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madeeasy 12:42 Tue Jul 25
View from the opposition Questions Man u.
Gents, i have a change in work travel and i can commit to doing the VFO again this season, may need a bit of help.

Most people seem to like it but it does need some input. Please remember it is only as good as the questions given and the answers of those giving.

Could you please furnish me with your questions and do you have any man utd supporter friends that are happy to take part for us?

Ideally a man and a woman if we can and ideally they go to games....

Please furnish me with your questions and let's get this back and sorted.

Also mods if you could help with the formatting as per it would be appreciated, looks at defjam and Charely...

Replies - Newest Posts First (Show In Chronological Order)

BRANDED 8:30 Tue Aug 1
Re: View from the opposition Questions Man u.
Missing champions league?

Mike Oxsaw 8:15 Tue Aug 1
Re: View from the opposition Questions Man u.
Does Mr Rhino's set of favourite toadstools clash with the decor at the Theatre of Wet Dreams?

gph 2:10 Tue Aug 1
Re: View from the opposition Questions Man u.
Last answer from our perspective, obviously

gph 2:07 Tue Aug 1
Re: View from the opposition Questions Man u.
Giggs, to stop him scoring against us.

Goals FOR us would be a bonus

Takashi Miike 2:01 Tue Aug 1
Re: View from the opposition Questions Man u.
you can only sign one and the other four will never play for you............

Best, Charlton, Giggs, Cantona or Rinaldo?

and give your reason why

gph 2:01 Tue Aug 1
Re: View from the opposition Questions Man u.
"There's only one Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway."

Is that what you sang 1900-2, when we were United and you weren't?

Muggy Bonehead III 12:42 Tue Aug 1
Re: View from the opposition Questions Man u.
when are you lot gonna pay up for the free ventilation upgrade we gave your team coach?

cup of tea 5:38 Mon Jul 31
Re: View from the opposition Questions Man u.
What is it like to watch games played in a FOOTBALL stadium?

pulhampete 2:43 Mon Jul 31
Re: View from the opposition Questions Man u.
With the recent recruitment emphasis seeming to be on big,burley players - rather than skilful, nippy players, what's it like to be a posh Stoke?

claret upstart 2:33 Mon Jul 31
Re: View from the opposition Questions Man u.
What costs more, your season ticket or the petrol to get to home games?

joe blob 2:03 Mon Jul 31
Re: View form the opposition Questions Man u.
"sensible man u mate "

Isn't that an oxymoron?

Darby_ 1:19 Mon Jul 31
Re: View form the opposition Questions Man u.
How does it feel to be has-beens?

JonWHUFC 1:10 Mon Jul 31
Re: View form the opposition Questions Man u.
How cold is it living in City's shadow?

madeeasy 1:01 Mon Jul 31
Re: View form the opposition Questions Man u.
i have one person lined up to do them, anyone else got another person?


mallard 3:41 Sun Jul 30
Re: View form the opposition Questions Man u.
I may know a Southern Red who's up for a bit of banter - I'll ask him

madeeasy 3:10 Sun Jul 30
Re: View form the opposition Questions Man u.
Anyone got a sensible man u mate to do the questions?

Trevs Header 3:41 Fri Jul 28
Re: View form the opposition Questions Man u.
what problems do you encounter on your 400 mile round trip to your home ground

Saul Bollox 3:04 Fri Jul 28
Re: View form the opposition Questions Man u.
OK New question is:

Last year West Ham player sent off for fuck all Big nose's offside goal allowed to stand

Year before: SchweinScheiße pushes goal keeper into the net while another Man U player scores. Goal stands.

Nolan equaliser disallowed for offside even though he wasn't, up at OT two years ago!

2014 Clear foul - a push in the back on Jamie Tomkins by Rooney leads to Rooney goal. Foul not given

2013 Cup replay at OT. a succession of pro Man Utd decisions given by Phil Dowd including a clear penalty not given to west Ham and a penalty given for a unavoidable accidental hand ball to Man utd, and a horror tackle by Scholes deserving a straight red but nothing given. Nolan booked for arguing while Man Utd players sledge the ref and no action taken Allardyce fined for telling the truth.

Do you see a little pattern emerging here?

We won't even talk about the disallowed "offside" goal that Southampton scored in the league cup final.

ray winstone 9:32 Thu Jul 27
Re: View form the opposition Questions Man u.
If you don't win the league this year will you go back to supporting Crystal Palace?

the exile 9:02 Thu Jul 27
Re: View form the opposition Questions Man u.
Mushy peas or garden peas?

eswing hammer 11:04 Wed Jul 26
Re: View form the opposition Questions Man u.
Saul bollox ; not to mention the Nolan equaliser disallowed for offside even though he wasn't up at OT two years ago!

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