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Eddie B 9:42 Tue Aug 14
Car crashes into security barriers outside Parliament
Uh oh

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Northern Sold 5:32 Thu Aug 16
Re: Car crashes into security barriers outside Parliament

Reply whu&eng1 12:21 Thu Aug 16
Re: Car crashes into security barriers outside Parliament
I have family over from Australia and we walked the length from Tower Hill to Parliament Sq on Monday afternoon. Slightly off topic, but Westminster Bridge is a disgrace! I was trying to walk over there with family and there were probably around 10 different groups performing tricks on there ( betting what ball is under which cup etc ).

Yeah I said to my missus when we last walked over there in May I can't work out how they are never the ones that get mowed down by the loony islamic drivers... I lost about a ton.... the cunts... :-(

SurfaceAgentX2Zero 5:15 Thu Aug 16
Re: Car crashes into security barriers outside Parliament
marlonsrightsock 1:06 Thu Aug 16

It's one of comma's regular posts where he tells a politically biased lie and then claims to have been fishing when challenged on it.

Nurse Ratched 1:19 Thu Aug 16
Re: Car crashes into security barriers outside Parliament
We shall have to agree to disagree.

BRANDED 1:17 Thu Aug 16
Re: Car crashes into security barriers outside Parliament
It wasnt well formed

Nurse Ratched 1:13 Thu Aug 16
Re: Car crashes into security barriers outside Parliament
It ain't broke, so I ain't 'challenging' it.

BRANDED 1:10 Thu Aug 16
Re: Car crashes into security barriers outside Parliament
Because you're the one challenging your cognitive bias on a daily basis you stupid bint.

Nurse Ratched 1:07 Thu Aug 16
Re: Car crashes into security barriers outside Parliament
Cut him some slack, Eerie. He struggles to articulate his own childish and mediocre ideas. Hence the usual C&Ps.

marlonsrightsock 1:06 Thu Aug 16
Re: Car crashes into security barriers outside Parliament
comma maths is obviously not your strong point is it?

Eerie Descent 1:01 Thu Aug 16
Re: Car crashes into security barriers outside Parliament
Very profound, BRAINDEAD.

BRANDED 12:59 Thu Aug 16
Re: Car crashes into security barriers outside Parliament
When you're dead it hardly matters what life you're going to really. You're dead. You aint gonna be driving cars into people or cutting them or doing any other cuntish things. You're dead.

, 12:54 Thu Aug 16
Re: Car crashes into security barriers outside Parliament
Sounds to me no different to what is going on a hundred yards from there where by sleight of hand a group of people, supported by just a quarter of the electorate, are pulling the wool over the eyes of the other 75%.

Though it could be said that three quarters of us can see what is going on but have to wait to do anything about it.

whu&eng1 12:21 Thu Aug 16
Re: Car crashes into security barriers outside Parliament
I have family over from Australia and we walked the length from Tower Hill to Parliament Sq on Monday afternoon. Slightly off topic, but Westminster Bridge is a disgrace! I was trying to walk over there with family and there were probably around 10 different groups performing tricks on there ( betting what ball is under which cup etc ).

Loads of tourists standing around and getting in the way, passing them money to bet, probably being pickpocketed whilst they do that too. When did that happen, and how is it being allowed to happen.

Mike Oxsaw 8:22 Thu Aug 16
Re: Car crashes into security barriers outside Parliament
..."they actually believe going to heaven is a better life!"...

And THIS is where the government can step in and prove that it cares about those of a different religious persuading than that of the majority indigenous population by sending out a free suicide pill with every benefit claim response letter.

Willtell 7:36 Thu Aug 16
Re: Car crashes into security barriers outside Parliament
That’s what he wants. Inbreeding leads to a lack of intelligence in the Islamic community so they actually believe going to heaven is a better life!

I’d sentence him to a proper execution

icwhs 2:31 Thu Aug 16
Re: Car crashes into security barriers outside Parliament
Should have tortured him a slow dearh

Nurse Ratched 10:58 Wed Aug 15
Re: Car crashes into security barriers outside Parliament

zebthecat 10:54 Wed Aug 15
Re: Car crashes into security barriers outside Parliament
, 10:46 Wed Aug 15


, 10:46 Wed Aug 15
Re: Car crashes into security barriers outside Parliament
Peterborough, I agree with you about how this chap was allowed in and given citizenship. The person who was Home Secretary at the time should hang their head in shame and resign whatever post they currently hold.

ragingbull 10:07 Wed Aug 15
Re: Car crashes into security barriers outside Parliament

Peterboroughiron 9:56 Wed Aug 15
Re: Car crashes into security barriers outside Parliament
Fucking 5 years and already a British citizen with a passport have we gone totally fucking mad these people hate everything about os apart from the benefits of course first cop on scene should have put a bullet in his head save the tax payer a fucking fortune and make sure he don’t do it again

brundal 9:45 Wed Aug 15
Re: Car crashes into security barriers outside Parliament
what has got me thinking about it was how quickly the police jumped over the barrier and surounded the car. seems like they knew there wasnt a bomb inside.

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