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charleyfarley 8:51 Thu Aug 29
West Ham v Man Utd - Match Thread FT 2-0

London Stadium
22nd Sept 14:00

Anthony Taylor: (5) 23 1

Fabianski, Fredericks, Diop, Ogbonna, Cresswell, Rice, Noble, Fornals, Yarmolenko, Anderson, Haller.

De Gea, Wan-Bissaka, Lindelof, Maguire, Young, Matic, Pereira, McTominay, James, Mata, Rashford.

• West Ham 5/2: Draw 13/5: Man Utd 21/20











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gph 8:55 Wed Sep 25
Re: ⚽ West Ham v Man Utd - Match Thread FT 2-0

Wrong match thread.

gph 8:50 Wed Sep 25
Re: ⚽ West Ham v Man Utd - Match Thread FT 2-0
The one time I listened to us on the radio in the car, we lost to Millwall. Heavily.

I don't have fond memories of listening to us on the radio in the car.

Alfs 6:54 Wed Sep 25
Re: ⚽ West Ham v Man Utd - Match Thread FT 2-0
Falace - As much as I enjoy the image of Man Utd fans having their bare feet pounded by a stick, I think you mean 'souls'.

crystal falace 6:46 Wed Sep 25
Re: ⚽ West Ham v Man Utd - Match Thread FT 2-0
Just had a long trawl throught the match thread on the man utd forum as im bored at the end of work.

Most of the fans are just resigned to the fact that they're shit and how much better our squad is that theirs and how they'd love half our team. lots of Ole out talk.

lots of people moaning that noble should have ben sent off as he should have been booked earlier for a foul on james ( cant remember ths incident myself) but they fail to realise he probably wouldnt go sliding in for a tackle if he was already on a yellow. then they had the audacity to claim that the refs have always been against them!!

All in all a very enjoyable read of their whole fanbase imploding and all their soles being broken

gph 4:16 Wed Sep 25
Re: ⚽ West Ham v Man Utd - Match Thread FT 2-0
Even if ManU aren't a top team anymore, they are far from being a bottom one (a fact that gives me no joy, but it's a fact). Instead of listening to spoilt brat ManU fans going on about how shit (= unlikely to win a trophy) they are, celebrate a good win against a middling side. Achieved while we were below par.

That's what I did.

scott_d 3:47 Wed Sep 25
Re: ⚽ West Ham v Man Utd - Match Thread FT 2-0

That's what I was thinking.

Usually to beat these "top" teams we need to up our game and ride our luck a bit but that wasn't even what I would consider a "good" performance from West Ham. It felt like our performance against Newport and where we just did what we needed to do to win the game and tried not to give them too much of a sniff at goal.

Again I think this says more about how poor they were that we were not at our best and didn't have to do much to beat them but that's not taking away from the results that we are picking up.

gph 2:45 Wed Sep 25
Re: ⚽ West Ham v Man Utd - Match Thread FT 2-0
There's a long way to go, cholo.

I was in Manchester when MCity won the Full Member's Cup, or something like that. City fans were celebrating like there was no tomorrow, ManU fans were laughing at them (quietly, because the City fans were mobbed up, and they were in small groups).

Look forward to the days* when winning a trophy the big boys don't play in is the height of ManU's ambition.

*Well, I would do, if it wasn't for the fact I'd be long dead

cholo 9:37 Wed Sep 25
Re: ⚽ West Ham v Man Utd - Match Thread FT 2-0
Another hilarious aspect of man utd's demise is that it's coincided with (maybe even facilitated by) man city's ascent, that underachieving, put upon neighbour they always smugly looked down on and took the piss out of mercilessly.

The tables have truly turned, can't wait for their crying when city finally win the champions league and they end up mid table.

Takashi Miike 9:31 Wed Sep 25
Re: ⚽ West Ham v Man Utd - Match Thread FT 2-0
"Why the fuck do Irish people support Man Utd?"

I could be wrong but it may have something to do with a bloke called Best

Sven Roeder 9:14 Wed Sep 25
Re: ⚽ West Ham v Man Utd - Match Thread FT 2-0
Noble said recently that when we lost to Wimbledon we had players who didnt want to be at the club
Pellegrini has done well to shift the likes of Arnautovic, Hernandez, Perez & Carroll
From the outside it seems a much happier camp

Darby_ 6:11 Wed Sep 25
Re: ⚽ West Ham v Man Utd - Match Thread FT 2-0
I know that not everything around the club is perfect, but it’s relative happy days these days.

Think back to the endless squabbles over BFS or the dire season under Uncle Avram.

We’ve got a manager who’s a gentleman and who’s widely popular, we’re trying to play an attractive brand of football. A passionate West Ham-loving captain in his prime. Hopefully the happy days continue.

Lily Hammer 1:18 Wed Sep 25
Re: ⚽ West Ham v Man Utd - Match Thread FT 2-0
To be fair, we didn’t play anywhere near our level, and still beat them comfortably, so the real story is all about how shit they have become. It is remarkable.

I said after last season’s home win that though I’d seen us beat Man U many times, but never so comfortably. This season was even easier, by a long way.

A joy to behold.

arsene york-hunt 12:47 Wed Sep 25
Re: ⚽ West Ham v Man Utd - Match Thread FT 2-0
Some Irish guest on talk sport today moaning about the situation at Man Utd. Why the fuck do Irish people support Man Utd? They should fuck off and support Dublin Rovers or Cork Wanderers or whatever fucking teams they have in Ireland. The moaning by Man Utd fans suggests that supporting a football team does not include losing from time to time.

Anyway I was traveling when we beat them and first saw them on MOTD, I wasn't sure that we were playing as we were hardly mentioned. The extended highlights on Sky wasn't much better

Alwaysaniron 10:33 Tue Sep 24
Re: ⚽ West Ham v Man Utd - Match Thread FT 2-0
Totally agree White Pony.

Schadenfreude is a lovely thing!

White Pony 10:17 Tue Sep 24
Re: ⚽ West Ham v Man Utd - Match Thread FT 2-0

It's to be expected with the arrogant fans of these clubs. Man Utd fans especially have this superiority complex and these days it is hilariously unjustified. They have fallen into a major lull much in the same way Liverpool did after their dominant spell when I was a kid.

It couldn't happen to a more smug set of cunty fans.

Sven Roeder 9:20 Tue Sep 24
Re: ⚽ West Ham v Man Utd - Match Thread FT 2-0
All I care about with Man U is that we have beaten them comfortably at home in the last two seasons and should have won by a similar margin when we were last at Old Trafford but for some outrageous refereeing.
Long may it continue. The winning not the getting cheated by refs
We KNOW that will continue

Alwaysaniron 7:00 Tue Sep 24
Re: ⚽ West Ham v Man Utd - Match Thread FT 2-0
Getting back to Man U; I read with some relish their webstie 'redcafe' and how often they referred to us as 'playing in our cup final' Exactly how many cup finals do we have each year. Spurs seem to think each time we play them it's our cup final; the plastics seem to think it's our cup final when we play them and now some mid table dross team seem to think the same thing. Bloody cheek of these lower end clubs! Surely we're their cup final!

rochesterjohn 6:33 Tue Sep 24
Re: ⚽ West Ham v Man Utd - Match Thread FT 2-0
Saving face from whom? You? Do me a fuckin favour!
No back peddling here, you’re just obsessed with me as others have pointed out to you on this and other threads! Weirdo!
I’ll say it for the last time, I’m not 100% convinced with him, why the fuck that bothers you so much is a mystery only you can answer?
Why do you obsess with what I post? I couldn’t give 2 shits what anyone on here thinks, it’s just plain weird, weirdo.

diehardhammer 6:16 Tue Sep 24
Re: ⚽ West Ham v Man Utd - Match Thread FT 2-0
oh don't stop now, you've entertained my afternoon with your back peddling and saving face.

rochesterjohn 6:11 Tue Sep 24
Re: ⚽ West Ham v Man Utd - Match Thread FT 2-0
I will desist now as I’m genuinely concerned for your welfare.
No meltdown here, just rationale debate with posters, apart from your good self who comes across a little bit unstable shall we say and definitely delirious in behaviour.

diehardhammer 6:04 Tue Sep 24
Re: ⚽ West Ham v Man Utd - Match Thread FT 2-0
hahahahah keep embarassing yourself son

im loving every second of your deflecting little meltdown

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