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Athletico Easthamico 11:49 Sun Oct 22
Has Joe Hart got lead in his boots?
Not very agile is he?

Seems miles away from the keeper who leaped across the goal to save Payet's rocket free kick that was going into the top corner a few seasons back.

Pointless signing.

Ranks behind Ludo, Parkes, Green, Shaka and even Adrian.

Replies - Newest Posts First (Show In Chronological Order)

Willtell 7:44 Tue Dec 26
Re: Has Joe Hart got lead in his boots?
Shooting is a bit drastic master but selling them might work....

master 7:39 Tue Dec 26
Re: Has Joe Hart got lead in his boots?
Adrian made save after save after save today. Kept us in it and it almost paid off.

On the other hand, we started with Ayew, Kouyate and Obiang again and conceded 3 again.

All 3 need replacing in January. And shooting.

Willtell 7:35 Tue Dec 26
Re: Has Joe Hart got lead in his boots?
I don't think so. I think we'd have lost a lot heavier today with Hart in goal. Hart would have let quite a few more in imho.

stoneman 7:33 Tue Dec 26
Re: Has Joe Hart got lead in his boots?
Clearly lent his boots to Adrian for the last 2 games.

master 4:12 Sun Dec 24
Re: Has Joe Hart got lead in his boots?
The free kick was 1 inch inside the post. Keepers will get beaten occasionally when placed so perfectly. Hardly his fault. The wall however, with a MASSIVE gap where Ayew should have been standing was a huge factor.

Adrian is far better than Hart simply because he's more agile and knows how to manage a game (see time taken over kicks, moving players towards where he'll kick it, going down once catching a ball to waste 30 seconds and break momentum, releasing the ball quickly to the opposite flanks, etc).

ChesterRd 4:10 Sun Dec 24
Re: Has Joe Hart got lead in his boots?
Ron Eff 2:48 Sun Dec 24

Hani 4:04 Sun Dec 24
Re: Has Joe Hart got lead in his boots?
Hart is he has to be the worst keeper England have ever picked constantly, even David James was better.

1964 3:26 Sun Dec 24
Re: Has Joe Hart got lead in his boots?
Perhaps to settle the argument we should have both Adrian and Hart in goal at once ....

.... and we'd still fucking lose!

Ron Eff 2:48 Sun Dec 24
Re: Has Joe Hart got lead in his boots?
Iif you don’t see why Adrian is a better keeper than Hart, then you don’t understand the art of goalkeeping, or indeed football.

Hart cannot dive to his left. That alone makes him an embarrasshing goalkeeper. Add to that all his other frailties. He’s never been good, hyped because he was English. He makes 2/3 mistakes a game in an average side, and got lucky riding it out at Man City.

It’s not “much of a muchnness” at all. Joe Hart is absolutely shit. Adrian isn’t perfect, but he is miles, miles better than that indefensible dross on loan (thankfully) from Man City

ACIrons 2:35 Sun Dec 24
Re: Has Joe Hart got lead in his boots?
He cost us a goal, arguably, from a free kick given away by someone else. The other two goals, awful from the rest of the team, not the keepers fault at all. Adrian is head and shoulders above Hart :-)

under the thumb 2:28 Sun Dec 24
Re: Has Joe Hart got lead in his boots?
He cost us a goal today. Let’s see how many more he costs us. Is he a better goalkeeper than Hart? On current form he shades it at the moment, that doesn’t mean he is better than Hart though.

ACIrons 2:09 Sun Dec 24
Re: Has Joe Hart got lead in his boots?
You do have to go to the games, simple as. Adrian has been so much better than Hart. I am embarrassed for anyone who comes on here and says otherwise.

ACIrons 2:08 Sun Dec 24
Re: Has Joe Hart got lead in his boots?
unitedsound 1:26 Sun Dec 24

happygilmore 1:58 Sun Dec 24
Re: Has Joe Hart got lead in his boots?

ornchurch ammer 1:54 Sun Dec 24
Re: Has Joe Hart got lead in his boots?
If it is so simple as "stand in the middle of the goal and cover both sides" why does every team put up a wall to cover one side for a direct free kick?

under the thumb 1:39 Sun Dec 24
Re: Has Joe Hart got lead in his boots?
Unitedsound 1:26 Sun Dec 24

Why is it you have to go to games to entitle you to have an opinion.?
For the record I am a STH and go to the majority of away games

I saw today with my own eyes that Adrian is no better than Hart.
As I said let’s see how he gets on these next few games.

Ronald_antly 1:27 Sun Dec 24
Re: Has Joe Hart got lead in his boots?
In English, please.

unitedsound 1:26 Sun Dec 24
Re: Has Joe Hart got lead in his boots?
do you morons go to any live games? I mistake in 4 dames from Adrian and you want the idiot Hart back, who makes 3 or 4 mistake each game.

Ronald_antly 1:18 Sun Dec 24
Re: Has Joe Hart got lead in his boots?
under the thumb 1:14 Sun Dec 24


I think the two keepers are 'much of a muchness'. Moyes should drop either keeper whenever he stuffs up.
That'll motivate the pair of them to stay 'on their toes'.

Hart in for the next game.

under the thumb 1:14 Sun Dec 24
Re: Has Joe Hart got lead in his boots?
I’ll tell you who did have lead in his boots today and that was Adrian.
Fucking terrible goalkeeping for the first goal. Stand in the middle of the goal and he would have been fine because they were so far out and he could cover either side of the goal.

People keep banging on about how much better the Hart Adrian is, but he’ll cost you more points than he saves you over a season.

Hart got dealt the bum hand playing in front of that defence.

pdbis 3:47 Sat Dec 23
Re: Has Joe Hart got lead in his boots?
Joe Hart has got lead in his head.

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