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shim 9:21 Tue Mar 13
Boycott the Man City game.
Surely the simplest & most visible way as to just boycott a match. The Man City game is coming up on Sky TV with no one in there it would embarrass the owners & affect them in the pocket, no match day revenue. We will also not being harming the team as let's face it we aren't getting anything from that game anyway...
There's no money, membership fees, balloons & very little organisation required, no one can stop it, no individuals can be threatened or bribed to prevent it...
A march or 'static' demo will easily go unreported in the media...
This would be impossible to ignore, Blackpool & Arsenal have been attracting attention with this sort of action.
It also has the benefit of sticking two fingers up at sky & their modern football money that shoves our fixtures all over the shop as well as embarrassing our bullshitting owners.
Let's get the ball rolling on it..

Replies - Newest Posts First (Show In Chronological Order)

side effect 10:40 Wed Apr 25
Re: Boycott the Man City game.
Put a member of Antifa on every turnstile.

shim 9:08 Wed Apr 25
Re: Boycott the Man City game.

shim 1:20 Tue Mar 20
Re: Boycott the Man City game.
Is anyone on here attending this event this evening with captain & manager ?..

RM10 10:08 Sat Mar 17
Re: Boycott the Man City game.
your supposed to be supporting the Dagenham cause not your own.

Krap not Pu 9:57 Sat Mar 17
Re: Boycott the Man City game.
Surely a better game to give the board some real stick is wednesday night's charity match versus Dagenham.....we could sing anti board songs to our hearts content....and so what if we offend our pampered pooches/sorry players in a match that means dick all anyway.

El Scorchio 4:07 Fri Mar 16
Re: Boycott the Man City game.
That started a couple of times at the Burnley game- not that many people joined in.

Ilford Hammer 3:59 Fri Mar 16
Re: Boycott the Man City game.
CanningTownWA 3:46 Fri Mar 16

As long as we kick the shit out of anyone who stays sitting (disabled's get a pass).

CanningTownWA 3:46 Fri Mar 16
Re: Boycott the Man City game.
Not sure if it has been suggested but what about a group starting a chant “ if you want new owners stand up” and keep it going and maybe it might be like a Mexican wave with everyone standing up. If everyone did that and chanted it would show on the TV and be heard by them loud and clear that everyone wants them out and not just the people who ran on the pitch

shim 10:57 Fri Mar 16
Re: Boycott the Man City game.
Remember when it was rumoured that ‘jiffy’ condoms were going to be our shirt sponsors..

jack flash 10:39 Fri Mar 16
Re: Boycott the Man City game.
Yes but just be careful who you buy the condoms off - You don't want to be lining their pockets still further!

PwoperNaughtyButNot 9:44 Fri Mar 16
Re: Boycott the Man City game.
50000 condoms reigning down on the pitch would be a moment that nobody would forget and symbolic of our sex dealing owners full of hot air

PwoperNaughtyButNot 9:42 Fri Mar 16
Re: Boycott the Man City game.
How about - instead of balloons and to emulate bubbles and to mock the dildo brothers everyone inflates a condom and we send them pitchward.

Not dangerous but embarrassing for the owners on live tv with a pitch full of johnnies

smartypants 9:34 Fri Mar 16
Re: Boycott the Man City game.
We will probably beat Man City and everyone will wonder what all the fuss was about

shim 8:40 Fri Mar 16
Re: Boycott the Man City game.

shim 11:35 Wed Mar 14
Re: Boycott the Man City game.
It's difficult to just turn it on & off at various points during the game though isn't it ? Especially as once the lids off & people start getting the red mist or are pissed etc they ain't gonna halt it as the teams run out for the second half..

chav_corner 10:49 Wed Mar 14
Re: Boycott the Man City game.
To me you shout,scream protest round the clock up until the team come out then you shout scream and holler for the team supporting them as best you can.Then as soon as the match ends you start protesting again till next K.O. time.The Board are on the run,the Press is turning on them.keep up the pressure for all but 90 minutes a week.

one iron 10:20 Wed Mar 14
Re: Boycott the Man City game.
Other things you can do, stay in the ground after the match, ballons, turn your backs on the pitch at half time,constant singing of anti board songs,but still get behind the team,god bless westham united ,and most of its loyal fans.

shim 8:47 Wed Mar 14
Re: Boycott the Man City game.
Why try & complicate things ? Save a few quid & do something else for the day, or stay in the pub with your mates.

SilverSurfer 2:19 Wed Mar 14
Re: Boycott the Man City game.
walk out

Cor Blimey 12:14 Wed Mar 14
Re: Boycott the Man City game.
novichok in the popcorn will do the trick

boleynkid 12:04 Wed Mar 14
Re: Boycott the Man City game.
I wasn't averse to the march but not sure this is a great idea. If they are still in the Champions League then we just might be playing them at a decent time.

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