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Loxfordfella 8:10 Wed Sep 11
Away Supporters in the home end.
This letter has been sent today as a follow up to previous correspondence.

Jake Heath,

Supporter Services Manager,


London Stadium,

London E20 2ST.

September 11th 2019.

Dear Jake,

Manchester City Supporters in Home sections.

Just to remind you of our Email dated August 23rd and your reply that you were reviewing our enquiry and that you would come back to us as soon as possible.

In the absence of a further reply Jake we ask if you have made any progress so that assurances can be made to our members, and indeed to all West Ham supporters, that the club is taking the necessary steps to avoid a recurrence.-There were also reports of Norwich City supporters(in colours)in the West Ham sections at the next match.

There is a real concern amongst some of our members that on another day this could lead to trouble and that supporters including children could be put at risk.The next home match is against Manchester United and there is of course history of trouble between elements of the two fanbases.

Looking forward to a positive reply,

Lee Rogers.(Joint Secretary,Hammers United).

Copy sent to Football Supporters Association,Premier League and London Stadium.


Replies - Newest Posts First (Show In Chronological Order)

Fifth Column 7:54 Mon Oct 7
Re: Away Supporters in the home end.
Was at the corporate entrance before the Palace match, two elderly blokes both wearing Hull City coaches coats walk up to get their comp tickets. I have no problem with them doing that in the corporate section. Just seemed a bit strange.

On The Ball 7:15 Mon Oct 7
Re: Away Supporters in the home end.
sweetgeez 5:46 Mon Oct 7

Serious question - do you have a problem with that? I don't get why if so.

chav_corner 7:06 Mon Oct 7
Re: Away Supporters in the home end.
Vexed,what would you like us to raise on your behalf.

sweetgeez 5:46 Mon Oct 7
Re: Away Supporters in the home end.
bloke sitting in club london wearing a dortmund shirt on saturday,

Dan M 1:29 Mon Oct 7
Re: Away Supporters in the home end.
bruuuno 2:01 Sat Oct 5

It was a bit of an Redknapp interview situation - "you tried to pass it to 'im and you 'it me?"

Pop Robson 8:01 Sun Oct 6
Re: Away Supporters in the home end.
Tourist area solves the problem most wearing colours are tourists that just don't understand

Vexed 10:51 Sat Oct 5
Re: Away Supporters in the home end.
Looks like those busy fucking trainspotting twonks at Hammers United are doing a sterling job if attacking the issues that really matter - a couple of away fans in the wrong end.

Fucking hell. No wonder the club give you chumps short shrift. You're an embarrassment.

Far Cough 10:30 Sat Oct 5
Re: Away Supporters in the home end.
Fifth Column, it was Whufcroe

goose 10:28 Sat Oct 5
Re: Away Supporters in the home end.
Can’t imagine there will be any issues today with it being Palace.

East Stand Plank will be gutted, he’ll have to chat up the home fans instead.

bruuuno 2:01 Sat Oct 5
Re: Away Supporters in the home end.
Haha dan did you tell him that you was aiming at at Fulham? He’s got to let you off after that

I dunno if he was doing a chicken impersonation but I seem to remember KIA getting into a barney once in chav corner.

Fifth Column 6:32 Fri Oct 4
Re: Away Supporters in the home end.
Who was it on here that got into a massive public row in Chav Corner - did they do some sort of chicken impression? It's all a bit vague in my memory now as it was a few years back.

Gave me a right laugh at the time - moreso when I realised it was someone on here.

Dan M 6:25 Fri Oct 4
Re: Away Supporters in the home end.
And it was steak and onion, not balti.

Dan M 6:24 Fri Oct 4
Re: Away Supporters in the home end.
Mace66 2:55 Mon Sep 23

That was me. I was verr drunk and had absolutely no hope of getting that pie on target. The bloke, to be fair, calmed down fairly quickly after I slurred an apology.

chav_corner 2:12 Fri Oct 4
Re: Away Supporters in the home end.
Jake Heath,

Supporters Services Manager,

West Ham United FC.,

London Stadium.

London E20 2ST.

October 4th 2019.

Dear Jake,

Away Fans in West Ham sections of the ground.

We thank you for your Email dated September 26th and note your comments ‘The Club are wholly satisfied with their safety & securityprocess and will take appropriate action should any visiting supporter be found in the home sections of the Stadium.’Unfortunately Jake we had numerous reports from our members of Manchester United supporters in home sections at the match on September 22nd..Itis clear to all-except perhaps the club,that their safety and security process is inadequate.

We would once again Jake suggest the following:-

A review to be undertaken of the current processes to conclude if they remain fit for purpose given their current failings.

An additional training session addressing the levels of understanding of the existing processes with those persons andthe entities they represent prior to the next home game, with all parties signing an undertaking that they have understood them.

Collateral is distributed to visiting clubs’ supporters groups advising of the processes in place, the personal risksto welfare and the potential for being ejected for attempting to sit in the home ends

We also remind you again of the legal obligation of both the Club and its agents regarding the safety of both West Ham and any offending away supporters’ safety, which we urge is given the appropriate level of consideration and attention to provide somesubstance to your assurances.

Jake,our members have genuine concerns and we need the club to take these concerns seriously.Hammers United would be willing tomeet and assist you in every way possible to alleviate these concerns.

Best Regards.

Lee Rogers.

Joint Secretary,Hammers United.

East Stand Pat 4:07 Mon Sep 23
Re: Away Supporters in the home end.
Thanks for the mention Goose. hope you are ok and wasn't sitting near any Man U fans. i know that scares the life out of you.

Mace66 2:55 Mon Sep 23
Re: Away Supporters in the home end.
Funniest i ever saw was in Chav corner, think against Fulham.

They took the lead and there was a mob in the box above us started celebrating

So a few West Ham in front of us started to remonstrate and one threw his Balti pie which missed the target by a mile and ended up down the jacket of one of ours in the back row.

Promptly kicked off with egos damaged all round and everyone forgot the Fulham lot in the box who must have been pissing themselves laughing.

eswing hammer 2:48 Mon Sep 23
Re: Away Supporters in the home end.
there you go look at the bloke top right hand next to the guy holding his kid in the air !


eswing hammer 2:43 Mon Sep 23
Re: Away Supporters in the home end.
Mad dog wrote:
Mad Dog 11:22 Sun Sep 22
Re: Away Supporters in the home end.
When one of the goals went in the camera panned to some fans celebrating.. with some fat prick juat sat there whilst everyone else was celebrating. Somehow made it funnier

Was that the whufc/ twitterpicture when he is is stood amongst the fans ,next to some bloke holding his kid in the air ? If not check out the pictures he is either one miserable bastard or a manc lol.

El Scorchio 12:38 Mon Sep 23
Re: Away Supporters in the home end.
Asian kid sitting by himself near me was blatantly a Man U fan. To be fair to him, he did stand up and applaud our goals and otherwise sat there keeping himself to himself, but it was fucking obvious.

chim chim cha boo 12:34 Mon Sep 23
Re: Away Supporters in the home end.
Three blokes who looked like reasonably well-off middle eastern Arabs sat in front of me today. Not season ticket holders and (I thought) nailed on Manc fans. I kind of got the hump but at least they weren't wearing colours.

Anyway, when Yarm slid the ball into the net they went fucking potty celebrating with the rest of us. It was actually really nice to see.

bruuuno 12:05 Mon Sep 23
Re: Away Supporters in the home end.
Tbh I don’t think I’d see a problem if it was a bird

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