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LeroysBoots 8:32 Tue May 8
Anyone been ?

Arrived yesterday......any places we should visit ?

So far it's pretty amazing

We walked in the main square and it was like a scene out of that Star Wars city... Tatooine !

Replies - Newest Posts First (Show In Chronological Order)

the house of freaks 2:41 Wed May 9
Re: Marrakech
Went there in 1992 so not sure I can be of much help on the latest but had a great time. Overnight train from Tangiers, saw barely any foreigners as it was before the tourist renaissance and loved the madness, hassling, market square, souks and hash. Was 19 years old and a mate and I were travelling with four girls we met in Nice. Happy days..

Gavros 2:23 Wed May 9
Re: Marrakech
It's well worth going. Like a visit to the middle ages.

The stuff about the aggressive sell is true, but if you front them they soon back out.

Plan to go back to see that mad fort in the Sahara. Ait benhaddou.


nychammer 2:16 Wed May 9
Re: Marrakech
I might be going there in August. Am I mad to go then?

Been to Death Valley, long drive for a whole lot of nothing. Was 120f on the floor.

Gavros 2:06 Wed May 9
Re: Marrakech
LeroysBoots 7:25 Tue May 8
Re: Marrakech 

Gav, our guide today said the blue city was amazing. Where did you stay ?

Your tour guide was correct, it's amazing. I can fish out where we stayed but no point unless you can do the journey. Overnight on the train (bunks in a cabin of four about 25 quid per person - likely other europeans) and about 3 hours coach from tangiers in the morning.

I really enjoyed the overnight train. Old school. I also had a couple of bottles of special cola to hand to make the journey fly by.

J.Riddle 12:48 Wed May 9
Re: Marrakech
Edgware Road is much closer?

13 Brentford Rd 3:50 Tue May 8
Re: Marrakech

Dirtiest place (not rude dirty) I have ever been and I went twice. Wouldn't go back again though unless it was to stay in the mountains or see the Sahara.

You need a large pack of moist loo roll over there too unless you like using your bare hands.
I got the shits there after eating in the square, no loo roll was fun, NOT.

My old man was stationed in the desert during the Suez crisis and said much the same, said the locals had no need for bog rolls, would just wipe their arses on their dishdashas.

Dwight Van Mann 8:49 Tue May 8
Re: Marrakech
Leonard Hatred 8:50 Tue May 8


Nurse Ratched 8:26 Tue May 8
Re: Marrakech
Not a bad offer that. More than a packet, anyway.

panamahat 7:51 Tue May 8
Re: Marrakech
I’m retrospect should have taken em up on the 23 camels for Doris Mark 1

Mart O 7:51 Tue May 8
Re: Marrakech
Nothing GULCH.

gph 7:32 Tue May 8
Re: Marrakech
Never been, but a friend of mine made the terrible mistake of eating street food there.

He enjoyed the 24 hours before much more than the 144 hours after.

LeroysBoots 7:25 Tue May 8
Re: Marrakech
Gav, our guide today said the blue city was amazing. Where did you stay ?

Northern Sold 6:13 Tue May 8
Re: Marrakech
Nice one Judith....

Gavros 6:11 Tue May 8
Re: Marrakech
Div Valley

Sold0 lives here.

Northern Sold 6:10 Tue May 8
Re: Marrakech
Not sure there is anything cultural in Death Valley BRANDED son?? Only a div would think there was a few nice cathedrals, castles and churches there ... saying that there is a golf course (Furnace Creek)... does Golf get classed as culture' in your eyes??

BRANDED 5:38 Tue May 8
Re: Marrakech
Death Valley is for people who like sitting on the beach with a hankie on their head eating a 99 but thought they were seeing something cultural for a couple of hours so they could recount it as a tourist experience of value.

Gavros 5:32 Tue May 8
Re: Marrakech
Like everything in America, its massively over-hyped.

They do know how to get the coin out of divvy tourists though.

Northern Sold 5:18 Tue May 8
Re: Marrakech
13 Brentford Rd 4:13 Tue May 8
Re: Marrakech

The old Goalkeeper Steve De'ath's great Grandpop's had a claim in the US during the expansion years... unfortunately he got lumbered with one of the hottest places in the world... tough shit eh

Swiss. 4:45 Tue May 8
Re: Marrakech
Just go to Brussels city centre. It's almost the same and a lot nearer.

Leonard Hatred 4:22 Tue May 8
Re: Marrakech
It's a misleading name.

It's actually a ravine.

13 Brentford Rd 4:13 Tue May 8
Re: Marrakech

Northern Sold 4:01 Tue May 8
Re: Marrakech
Hottest place I have been is Death VALLEY... in the UNITED STATES of AMERICA....

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