WHO Poll

Geoff 9:21 Sun May 26
Hammers Chat RIP ?
Go to this site occasionally. Decent site for chat but been dying the death a bit recently. Today tried to log on and get a message saying "This Account Has Been Suspended. Please contact you hosting provider for more information". Then it gives a link to e mail the webmaster@hammerschat but the message can't be delivered. And a message then comes back saying Hammers Chat has an outgoing mail suspension.

So who's been a naughty boy ?

Replies - Newest Posts First (Show In Chronological Order)

Gavros 2:04 Wed Jun 5
Re: Hammers Chat RIP ?
Hammers Shat

Geoff 9:03 Wed Jun 5
Re: Hammers Chat RIP ?
Back down again. Could be terminal this time. Hear there's problems.

cockney hammer 8:10 Mon May 27
Re: Hammers Chat RIP ?
now back up

Geoff 1:22 Mon May 27
Re: Hammers Chat RIP ?
Sounds like that'll cost ££££'s. Problem ?

gph 1:04 Mon May 27
Re: Hammers Chat RIP ?
What would a teenage INTERNET wizard want with paper porn?

cockney hammer 12:25 Mon May 27
Re: Hammers Chat RIP ?
Something to do with us using all our space on the hosting site so need to upgrade it from geo

factory seconds 9:38 Sun May 26
Re: Hammers Chat RIP ?
KUMB down too for what its worth.

wonder if some teenage russian has just taken delivery of a lorry of 80s porn for services rendered.

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