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charleyfarley 10:50 Thu Jul 4
Lampard new Chelsea manager - 3 year deal
Derby County can confirm that Frank Lampard has parted company with the club and has been appointed as the new Head Coach of Chelsea.

Replies - Newest Posts First (Show In Chronological Order)

tnb 12:38 Sun Jul 7
Re: Lampard new Chelsea manager - 3 year deal
There is absolutely no way that Man Utd would have appointed Solskjaer or Chelsea would have appointed Lampard based on CVs alone. Two purely sentimental appointments and what makes it even more embarrassing for Chelsea is they've made their decision after seeing the same idea fall apart at Old Trafford. Maybe Lampard turns out to be the new Brian Clough, I guess it's possible, but on the balance of probability there is nothing to suggest he will worth basing a big and expensive decision on. Ludicrous.

Sven Roeder 1:42 Sat Jul 6
Re: Lampard new Chelsea manager - 3 year deal
Chelsea are scraping the barrel as they have already had Mourinho, Ancellotti , Benitez, Conte & Sarri and have managed to effectively sack the lot of them
Running out of candidates!

ChillTheKeel 9:48 Sat Jul 6
Re: Lampard new Chelsea manager - 3 year deal
Zola was a bigger joke than Uncle Avram?


Close call but yep. At least Avi gave us that night in the snow and a semi final in the cup.

PwoperNaughtyButNot 9:19 Sat Jul 6
Re: Lampard new Chelsea manager - 3 year deal
Only 2 clubs going into this season with managers that have won the PL

Capitol Man 6:49 Sat Jul 6
Re: Lampard new Chelsea manager - 3 year deal
Seems to be a real lack of good candidates out there. Man U and Chelsea seem to be scraping the barrel.

kylay 4:14 Sat Jul 6
Re: Lampard new Chelsea manager - 3 year deal
ChillTheKeel 11:05 Fri Jul 5

Zola was a bigger joke than Uncle Avram?

I will relish watching the slow meltdown those cunts so thoroughly deserve. I don't think he makes it past Xmas if he's as inspirational as he was playing for the national team

Eerie Descent 9:03 Fri Jul 5
Re: Lampard new Chelsea manager - 3 year deal

I actually thought you was plw at first. I don't know who deserves the apology.

Manuel 7:59 Fri Jul 5
Re: Lampard new Chelsea manager - 3 year deal
Eerie Descent 6:08 Fri Jul 5
Re: Lampard new Chelsea manager - 3 year deal
Manuel = Private Dancer/Bleeding Claret

You better hope it's not or he might start pulling you up on all the shit you spout. if I had said that Phil Jones is England's best CB or Everton had done their dough on Pickford, among other nonsense, I'd be embarrassed to post again.

Manuel 7:53 Fri Jul 5
Re: Lampard new Chelsea manager - 3 year deal
scott_d 2:22 Fri Jul 5

So if you don't win the league you have 'failed'? Like I said, stop posting shit. Di Matteo won the Champions League and was sacked a few months later. Ancelotti won the double and was sacked not long after. it's just how they do it at Chelsea, they run it like a European club with a high rate of manager turnovers.

Seriously mate, you clearly know fuck all. Turn to politics?

simon.s 6:32 Fri Jul 5
Re: Lampard new Chelsea manager - 3 year deal
Whoever he is, I think he’s a closet Chelsea fan, although he’s not doing a very good job of hiding it.

Eerie Descent 6:08 Fri Jul 5
Re: Lampard new Chelsea manager - 3 year deal
Manuel = Private Dancer/Bleeding Claret

worm 5:37 Fri Jul 5
Re: Lampard new Chelsea manager - 3 year deal
Manuel 11:08 Fri Jul 5

you sound very much like KIA
How long before you're scared off the site again?

Bottle Job cunt

terry-h 5:26 Fri Jul 5
Re: Lampard new Chelsea manager - 3 year deal
FL Jr. will be in demand from his family for free tickets to Chelsea.
His dad,two sisters,his dad's girlfriend and two illegitimate siblings,his uncle 'arry, cousin Jamie and auntie Sandra. Plus his wife, ex-fiance and two daughters. Cheaper to rent a box probably.

the last eastender 2:46 Fri Jul 5
Re: Lampard new Chelsea manager - 3 year deal
Too early for fat boy should do a couple more years at Derby, plus he cant buy any players this year.

scott_d 2:22 Fri Jul 5
Re: Lampard new Chelsea manager - 3 year deal
"What managers have failed exactly? Pretty much every manager that goes there has won a trophy and got them top 4 minimum. Stop posting shite."

That might be success to you and me, but it's pretty obvious that Chelsea have ambitions above just a cup and top 4 otherwise they wouldn't be changing manager every season.

Manuel 11:08 Fri Jul 5
Re: Lampard new Chelsea manager - 3 year deal
''Why do they think he can succeed where much much better and more experienced managers have failed?''

What managers have failed exactly? Pretty much every manager that goes there has won a trophy and got them top 4 minimum. Stop posting shite.

ChillTheKeel 11:05 Fri Jul 5
Re: Lampard new Chelsea manager - 3 year deal
Biggest joke appointment since we signed the Chelsea gimp, Zola

scott_d 10:47 Fri Jul 5
Re: Lampard new Chelsea manager - 3 year deal
Brilliant for West Ham fans.

Why do they think he can succeed where much much better and more experienced managers have failed?

Hope he falls on his arse.

Alfs 1:40 Fri Jul 5
Re: Lampard new Chelsea manager - 3 year deal
Kingland - He may have not taught himself by kicking a can in the street but he did have thousands of fans and some parts of the media saying that he was only in the team because of who is family is - causing Harry's infamous outburst where he correctly forecast that Lampard will turn out to be one of the best players in the country.

He also left after the deconstruction of some of the best talent we ever had begun - with the sale of Ferdinand. And his father being ousted as manager and treated pretty shoddily in the process.

All of the above hardly endeared the club to him and his departure became inevitable.

Sven Roeder 12:56 Fri Jul 5
Re: Lampard new Chelsea manager - 3 year deal
Let’s see how much patience they have when they’ve lost 5-0 away at Spurs and are 2-0 down in half an hour at home to Sheffield Utd.

KingandPaynter 12:23 Fri Jul 5
Re: Lampard new Chelsea manager - 3 year deal

Had a very charmed life since being a kid with his Dad and uncle Harry guiding him into his football path. Playing legends who crafted their inner mettle from raw football in the streets and grew iron from those experiences. Frank Jnr never had too. Yes he trained extra hard in semi and professional facilities but it was not exactly jumpers for goalposts and rush back goalies in the streets stuff with hardcore kids kicking your shins (no shin-guards worn in those places) knocking you to the gritty road, cutting up your knees. You had to learn skills to stay on your feet or get hurt every time.

All the Chelsea legend stuff is true with the trophies won but the UNDENIABLE fact is that without West Ham United he would not have had that career - his football DNA is from East London and the influencing styles of attacking midfield players like Trevor Brooking, Graham Paddon and Geoff Pike, even Di Canio's dedication to fitness, have hugely influenced him.

He doesn't like to be criticized from the terraces, doesn't have the mettle to take it, so it will be interesting to see how he copes when the middle of winter hits and its full stress Champions League as well as Burnley, Leicester, Wolves or Sheff Utd away midweek, the League Cup, the FA Cup and fighting for a top 6 place in the Premiership.

Its not just West Ham waiting for him, its also fans of other teams he scored against, kissing his Chelsea badge in front of them, gloating on the pitch amongst his millionaire team-mates whilst the defeated, much-lesser financed, opposition trudged back to the half way line knowing that the odds are stacked against them with this over the top Russian financed collection of players..

Players may have small memories as they move from club to club, but fans don't, they have lifetime memories.

Like I started with, he's had a charmed life. When it gets rough and the tide of opinion from the Chelsea terraces turns against him can he take it ?

If he fessed up and was fiercely proud of his West Ham roots, acknowledging them as he should, the answer would be "yes, he'll have no problem, he's an East London kid, of course he can take it".

But in his soul he's not.

Can't wait for the game in Stratford with 60'000 and an upsurging WHU team under Pellegrino.

Its not West Ham under Curbs, Zola, Avram Grant or Fat Sam anymore - its a very different beast waiting for the non-prodigal, disrespecting 'son'.

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