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thecockneyboy 10:41 Sun Sep 22
Kids at football
Had a bit of an odd experience at footy today, fella infront decided his kids should not have to hear men swearing at football (mainly at Anderson) and can we curb our language, only see the bloke once before, sat all game on his phone while his 2 boys about 3 and 8 watched the game, now I take my kids that are not far off them ages and tell them they'll hear language they shouldnt repeat, but it's part of football, anyone else had this? Really give me the prick tbh.

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Jim C 8:28 Wed Sep 25
Re: Kids at football
I think if your around children you should try to curb the language a bit but at football it can happen. It's a passionate game and watching West Ham is very stressful at times so the odd word is going to be heard. My old man always warned me that I was not to join in nor repeat.

However If it is every second word then clearly the person is a moron, not that there i smuch point in telling them as then they will turn their attention to you.

Jim C 8:28 Wed Sep 25
Re: Kids at football
I think if your around children you should try to curb the language a bit but at football it can happen. It's a passionate game and watching West Ham is very stressful at times so the odd word is going to be heard. My old man always warned me that I was not to join in nor repeat.

However If it is every second word then clearly the person is a moron, not that there i smuch point in telling them as then they will turn their attention to you.

boleyn8420 2:37 Wed Sep 25
Re: Kids at football
Have taken all 5 of my girls to West Ham and the eldest is now 41 and still won't swear in front of me. The mantra of don't repeat the words and don't tell you mum seemed to have worked. But i agree that the idiots who are cunting everyone off from minute one needs telling to fuck off if they are doing that the entire game. Cunts

BillyJenningsBoots 2:24 Wed Sep 25
Re: Kids at football
I have no problem with swearing at matches. The f word is not a problem and most comments are said in jest and get a cheer or laugh from the support around you.

What I do have a problem with is people who seem to attend games just to swear and abuse players constantly throughout the match calling our players/officials c*nts every 2 minutes is not on!
Which not only is offensive to the players but to me and my enjoyment of the game.

I recall telling 3 idiots (inc one woman) who were giving the team dogs abuse and swearing constantly to give it a rest as me my kids and I and the other supporters around us were getting fed up with the language and general abuse - we were drawing 0-0 with Man City some 20 years ago..

And they like some of you said I shouldn't bring kids to football - which is just pathetic.. they are the future support of this club!

How do people enjoy standing and abusing the players for 90 mins.. an I mean 90 mins as the minute we kicked off they started screaming at players, the ref and linesmen and as soon as it was half time they stopped and were as calm as everyone else... then back on as soon as second half underway.

Stewards do nothing ...

Ironically there was an advertising hoarding directly in front of us 10 meters away saying "Thankyou for not swearing".

SE5 Hammer 2:08 Wed Sep 25
Re: Kids at football
My kids' favorite part of going is the swearing - I just say 'don't tell your mum'

diehardhammer 1:48 Wed Sep 25
Re: Kids at football
people bringing kids and expecting it to be a calm and lovely family day out with no swearing are part of the reason why the atmosphere isn't what it used to be

Italian hammer 1:43 Wed Sep 25
Re: Kids at football
They probably hear worst language at school or in the parks

my left foot 12:25 Wed Sep 25
Re: Kids at football
Northern Soul, The loud noise scares my daughter when West Ham Score- ear defenders are useful. I bring her occasionally when the other half needs me to look after her through work commitments, otherwise I miss the game.

Northern Sold 2:03 Mon Sep 23
Re: Kids at football
my left foot 11:43 Mon Sep 23
Re: Kids at football
I have ear defenders that look like headphone for my 4 year old daughter during the game, it's quite scary for her.

Why would you even take your kid if it scares them?? Like the people that take bleedin' new born babies to games just what is the fucking point??

Goldfinger 1:57 Mon Sep 23
Re: Kids at football
Maybe Hammers United could get involved with this.

Jim79 1:53 Mon Sep 23
Re: Kids at football
My dad started taking me to UP from the age of 6, one of the best parts was listening to all the elaborate and creative swearing that went on. If you don’t like it don’t fucking bring em

Moncurs Putting Iron 1:38 Mon Sep 23
Re: Kids at football
Parents choice:

1) Sit them down and explain that adults get excited at football and say rude adult words. They can hear it and giggle but they cannot repeat it.

What is said in the stadium, stays in the stadium. if you hear them or get reports of them saying any of the words no more football.

2) Don't take them to football.

I chose the former and glad I did.

Blunders 1:29 Mon Sep 23
Re: Kids at football
People need to get over their fucking selves.

Fifth Column 11:52 Mon Sep 23
Re: Kids at football
7 or 8 is the best age to start bringing them for various reasons.

By that age they also should have an understanding of "you're not allowed to say those words, you're certainly not allowed to say them outside of the ground".

My daughter is 11 and was joining in with You're Fucking Shit. I don't care.

The only thing I stop her doing is hand gestures to opposition fans - somehow that seems worse than swearing. Also there's always the chance of angelic daughter getting caught on camera sticking her fingers up at them which wouldn't be a great look.

my left foot 11:43 Mon Sep 23
Re: Kids at football
I have ear defenders that look like headphone for my 4 year old daughter during the game, it's quite scary for her.

Bungo 10:15 Mon Sep 23
Re: Kids at football
I always tell people that I picked up my foul language from my wife.

Many think I'm joking.

Grumpster 9:42 Mon Sep 23
Re: Kids at football
Most kids at that age nowadays carry knives, so fuck knows why some cunts are worried about some dodgy language.

Manuel 9:20 Mon Sep 23
Re: Kids at football
This topic has been done to death on here. It's incredible how boring some of you cunts are.

Chrisel 9:18 Mon Sep 23
Re: Kids at football
My son's first game at West Ham a fat f*** behind us kept swearing. I told him to stop it.
"It's football, you should expect swearing"
"I haven't got a problem with swearing, it's the spittle that comes out of your mouth every time you swear and lands on his head. You spit at the back of his head again, you don't want to know what I'll do to the front of your face"
First and only time I've offered someone out at football. He shut up. I'm glad too, I'm a right weedy litlle sh*t he probably would've kicked the sh*t out of me.

gph 1:53 Mon Sep 23
Re: Kids at football
Although people like this have children, they themselves were made in a factory, and supplied as adults.

They never went to school and were programmed instead of being taught.

Otherwise, they'd know how much swearing goes on in schools.

Mad Dog 1:17 Mon Sep 23
Re: Kids at football
Coming back from chelsea away a couple of seasons ago , walking to tube station some west ham fans were singing songs about rent boys. Some doris started kicking off that it was her 2 sons first games and they shouldn't have to hear it. Her fella looked embarrassed. I pointed out politely that if it were their first game, taking them to chelsea v west ham, you know what you're going to get. More songs, she kicked off again, her fella even tried to point out that its expected and maybe trying to argue with west ham fans about foul language would only backfire on her. She ignored him, kicked off again, then the rent boy chants turned into piss taking of her.

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