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devonhammer 12:34 Tue Jul 16
Apollo 11 moon landing anniversary
20th July 1969

50 years ago...... mankind slipped the surly bonds of earth
And 2 men stepped onto another body in our solar system

Our greatest achievement?
Or just a very big boy's toy?


Replies - Newest Posts First (Show In Chronological Order)

gph 8:25 Tue Jul 23
Re: Apollo 11 moon landing anniversary
I have my suspicions about the MontGOLFier brothers.

Strong overlap between masons and a certain activity involving clubs, and I don't mean bridge.

mike hunt 8:09 Tue Jul 23
Re: Apollo 11 moon landing anniversary
arsene , i saw that as well, mugged him right off

mashed in maryland 9:54 Sun Jul 21
Re: Apollo 11 moon landing anniversary
I know, was just kinda expanding on your final paragraph.

Far Cough 9:53 Sun Jul 21
Re: Apollo 11 moon landing anniversary
Even if that bloke was the first, it doesn't alter in any way my original point, that just muddies the waters a bit.

Mike Oxsaw 9:50 Sun Jul 21
Re: Apollo 11 moon landing anniversary
I suspect Gustave Whitehead was probably in the wrong lodge/religious sect.

mashed in maryland 9:42 Sun Jul 21
Re: Apollo 11 moon landing anniversary


Far Cough 9:29 Sun Jul 21
Re: Apollo 11 moon landing anniversary
What is so incredible is Orville Wright made the first documented, successful, controlled, powered, heavier-than-air flight in December 1903 then in 20 July 1969 Neil Armstrong set foot on the moon a timespan of only 66 fucking years an absolute incredible achievement but I suspect both World Wars accelerated that success especially WWII?

I'm pretty sure some conspiracy nut will say the Wright brothers thing never happened?

arsene york-hunt 9:08 Sun Jul 21
Re: Apollo 11 moon landing anniversary
There was a series of documentaries on one of the SKY channels yesterday where a conspiracy nut, an astronaut an FBI investigator investigated all the "evidence" of a hoax and completely demolished the hoax theories, so much so that the conspiracy bloke conceded that they did go to the moon.

Capitol Man 8:57 Sun Jul 21
Re: Apollo 11 moon landing anniversary
Watching a few of the documentaries in it last night - said 240,000 were involved in the Apollo program. You’d have thought there could have been a few of them who may have given the game away at some point.

Bungo 8:21 Sun Jul 21
Re: Apollo 11 moon landing anniversary
gph 5:36 Sun Jul 21

Now there's something we can all believe in, or perhaps the absence of atmosphere in space is also part of a conspiracy that the ruling lizards want us all to believe?

gph 5:36 Sun Jul 21
Re: Apollo 11 moon landing anniversary
I wouldn't advise rolling your spacesuit trouser leg up.

Darby_ 5:31 Sun Jul 21
Re: Apollo 11 moon landing anniversary
I wouldn’t be surprised if there was a secret Freemason moon base up there.

Golden Oldie 4:10 Sun Jul 21
Re: Apollo 11 moon landing anniversary
Quite the polar opposite
Without the very initial cause for suspicion, then that would be irrational paranoia, but with all the self evidence clues on display then its sound reasoned unemotional logic.

The fact you read the exact opposite conclusion from that example explains more about your own inability to think clearly.

No one, so far has mention the weird fact that every single person who is claimed to have gone to the moon was a freemason.

Darby_ 4:04 Sun Jul 21
Re: Apollo 11 moon landing anniversary
I checked the thread to see if Captain Bongo thought the Moon landing was a Jewish plot.

zebthecat 4:03 Sun Jul 21
Re: Apollo 11 moon landing anniversary
Golden Oldie 3:57 Sun Jul 21

Pefect analogy for conspiracy delusionists.
Nice one.

Golden Oldie 3:57 Sun Jul 21
Re: Apollo 11 moon landing anniversary
It's more akin to the blind love of a spouse cheated on, the guy comes home with lipstick on the collar and the wife will believe any hopeless explanation for the circumstance, some women see through it all because the excuse is impossible and the evidence it's a lie is all too obvious.

It's not just low IQ but blind devotion plays a huge part in it.

dm 3:05 Sun Jul 21
Re: Apollo 11 moon landing anniversary
Interesting that Pioneers 10 and 11 have been mentioned.
There was for a while an unexplained deviation in their trajactories, which some were claiming could be an indicator that our understanding of gravity may be incorrect.
It now seems it was down to heat loss from the craft causing a perturbation on their motions.

Mike Oxsaw 3:00 Sun Jul 21
Re: Apollo 11 moon landing anniversary
My father was born the year the Titanic sank. He was a jet engineer, used to working at the cutting edge of technology and not much fazed him until I was in about the third year of senior school (1960s) and he had to admit that the 3 years leading up to then had left him trailing behind.

A true genius at all things mechanical, he could, and often did, turn his hand to anything, but once IT and electronics started to take over he realised that it was probably time to start planning his retirement.

And not even over the timespan of a generation; compare YOUR first computer/mobile phone with what you have now.

Bungo 12:19 Sun Jul 21
Re: Apollo 11 moon landing anniversary
mashed in maryland 12:12 Sun Jul 21


Missed the point there son.

the coming of gary 12:13 Sun Jul 21
Re: Apollo 11 moon landing anniversary
yes, one of my grandfathers was born in 1900, strange to think he was alive at the same time as Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid, Buffalo Bill, etc

mashed in maryland 12:12 Sun Jul 21
Re: Apollo 11 moon landing anniversary
What, to blindly accept anything the authorities put out and ridicule anyone who questions it?

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