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twoleftfeet 3:39 Sun Apr 7
Knife crimes on animals on the increase.
In the last 2 years the RSPCA have had 420 calls regarding animals being stabbed or slashed.

Two of the cases were a dog that was stabbed to death and then stuffed in a suitcase and 2 alpacas had their throats cut.

What has this country become?

Why would anyone want to go into a field and stab a Shetland pony in the throat?

I fear for us all I really do.

Replies - Newest Posts First (Show In Chronological Order)

Mr Kenzo 4:56 Mon Apr 8
Re: Knife crimes on animals on the increase.
Do Garden Spades come under Knife Crime?

ManorParkHammer 4:30 Mon Apr 8
Re: Knife crimes on animals on the increase.
A tiny percentage of the animals put under the knife each year for peoples taste buds.

scott_d 2:32 Mon Apr 8
Re: Knife crimes on animals on the increase.
this shouldn't really be surprise considering the kind of stuff we are doing to ourselves and each other.

eusebiovic 12:32 Mon Apr 8
Re: Knife crimes on animals on the increase.
I do recall certain cunts that I went to school with thinking it was funny to shoot cats or even dogs with air gun pellets in the 70's/80's so it's hardly a new phenomenon

Westham67 11:37 Mon Apr 8
Re: Knife crimes on animals on the increase.
Its a fight of flight response to a hedgehogs spikes

LeroysBoots 11:11 Mon Apr 8
Re: Knife crimes on animals on the increase.
Fucking immigrants innit

cholo 8:04 Mon Apr 8
Re: Knife crimes on animals on the increase.
People mutilating animals has always happened, especially in the 70s and 80s, someone would cut up a cow and aliens would get the blame.

geoffpikey 7:54 Mon Apr 8
Re: Knife crimes on animals on the increase.
Is it all the fault of black cats, blud?

East Auckland Hammer 1:53 Mon Apr 8
Re: Knife crimes on animals on the increase.
How do you know it wasn't suicide eusebiovic?

eusebiovic 12:55 Mon Apr 8
Re: Knife crimes on animals on the increase.
The other day I went past a wheelie bin and the dismembered head of a fox was hanging out of it.

I know they can be noisy buggers but fucking hell for somebody to do that is medieval

arsene york-hunt 12:35 Mon Apr 8
Re: Knife crimes on animals on the increase.
Reminds me of the joke:

What is pink and hard

A pig with a flick-knife

Sven Roeder 4:50 Sun Apr 7
Re: Knife crimes on animals on the increase.
I wouldn't even know where to find 2 alpacas

HairyHammer 4:21 Sun Apr 7
Re: Knife crimes on animals on the increase.
Anyone who does this sort of thing deserves to be put away for 10 years.

Unless the animal is a Rat then they should be given a two month supply of cheddar cheese.

Westham67 3:51 Sun Apr 7
Re: Knife crimes on animals on the increase.
Badgers are well known for carrying a blade

Lertie Button 3:47 Sun Apr 7
Re: Knife crimes on animals on the increase.
Fuck me even animals are carrying now, where will it end

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