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kips 5:25 Wed Sep 20
England Womens Football Team
England Women's Team Manager Mark Sampson looks likely to step down amid further allegations about Harassment and racist behaviour
Shame, Women looked very good last night.

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gph 10:50 Tue Sep 26
Re: England Womens Football Team
Nothing could be a worse spectacle than cricket of any variety.

Unless it was a sport invented by Americans.

twoleftfeet 8:59 Tue Sep 26
Re: England Womens Football Team
So it appears that the FA sacked him for having a 6 month relationship with a female over 18.

That's OVER 18 not under 18

A single 30 year old male having a relationship with another consenting adult.

The FA are fucking shit.

lowermarshhammer 9:43 Thu Sep 21
Re: England Womens Football Team
I would argue that women's tennis is sometimes a more interesting watch than men's tennis if the men are just smashing in power serves with no rallies.

Not that I watch tennis, 15 people to officiate a game played by 2 shouty moany twats. Fuck off.

VirginiaHam 9:39 Thu Sep 21
Re: England Womens Football Team
Any women's sport is pointless. Cricket, rugby, football , tennis. None compares to the men's game, so why watch it?

The only game I think might b of interest is that semi-naked NFL thing women with large bangers and bikinis play, but hat's hopelessly sexist and the PC brigade will stop that.

lowermarshhammer 9:34 Thu Sep 21
Re: England Womens Football Team

Can't get my head round the fact that the FA coughed up 80K to the race card victim.

Beyond a joke.

Was sitting next to a Grandma Essex supporter at an a way game earlier this year, she was disgusted at the attention that women's sport gets nowadays and rightly so.

Women's football is an even worse spectacle than women's cricket. Shite shite SHITE.

Expecting a knock on the door now from the PLOD.

2017 innit.

geoffpikey 9:29 Thu Sep 21
Re: England Womens Football Team
Perhaps Pards can guide everyone through this troubling moral maze?

He always fully got (in) behind his squad.

Though Pards might have to temper those tackling as "rape" comments were he to ever become English Women's coach, what ho?

AND! Just read that Pards' MOTD ill-advised comment in 2009 about Michael Essien - "he absolutely rapes him" - was for Essien's tackle on CHED EVANS!!

It is, indeed, a funny old game.

To be fair, I'm not surprised the FA is a dribbling mess.

ATBOG 9:02 Thu Sep 21
Re: England Womens Football Team
Couldnt careless about lesbo bintball and all the politics surrounding it but here's a better example of the FA being a bunch of jelly skeleton cunts.


medwayhammer1 7:50 Thu Sep 21
Re: England Womens Football Team
Bet your life he has words with that Jody whats her name.....looks a right dirty cow.

HairyHammer 6:40 Thu Sep 21
Re: England Womens Football Team
Funnily enough I always thought he was not mature enough age wise to be the manager of the England women's team, it just looked, to me anyway as if they just gave him the job because nobody else cared to have it.

But with respect you should not be screwing any of your team if you are the manager even if you are a young man, even if its a Bristol academy, professionalism innit.

twoleftfeet 6:07 Thu Sep 21
Re: England Womens Football Team
A twenty something single bloke surrounded by women all week and he is supposed to live like a monk?

I'd have done exactly the same if I'd have had the opportunity and anyone who says they wouldn't is either gay or lying!

scouse kid 5:57 Thu Sep 21
Re: England Womens Football Team
My mistake I hold my hands up on that. Unlike you I can do that.

You think that his behaviour should be celebrated I think it stinks of a cunt who looks like Frank Ribery and couldnt get pussy other than by exploiting his position

But there you go different opinions make the world go round.

twoleftfeet 5:48 Thu Sep 21
Re: England Womens Football Team
You've done yourself no favours there Scouse kid.

The Bristol Academy team is not as the name suggests a team for teenagers it's a fully fledged adults team.

They used the Academy name as they had a tie up with the Bristol Academy of sport.

So it's rubbish to suggest he was banging teenagers.

scouse kid 5:44 Thu Sep 21
Re: England Womens Football Team

fat fingers on my phone,

that or Wayne refused to swallow and ran out to the bathroom and spat it out. As southgate hates that when they do that

you decide

Russ of the BML 5:39 Thu Sep 21
Re: England Womens Football Team
scouse kid 4:19 Thu Sep 21

Why would Southgate drop Rooney for sucking him off? Surely that's a reason to keep playing the fella, eh?

dirtyden 5:25 Thu Sep 21
Re: England Womens Football Team
Yes, played Arsenal ladies in the 2013 FA womens cup.

gph 5:03 Thu Sep 21
Re: England Womens Football Team
Wasn't Bristol Academy (despite its name) a grown-up women's club?

Nicey 4:50 Thu Sep 21
Re: England Womens Football Team
Do managing directors make decisions about players futures too?

What would happen if a football club managing director was having it away with a player?

Johnson 4:34 Thu Sep 21
Re: England Womens Football Team
I always thought he looked like a wrong 'in.

BRANDED 4:24 Thu Sep 21
Re: England Womens Football Team
Bristols academy?

cholo 4:23 Thu Sep 21
Re: England Womens Football Team
I had wondered how Henderson was getting in the team.

scouse kid 4:19 Thu Sep 21
Re: England Womens Football Team
So its ok for him to bang 16-18 year olds at the Bristol Academy using his position as coach to get them into bed

Its ok for him to bang the players he was in charge of at England even though he could make or break them

So I guess it would be ok if Southgate was fucking Jordan Henderson and that was the reason he was in the team. And it would be fine for Southgate to drop Rooney just because he would suck Gareth off

Just like it would have been ok if he was bumming 16 year old boys under his care with the promise of furthering their careers

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