is immune from it, and it's not always the usual suspects.

defjam 5:19 Fri Mar 31
Re: Incident at house of commons - 4 Dead.
Just had to look that up Gavros, yes it seems so.
Why hasn't anyone told ISIS?

mashed in maryland 5:18 Fri Mar 31
Re: Incident at house of commons - 4 Dead.
Darby_ 2:33 Fri Mar 31

Many of them have views which if said by someone like Katie Hopkins or Tommy Robinson would have the liberal western left screaming about Hitler.

Islam needs reform and the biggest thing stopping it is the left deriding any criticism of anything Islamic as racist.

Gavros 5:15 Fri Mar 31
Re: Incident at house of commons - 4 Dead.
defjam 5:09 - Plus obviously they want to wipe out Western civilisation and create a Caliphate.

The chance of that happening ended on the 10th of October 732

defjam 5:11 Fri Mar 31
Re: Incident at house of commons - 4 Dead.
defjam 5:09 - Plus obviously they want to wipe out Western civilisation and create a Caliphate.

defjam 5:10 Fri Mar 31
Re: Incident at house of commons - 4 Dead.
Gavros 5:05 - Ok, I'll give it a bash! (Not like that!!)

defjam 5:09 Fri Mar 31
Re: Incident at house of commons - 4 Dead.
The problem in reality is the human mind.
It can succumb to brainwashing by an ideology or an idea that can quite easily turn into hate.
We all hate, we hate Millwall, Tottenham etc
If we kick off then that's only a step away from actually doing some real damage.
Football violence isn't that far away from terrorism, innocent people get hurt, buildings damaged but it's ok as most of the perpetrators are white.
Firms call each other to arrange fights, that's still organising chaos.
The terrorists just take it to an extreme.

Gavros 5:05 Fri Mar 31
Re: Incident at house of commons - 4 Dead.
Yes a three part series by Adam Curtis on the rise of fundamentalist islam and neoconservativism. Anyone who wants to have a view on the subject has to watch it.

Dolittle 5:01 Fri Mar 31
Re: Incident at house of commons - 4 Dead.
Catholics Protestants Hindus Jews and Buddhists kill plenty.

Religion in itself isn't a problem, its dogma mixed with tribal customs and fear of change thats making Islam dangerous

defjam 5:01 Fri Mar 31
Re: Incident at house of commons - 4 Dead.
Nope, what is it?

A docu?

Gavros 5:00 Fri Mar 31
Re: Incident at house of commons - 4 Dead.
Have you watched the power of nightmares, Def?

defjam 4:58 Fri Mar 31
Re: Incident at house of commons - 4 Dead.
'Here we go with all the 'let's not blame all Muslims...' when the foundations of Islam are the problem... '

How come they've only recently come to the forefront as terrorists then?

Only really since Al Qaeda, ISIS, Boko Haram etc that it's intensified, yes there were some in the 70's/80's etc obviously the lack of social media stopped the spread of panic

Before that you could put down Guy Fawkes as a terrorist act and he's celebrated here.

If you go to the U.S the spread of Christian fundamentalism is widespread, especially in the bible belt, you only have to look at the KKK, the Oklahoma bombing by Timothy McVeigh etc

I bet there are far more far right gun toting militia in the U.S than Radical muslims.

Side of Ham 4:53 Fri Mar 31
Re: Incident at house of commons - 4 Dead.
Anyways whats so special about this bar Allah goes to?

Gavros 4:45 Fri Mar 31
Re: Incident at house of commons - 4 Dead.
they should say 'science is great'

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