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young woody 11:09 Wed May 23
You know you’re getting old when..
You’re looking forward to Thursday because test match special starts on the radio...

Replies - Newest Posts First (Show In Chronological Order)

Kelly Smunt 6:42 Tue May 29
Re: You know you’re getting old when..
Helmut Shown 10:16 Sun May 27

Hopefully not the same one!

Sven Roeder 10:58 Mon May 28
Re: You know you’re getting old when..
you realise the coat you wore to work is older than some of the people you work with.

Lertie Button 10:24 Mon May 28
Re: You know you’re getting old when..
You wonder why all the teenage girls have eyebrows like Groucho Marx

Aalborg Hammer 9:39 Mon May 28
Re: You know you’re getting old when..
....you're quite relaxed and happy to chat to gorgeous women without your mouth drying up and worrying about making a dick of yourself

lowermarshhammer 5:01 Mon May 28
Re: You know you’re getting old when..
When you have been bald for decades and not given a toss about it but then you start noticing the occasional grey pube / chest hair.

aldgate 2:03 Mon May 28
Re: You know you’re getting old when..
You look for the lowest strength draught or dodge pints completely

arsene york-hunt 1:55 Mon May 28
Re: You know you’re getting old when..
Every time one of the boys of 1966 dies.

eusebiovic 1:53 Mon May 28
Re: You know you’re getting old when..
...you start buying Sensodyne toothpaste

MikeHammer 1:52 Mon May 28
Re: You know you’re getting old when..
As if Stevie Nicks turning 70 wasn't enough the other day.... Kylie is 50 today .... I am old !

cholo 4:08 Sun May 27
Re: You know you’re getting old when..
When players you used to watch are now drawing their pensions.

Bungo 1:09 Sun May 27
Re: You know you’re getting old when..
Helmut Shown 10:16 Sun May 27

My first thought when I read that was, 'Canon EOS? Now that would hurt'.

goose 11:45 Sun May 27
Re: You know you’re getting old when..
When ppl at work talk about celebrities and you have no idea who they are talking about.

Helmut Shown 10:16 Sun May 27
Re: You know you’re getting old when..
When you achieve the hatrick of a camera down the throat, up the arse, and up the eyehole

only1billybonds 10:01 Sun May 27
Re: You know you’re getting old when..
When your'e out in the car and notice spectacular looking trees when one time you would only have noticed spectacular looking women.

Mex Martillo 2:19 Sun May 27
Re: You know you’re getting old when..
When you see a photo of yourself and think fuck I look like an old cunt

Hello Mrs. Jones 2:04 Sun May 27
Re: You know you’re getting old when..
When you sign up for a walking football team and still can't keep up.

gph 1:56 Sun May 27
Re: You know you’re getting old when..
When you can't stop opening a thread entitled "You know you are getting old when..."

Hasans Fish Bar RIP 1:48 Sun May 27
Re: You know you’re getting old when..
When there are no footballers who are playing at your age

arsene york-hunt 1:33 Sun May 27
Re: You know you’re getting old when..
....when a shit gives you more sensual pleasure than a bunk up.

MikeHammer 10:49 Sat May 26
Re: You know you’re getting old when..
Stevie Nicks turned 70 today !

jimbo2. 9:49 Sat May 26
Re: You know you’re getting old when..
You are!

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