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Exiled In Surrey 9:47 Mon Apr 9
Syria - gas attacks
What should the UK do?

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BRANDED 12:42 Tue Apr 17
Re: Syria - gas attacks
War stories, however, have a habit of growing darker. For the same 58-year old senior Syrian doctor then adds something profoundly uncomfortable: the patients, he says, were overcome not by gas but by oxygen starvation in the rubbish-filled tunnels and basements in which they lived, on a night of wind and heavy shelling that stirred up a dust storm.


BRANDED 9:59 Tue Apr 17
Re: Syria - gas attacks
A Statement Issued by the Patriarchates of Antioch and all the East for the Greek Orthodox, Syrian Orthodox, and Greek-Melkite Catholic

A Statement Issued by the Patriarchates of Antioch and all the East for the Greek Orthodox, Syrian Orthodox, and Greek-Melkite Catholic

Damascus, 14 April 2018

God is with us; Understand all ye nations and submit yourselves!

We, the Patriarchs: John X, Greek Orthodox Patriarch of Antioch and all the East, Ignatius Aphrem II, Syrian Orthodox Patriarch of Antioch and all the East, and Joseph Absi, Melkite-Greek Catholic Patriarch of Antioch, Alexandria, and Jerusalem, condemn and denounce the brutal aggression that took place this morning against our precious country Syria by the USA, France and the UK, under the allegations that the Syrian government has used chemical weapons. We raise our voices to affirm the following:

This brutal aggression is a clear violation of the international laws and the UN Charter, because it is an unjustified assault on a sovereign country, member of the UN.
It causes us great pain that this assault comes from powerful countries to which Syria did not cause any harm in any way.
The allegations of the USA and other countries that the Syrian army is using chemical weapons and that Syria is a country that owns and uses this kind of weapon, is a claim that is unjustified and unsupported by sufficient and clear evidence.
The timing of this unjustified aggression against Syria, when the independent International Commission for Inquiry was about to start its work in Syria, undermines of the work of this commission.
This brutal aggression destroys the chances for a peaceful political solution and leads to escalation and more complications.
This unjust aggression encourages the terrorist organizations and gives them momentum to continue in their terrorism.
We call upon the Security Council of the United Nations to play its natural role in bringing peace rather than contribute to escalation of wars.
We call upon all churches in the countries that participated in the aggression, to fulfill their Christian duties, according to the teachings of the Gospel, and condemn this aggression and to call their governments to commit to the protection of international peace.
We salute the courage, heroism and sacrifices of the Syrian Arab Army which courageously protects Syria and provide security for its people. We pray for the souls of the martyrs and the recovery of the wounded. We are confident that the army will not bow before the external or internal terrorist aggressions; they will continue to fight courageously against terrorism until every inch of the Syrian land is cleansed from terrorism. We, likewise, commend the brave stand of countries which are friendly to the Syria and its people.
We offer our prayers for the safety, victory, and deliverance of Syria from all kinds of wars and terrorism. We also pray for peace in Syria and throughout the world, and call for strengthening the efforts of the national reconciliation for the sake of protecting the country and preserving the dignity of all Syrians.

Gavros 3:12 Mon Apr 16
Re: Syria - gas attacks
calling off Brexit, or at least a rational strategy like EFTA/ EEA would be a good start.

The Kronic 2:07 Mon Apr 16
Re: Syria - gas attacks
Renationalising our industrialises previously sold off to foreigners given a free licence to fleece the Brits would be a good start.

Gavros 2:02 Mon Apr 16
Re: Syria - gas attacks
As long as he/she has the long term interests of the country at heart and isn't a fascist cunt or a commie scumbag.

The Kronic 1:47 Mon Apr 16
Re: Syria - gas attacks
So long as he/she is Tory Lite, eh Gav?

Gavros 1:46 Mon Apr 16
Re: Syria - gas attacks
"As long as he’s leader of the opposition, we’ll all be happy"

Not really. The fact that we have Theresa May as PM tells you all you need to know about the importance of an effective HM Opposition.

The Kronic 1:44 Mon Apr 16
Re: Syria - gas attacks
we’ll all be happy.


Remind me the percentage of the vote he won at the last election.

The Kronic 1:41 Mon Apr 16
Re: Syria - gas attacks
I'm not aware of him accepting any party political donations from them, unlike the current PM.

Hermit Road 1:40 Mon Apr 16
Re: Syria - gas attacks
As long as he’s leader of the opposition, we’ll all be happy.

Gavros 1:40 Mon Apr 16
Re: Syria - gas attacks
yeah, good to have a russian puppet in for a change.

The Kronic 1:37 Mon Apr 16
Re: Syria - gas attacks
I'm perfectly happy to have a leader of the opposition who refuses to be another Septic puppet/hawk.

Hammer and Pickle 1:27 Mon Apr 16
Re: Syria - gas attack
UK arms industry does not produce chemical weapons.

Hammer and Pickle 1:25 Mon Apr 16
Re: Syria - gas attack
Correct Coffee - promotion of non-violent international relations is hardly going to support our domestic arms industry in the long run.

It’s no reason to supply the weapons to Saudi while its busy promoting war in the Yemen either.

Gavros 1:25 Mon Apr 16
Re: Syria - gas attacks
Corbyn and May

Cameron and Miliband

Jesus wept.

Nurse Ratched 1:22 Mon Apr 16
Re: Syria - gas attacks
What Hermit said.

Gavros 1:20 Mon Apr 16
Re: Syria - gas attacks

"BRANDED 1:02 Mon Apr 16
Re: Syria - gas attacks
Truckload of British chemical weapons intercepted by Syrian army as it tries to enter the country.

The Syrian army has intercepted a truck full of goodies, including smoke grenades from Salisbury, England, which was heading for terrorists in Eastern Ghouta."

You SERIOUSLY believe this shit?

Hermit Road 1:12 Mon Apr 16
Re: Syria - gas attacks
Theresa May is phenomenally inept at reading the public mood. Who wants to bomb another country? People of all hues are sick and tired of this country getting involved in foreign conflicts. That there are terrible things going on in other parts of the world is beyond doubt, they are often extremely complicated though with very blurred lines between the good guys and the bad guys or to be more accurate, the bad guys and the bad guys. As complicated as they are, a few bombs won’t sort them out.

She will only lose votes and bring about the lunacy that is a Corbyn government, which is about the only reason still left to vote for her, avoiding him.

BRANDED 1:02 Mon Apr 16
Re: Syria - gas attacks
Truckload of British chemical weapons intercepted by Syrian army as it tries to enter the country.

The Syrian army has intercepted a truck full of goodies, including smoke grenades from Salisbury, England, which was heading for terrorists in Eastern Ghouta.

Toe Rag 12:26 Mon Apr 16
Re: Syria - gas attacks
In the interests of good old fashioned British fair play we should be selling arms to both Saudi Arabia AND Iran.

Westham67 11:52 Mon Apr 16
Re: Syria - gas attack
Coffee 11:49 Mon Apr 16

Yes once the violence stops supply them immediately with weapons

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