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Lily Hammer 10:36 Wed Oct 25
Questions For Older Posters About Relegation Under Lyall
Genuine questions to our posters old enough to remember, but when we were relegated under John Lyall in 1978: Did we look clueless and disorganised? Were the players putting in effort, but just being unlucky for a whole season? Or were they being spineless and complacent? Were the fans blaming teh manager or the player or the owners?

I was too young to remember the style of play or level of performance, but, as amazing as it was that a manager could keep his job in those days after relegation, I wonder how he managed to turn around the club from going down, to winning the cup, promotion, and tehn a few years after, nearly winning the league.

What went wrong in the 77/78 season?

Replies - Newest Posts First (Show In Chronological Order)

Cheezey Bell-End 4:20 Mon Oct 30
Re: Questions For Older Posters About Relegation Under Lyall
2nd half

Cheezey Bell-End 4:07 Mon Oct 30
Re: Questions For Older Posters About Relegation Under Lyall

13 Brentford Rd 3:19 Mon Oct 30
Re: Questions For Older Posters About Relegation Under Lyall
I was about 10 then.
Have had a half Spanish girlfriend though.
So that's half more than you.

Dan M 3:11 Mon Oct 30
Re: Questions For Older Posters About Relegation Under Lyall
Northern Sold 2:09 Mon Oct 30

More than you've had dinners OF COURSE.

Private Dancer 2:59 Mon Oct 30
Re: Questions For Older Posters About Relegation Under Lyall
I use to LOVE being abroad back when and trying to find yesterdays Sun on one of them racks to see the football headlines. If you were lucky you could have a read without buying the cunt.

Northern Sold 2:09 Mon Oct 30
Re: Questions For Older Posters About Relegation Under Lyall
How many spanish birds did you get hold of Road son??

13 Brentford Rd 1:12 Mon Oct 30
Re: Questions For Older Posters About Relegation Under Lyall
Under the Cearns we broke the world record transfer fee for a keeper when we signed Parkes.

Can still remember it now. Was on holiday in Spain with my parents, never forget getting the paper (The Sun or Mirror probably) a day late as was norm then whilst abroad, and seeing the headlines "UPTON PARKES"

Eggbert Nobacon 1:06 Mon Oct 30
Re: Questions For Older Posters About Relegation Under Lyall
"Whilst the Cearns weren't the best owners on the planet they kept quiet, you never heard from them and John Lyall basically ran the shop from top to bottom. The Club had an integrity in those days and even under Brown whilst there were certainly episodes like the Bond Scheme which was a disgrace Brown generally kept himself to himself."

And fans did nothing but moan about them not letting us know what was going on

zico 12:39 Mon Oct 30
Re: Questions For Older Posters About Relegation Under Lyall
I think certain periods under Lyall were more accepted because bar the fact that a lot of the football was better the club also wasn't a total circus from top to bottom that it is now.

Whilst the Cearns weren't the best owners on the planet they kept quiet, you never heard from them and John Lyall basically ran the shop from top to bottom. The Club had an integrity in those days and even under Brown whilst there were certainly episodes like the Bond Scheme which was a disgrace Brown generally kept himself to himself.

Neither particularly well liked owners but certainly an upgrade on the ones we have today who seem incapable of keeping their mouths shut about anything!!

62Hammer 12:38 Mon Oct 30
Re: Questions For Older Posters About Relegation Under Lyall
One difference, which perhaps has already been mentioned, was that the players cared as much as the fans. And they stayed with the club. Not often the case now, and different times of course.

Northern Sold 12:19 Mon Oct 30
Re: Questions For Older Posters About Relegation Under Lyall
What's rose tinted about that?? Isn't that what football should be about?? Rather than the sterile boring bollocks served up now??

HairyHammer 11:09 Sun Oct 29
Re: Questions For Older Posters About Relegation Under Lyall
I think some have a rose tinted view of what went on back then.
Yes even when the great Brooking Bonds Devonshire etc were playing West ham were pretty shit, if you get relegated you have to be pretty rubbish although we did win the FA cup as a second division team.
When you ask older hammers remember you are asking people who were just happy to get pissed and have a good ruck after the game as well as watch some attacking football and as long as the players tried to score 20 goals the fact they lost 3-0 would not hurt so much.
I think the way people thought was pretty different back then although with respect West ham had a lot of success around those times which made things much easier to take.

ragingbull 8:49 Sun Oct 29
Re: Questions For Older Posters About Relegation Under Lyall
I was at the match when Liverpool beat us 2-0 to send us down,we could have stayed up if wolves lost their last match.

We had some good players don't know how they got relegated.

gph 8:42 Sun Oct 29
Re: Questions For Older Posters About Relegation Under Lyall
Leeshere: would he have wanted to be a general manager?

zico 8:09 Sun Oct 29
Re: Questions For Older Posters About Relegation Under Lyall
I doubt he would even want to be involved now, same as Ron Greenwood. Two men of absolute integrity surely wouldn't want to be associated with this selfish game we have now with sickening agents, experienced pro's throwing their toys out of the pram, young players earning £1000's before they have achieved anything and all the other bollocks that goes on in modern day football.

Northern Sold 6:21 Sun Oct 29
Re: Questions For Older Posters About Relegation Under Lyall
He would not stand a chance now... modern day wanting everything NOW NOW NOW would have done for him

Leeshere 4:07 Sun Oct 29
Re: Questions For Older Posters About Relegation Under Lyall
I had just starting going matches around 88/89 so remember the Lyall out chants well. After two poor seasons and then a relegation I think everyone felt a change was needed to modernise the club. Although it was still a shock when Lyall was sacked, many thought he would move upstairs as a more general manager rather than team manager, which looking back now was a real wasted opportunity by the club.

Alex Bunbury 3:24 Sun Oct 29
Re: Questions For Older Posters About Relegation Under Lyall
I was quite young in 88/89 but what was memorable about that season was we had two decent cup runs, semi finals in the league cup and quarter finals in the FA Cup. Also pulled off some shock results right at the end of the season. This suggests to me that there was something wrong mentally/motivationally that meant the players could raise their game in one off Cup games or when they had nothing to lose but couldn’t for the more bread and butter games.

hammer205 10:39 Sun Oct 29
Re: Questions For Older Posters About Relegation Under Lyall
I started supporting West Ham in that season. I didn't go to the matches until the following season. Amazing to think that some of our best players were in that team Brooking bonds Devonshire lampard. Even more amazing we kept the manager and those best players and didn't get promoted for 3 years. Brooking still played for England but I suppose it helped Ron Greenwood was manager. How would that have gone down today!? We have to realise that most of our legends have been relegated even di canio. Only Moore hurst peters cottee haven't. It helped after relegation that we won the cup in 80 and the promotion in 81.
In 89 we we still being run on a shoestring and only 12 players could be involved in the squad but injuries hit us and we had no depth. We signed McAvennie for more money than we sold him 750k for 1.25m as a last throw of the dice. It. Failed . The squad was ageing and too many players were comfortable.Expectations It's different now with all the financial implications of being relegated and status of premier league and the 55k ground to fill
Opinion of fans was kept to the ground pubs and work so there was no huge voice to remove a manager and it was excepted only 1 or 2 teams could win league but the cup was taken seriously. John Lyall decisions on transfers and selection did become poor but he was a decent bloke from what I've read and heard. He used to give fans lifts home from chadwell Heath in his jaguar. Imagine that now....???!!!

normannomates 2:37 Sun Oct 29
Re: Questions For Older Posters About Relegation Under Lyall
John didn't deserve the way he was treated ..the way he was sacked and after.
We as supporters should hang our heads as well.

Talk about history repeating itself..same shit with Bobby Moore..Malcolm Allison..Ron Greenwood..
All forgotten about for yrs ..and we were fuckin shite throughout those yrs yrs as well..so we don't even have that excuse.

Now we over do it on the hero worship...the said legends..far to late to mean anything of any credibility
..the recent ones?....we tend to go overboard in praise..in some attempt at redemption.

under the thumb 3:15 Thu Oct 26
Re: Questions For Older Posters About Relegation Under Lyall
Remember the Liverpool home game for all the wrong reasons when it was confirmed we were down.
I was in the chicken run that day, passed down the front with the rest of the kids. Great days when going to games was special. My two boys will never ever get to experience that in their lives I'm afraid.
To compound losing we came out the ground walked back to the car and it had been towed away to the police compound and we had to catch a bus to Woolwich. My old man went mentle! We'd parked up early in the morning with no cones saying parking was restricted to go and get some school shoes.

Football wise that season I remember Merv the swerve was in goal and he was struggling. As for Lyall he never got much stick.

Today's squad compared to then is better equipped than they were and I genuinely don't fear relegation this season

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