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Worst Case Ontario 5:35 Mon Mar 23
Any silver linings in this pandemic?
A family wedding likely won't be going ahead in June, which is great for me because I don't want to go.

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mashed in maryland 10:30 Sat Apr 18
Re: Any silver linings in this pandemic?

Instagram influencers are struggling and some may never recover *fingers crossed*

bruuuno 7:55 Fri Apr 17
Re: Any silver linings in this pandemic?
In loving the peace and quiet and the motorways are beautiful if you need to make a.long trip

Sir Alf 7:41 Fri Apr 17
Re: Any silver linings in this pandemic?
Looking once more like we will stay in the Prem although the media report contradictory stories every few days. But with player contracts expiring end of June , lockdown perhaps easing from mid to late May and players needing at least 2 weeks pre-season, it seems the "window" for completing the season is closing fast.

Wouldnt be surprised to see the 22 team Prem League next season with Leeds and WBA promoted and no relegations. Only downside of this "silver lining" if we can call it that is the fact that Tits Mcgee's "null and void" declaration will have been proved correct.

So a dark cloud inside the silver lining of a bigger dark cloud :-)

Lertie Button 7:36 Fri Apr 17
Re: Any silver linings in this pandemic?
Apparently in the USA it was the first March without a school shooting since 2002.

Lertie Button 8:40 Thu Apr 16
Re: Any silver linings in this pandemic?
Bonanza, the Virginian, Maverick as well Nurse, thee was literally one on every night

Alfs 3:18 Wed Apr 15
Re: Any silver linings in this pandemic?
Lertie Button 9:50 Tue Apr 14

Westerns have had a massive influence on my life, particularly as a writer.

I remember often playing Lone Ranger and Tonto (I took both roles) in Valentines Park, dashing in and out of the trees.

One of the proudest moments in my life was when I'd been chosen to go on a Sundance Script Lab, where I spent a week with top Hollywood screenwriters who would go through your script in forensic detail.

Anyway, when I arrived at the hotel we were all staying at I was bursting for the toilet and rushed to the nearest one. Mid flow this little old Jewish bloke of about eighty-five walked in, unzipped and did what he came for.

I instantly recognised him and all that went through my mind was utter glee that I, me, a kid from Wales, was having a piss alongside the man who wrote The Magnificent Seven.

It made my year.

Mike Oxsaw 2:21 Wed Apr 15
Re: Any silver linings in this pandemic?
Neumünster Zoo may have to start disposing of some animals so that others can survive.

This opens up the possibility of a legitimate European Wet Bushmeat market where we can all experience Bat Soup & roast Pangolin first hand and decide whether or not they are the cause of the problem.

bruuuno 1:08 Wed Apr 15
Re: Any silver linings in this pandemic?

Nurse Ratched 1:07 Wed Apr 15
Re: Any silver linings in this pandemic?
You're sick.

bruuuno 1:07 Wed Apr 15
Re: Any silver linings in this pandemic?
I do actually find a woman talking German very sexy.

Soon as this lockdown is over I’m going to spend a lot of time in Germany

Nurse Ratched 1:05 Wed Apr 15
Re: Any silver linings in this pandemic?
Hast du bitte ein Licht?

gph 12:55 Wed Apr 15
Re: Any silver linings in this pandemic?
Has it got a silver lining?

I hope so.

gank will be outraged at you going off-topic on an off-topic thread. Compounds the offence.

Mike Oxsaw 12:55 Wed Apr 15
Re: Any silver linings in this pandemic?
Sneeze the world, give it to everyone,
Sneeze the world, don't play in the sun,
Do they know it's Crisis time again?

Nurse Ratched 12:45 Wed Apr 15
Re: Any silver linings in this pandemic?
*German officer's greatcoat

wd40 12:28 Wed Apr 15
Re: Any silver linings in this pandemic?
One big plus is we haven't seen or heard nothing from
Bob Geldof or that other cunt called Bono anywhere.
700 plus dieing every day and not a patronising word from them both.
Must be busy helping them charity's aboard again.

riosleftsock 11:15 Tue Apr 14
Re: Any silver linings in this pandemic?
I happen to know that Nurse posts in a full WW1 gas mask and officer's great coat.

bruuuno 10:31 Tue Apr 14
Re: Any silver linings in this pandemic?
I always imagine nurses underwear to be Lacy

I’ve been listening to a lot of Agatha Christie audiobooks

I don’t think the two are linked

ironsofcanada 10:28 Tue Apr 14
Re: Any silver linings in this pandemic?

Yeah mate, thanks for letting me know about that obscure 60s thing: pretending to be a cowboy.

happygilmore 10:08 Tue Apr 14
Re: Any silver linings in this pandemic?
smasher. 10:01 Tue Apr 14
Re: Any silver linings in this pandemic?
Does anyone else imagine Nurse posting in her knickers?

Yes, in fact, only a sick puppy would imagine Nurse posting wearing no knickers.

riosleftsock 10:05 Tue Apr 14
Re: Any silver linings in this pandemic?
Nurse Ratched 9:53 Tue Apr 14

Been reading little house on the prairie and Dr Doolittle with my middle girl (10).

What pleasures.

smasher. 10:01 Tue Apr 14
Re: Any silver linings in this pandemic?
Does anyone else imagine Nurse posting in her knickers?

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