WHO Poll

Nurse Ratched 12:27 Fri Mar 27
For WHO's birders
I thought you might like this video.


It's a compilation of different birds singing. Beautiful photography. If you expand the 'title' under the video it gives a list of species and the times they pop up in the video. Most of the species are familiar to us in the UK, but there are some 'exotics' (the cranes - wow, what a noise!)

It was filmed in Belarus. The guy has a channel you can subscribe to.

Anyway, I hope you enjoy it and maybe it'll take your mind off you-know-what for a few blessed minutes.

Replies - Newest Posts First (Show In Chronological Order)

GBHammer63 10:23 Fri Aug 9
Re: For WHO's birders
Sitting in the garden drinking coffee, watching 5 hoopoe’s dancing around the trees at the end of our garden. Lovely looking things.

Tomshardware 11:34 Thu Aug 8
Re: For WHO's birders
Saw a turtle dove last week. Beautiful looking bird. Also today saw dozens of swallows on a telegraph line.

Tomshardware 11:34 Thu Aug 8
Re: For WHO's birders
Saw a turtle dove last week. Beautiful looking bird. Also today saw dozens of swallows on a telegraph line.

Tomshardware 11:34 Thu Aug 8
Re: For WHO's birders
Saw a turtle dove last week. Beautiful looking bird. Also today saw dozens of swallows on a telegraph line.

Tomshardware 11:33 Thu Aug 8
Re: For WHO's birders
Saw a turtle dove last week. Beautiful looking bird. Also today saw dozens of swallows on a telegraph line.

Tomshardware 11:33 Thu Aug 8
Re: For WHO's birders
Saw a turtle dove last week. Beautiful looking bird. Also today saw dozens of swallows on a telegraph line.

Tomshardware 11:33 Thu Aug 8
Re: For WHO's birders
Saw a turtle dove last week. Beautiful looking bird. Also today saw dozens of swallows on a telegraph line.

Aalborg Hammer 2:52 Mon Jun 3
Re: For WHO's birders
norwaytips- take a walk up to Tennysons Monument and take a look at the resident ravens -they're big bastards too.
On a separate note -if you like burgers/steak etc. make sure to visit The Cow ,not far from Freshwater on the Newport road and the Blacksmiths pub at Carisbrooke-great food and views out the back

norwaytips 4:55 Sun Jun 2
Re: For WHO's birders
Just seen a white tailed sea eagle, in Compton bay, Isle of Wight. First one I’ve seen here and they are big buggers.

WHU(Exeter) 7:56 Sat Jun 1
Re: For WHO's birders
Just taken a photo of one of the wild flowers, and it’s a gentian. Well chuffed.

WHU(Exeter) 7:12 Sat Jun 1
Re: For WHO's birders
A few of the wild flowers I planted have come up on the last week, well pleased.

My street and a couple nearby are also covered with lots of Mexican flea bane. It’s amazing how they can grow quickly, with next to nothing to grow in. They truly are proliferate.


arsene york-hunt 5:16 Sat Jun 1
Re: For WHO's birders
I saw a nice pair of tits in my garden.

Nurse Ratched 4:32 Sat Jun 1
Re: For WHO's birders
Forgot to add:

Loads of swifts in the streets around my home. Also an area I know locally for house martins is absolutely swamped with the little beauties.

Nurse Ratched 4:29 Sat Jun 1
Re: For WHO's birders
Spotted flycatcher.


Merlin has been trying to tell me all morning and I thought "Nah". Now a confirmed eyeball. Best Spring I can remember for birding in a long time. All I'm missing is my woodpecker but maybe I've not been available to watch the garden early enough or just been unlucky with timing.

Also: a jay and many baby bluetits.

Hammer and Pickle 4:05 Sun May 19
Re: For WHO's birders
My Merlin app has recorded a single Nightingale and, interestingly, a Golden Oriel at the same time. Playing it back there is a single liquid trill, which seems to have been attributed to both. Could it be Merlin is as reliable as an over-keen ornithologist?

Aalborg Hammer 2:28 Sun May 19
Re: For WHO's birders
The local bird warden says it's possibly a lone male on his way through to Sussex..he'd not heard one for ages..my Merlin app confirmed the 'spotting ' hope to try again tonight

Aalborg Hammer 1:57 Sun May 19
Re: For WHO's birders
Currently staying in a 500 year old brew house on the Isle of Wight...we're somewhat out in the sticks here with water meadows and some lakes..so far we've seen a barn owl fly over the lake (with fieldmouse) chiff chaff ,Jay's, wren ,long tailed tits, buzzards, red kite , moorhen , grey heron , loads of red squirrels and a fox..my Merlin app has been very busy recording a bearded tit, Reed warbler and tree creeper..last night, the icing on the cake was a nightingale giving it rice in the nearby wood..I haven't heard one since I was a teenager..Happy days

Nurse Ratched 3:33 Sat May 18
Re: For WHO's birders
Swifts screaming their heads off in the air over my garden and a hovering red kite who most obligingly slowed and circled long enough to give me a good view of his underpinnings via my bins.


Nurse Ratched 3:09 Sat May 18
Re: For WHO's birders
I became a little tearful earlier. Brilliant day in my garden. Not only are the coal tits back after a 3(?) year absence, but twice one came in to my sitting room to take worms. On top of that for the first time ever I've seen long-tailed tits on my feeders! I got to watch a parent feeding bits of suet ball to its fledgie. I love these little tsee-tsee-tsee-tsee feckers, but until today they've eluded me. God bless these mild winters.

Nutsin 5:39 Sat May 18
Re: For WHO's birders
I live next to a park, there is a family of birds that are the size of a sparrow only they are blue. Beautiful looking birds. It’s called an Indigo Bunting. Nice looking bird.

Tomsdad 5:19 Sat May 18
Re: For WHO's birders
Went to see a Frigate bird sanctuary on the isle of Barbuda yesterday. They are massive with a 1.8 metre wingspan.
Also see some humming birds.

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