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Gavros 12:55 Fri Jun 7
Women's World Cup 2019
Starts today.

Everyone excited?!?!

Replies - Newest Posts First (Show In Chronological Order)

BRANDED 9:38 Wed Jul 10
Re: Women's World Cup 2019
Snoop Dogg says US women's soccer team deserves same pay as 'sorry ass' men's team

East Auckland Hammer 1:20 Tue Jul 9
Re: Women's World Cup 2019
Exactly Chester. The more exposure that all sports get, both male and female, the better IMHO.

I just don't see how it can possibly be negative.

ChesterRd 1:06 Tue Jul 9
Re: Women's World Cup 2019
Enough people were sold on it to have a higher TV audience than the Champions League final apparently. I'm not sure if WHO is a good barometer of this things but if you look at the feedback from parents with daughters it has certainly peeked interest in many of them. Can't see any downsides to that at all. Same as I don't see any downside to a young boy wanting to get involved in some kind of sport or activity. Better than being sat on their arse with a computer game console or aspiring to be some plastic chav on reality TV.

Side of Ham 12:51 Tue Jul 9
Re: Women's World Cup 2019
What a smarmy comment........

East Auckland Hammer 12:36 Tue Jul 9
Re: Women's World Cup 2019
Why do you need to be "sold on womens football"?

Can it not just exist alongside men's football?

Mad Dog 12:34 Tue Jul 9
Re: Women's World Cup 2019
So has anyone been sold on womens football by all this or is it still fucks given < 0

wansteadman 11:39 Mon Jul 8
Re: Women's World Cup 2019
It was like watching the men’s team. Knock it around at the back for no reason other than that’s what the good teams used to do. All had shit first touches so the yanks just closed us down and waited till we gave them the ball backl. If they defend high up you don’t knock it about you try and get it forward quicker and that doesn’t mean lumping it up.
I gave up watching the number of throw ins we had where we gave it straight back.
The two centre halves were shocking defensively and couldnt find a player with their passes.
The Americans pulled us all over the place had great first touches and seemed to have a set pattern to their play.

Texas Iron 11:05 Mon Jul 8
Re: Women's World Cup 2019
Neville's change of line up dud then no favours in the semi...
And VAR...missed Pen didn't help...
England's gals did the country proud in my opinion...
Keep at it...get USA's English coach to replace Neville...

Sven Roeder 10:49 Mon Jul 8
Re: Women's World Cup 2019
Look on the bright side Bird Sport fans
BBC finished the football then started advertising the Netball World Cup
Think it’s along just after the Doris Cricket

Far Cough 10:44 Mon Jul 8
Re: Women's World Cup 2019
Turn it in Chester, you tit


ChesterRd 10:42 Mon Jul 8
Re: Women's World Cup 2019
The England ladies team are the 4th best team in the world. Well done them, doing something positive with their lives and being people young girls can look up to.

zico 9:44 Mon Jul 8
Re: Women's World Cup 2019
I see Alex Scott and that Aluko woman are banging on about failure etc and costing a fortune and the team has gone backwards blah blah blah but they seem to be oblivious to the fact that the England women's team are er just not very good and women's football in general is not very good and they weren't very good when they played for England's women themselves. Why don't we just call it as it is and consider it a bit part sport for the ladies and spend that money on a sport where they are a tad good and actually have a chance of winning something that might be worth winning, like an Olympics or something like that or dare I say it plough it into grass roots football.

VirginiaHam 8:29 Mon Jul 8
Re: Women's World Cup 2019
All you need to know as to why women can't compete with men.


A boys U18 side would destroy a U15 side.

DocMarten 8:18 Mon Jul 8
Re: Women's World Cup 2019
Watched England for about 20 mins in the semis. God awful rubbish. Watched 10-15 of the final...god awful.

And the BBC reckon 28+m ‘watched’ it. Yeah, sure they did.

Actually, I saw one good save. Apologies.

twoleftfeet 11:40 Sun Jul 7
Re: Women's World Cup 2019
Slightly amusing but when the Ladies were doing well the BBC allowed comments but now they don’t and the same applies to the ladies cricket team.

TeVaz 10:55 Sun Jul 7
Re: Women's World Cup 2019
Now maybe we can banish womens football to room 101 . Pile of shit !

gph 10:28 Sun Jul 7
Re: Women's World Cup 2019
FC: Yours...

Mex Martillo 9:56 Sun Jul 7
Re: Women's World Cup 2019
Was not a penalty

Far Cough 8:13 Sun Jul 7
Re: Women's World Cup 2019
Dion Dublin is now a fully fledged splitarse


Far Cough 7:58 Sun Jul 7
Re: Women's World Cup 2019
Already had shirts printed with champions on the back, arrogant wankers

Side of Ham 7:48 Sun Jul 7
Re: Women's World Cup 2019
Women’s football will never take off worldwide whilst the yanks are dominating it they are like a nation of Spurs fans but scream in a slightly lower tone to them Spurs mugs.

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