WHO Poll

Far Cough 11:09 Mon Mar 30
MY best actors
Paul Scofield

Laurence Olivier (I mean you have to don't you?)

Al Pacino

Toshiro Mifune

Anthony Hopkins


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Far Cough 7:22 Wed Apr 1
Re: MY best actors
Yeah I would add Pachino to the worst actors thread...

the cunt

arsene york-hunt 7:01 Wed Apr 1
Re: MY best actors
Swiss. 6:22 Wed Apr 1

Nutsin 6:52 Wed Apr 1
Re: MY best actors
I forgot to add Gene Hackman and Ed Harris.

Swiss. 6:22 Wed Apr 1
Re: MY best actors
Where's the worst actors thread.

You can add Pachino to that along with Jude Law and Nicholas Cage, Jack Nicholson.

zico 5:53 Wed Apr 1
Re: MY best actors
Loved this story -

Dustin Hoffman has long been known as one of method acting’s most earnest exponents. A showbiz story involves his collaboration with Laurence Olivier on the 1976 film Marathon Man. Upon being asked by his co-star how a previous scene had gone, one in which Hoffmann’s character had supposedly stayed up for three days, Hoffmann admitted that he too had not slept for 72 hours to achieve emotional verisimilitude. “My dear boy,” replied Olivier smoothly, “why don’t you just try acting?”

Far Cough 5:48 Wed Apr 1
Re: MY best actors
zico, agreed if only for his portrayal of a blind person, that must have been challenging, although I hear he spent some time with blind people before hand

zico 5:46 Wed Apr 1
Re: MY best actors
Pacino was outstanding in Scent of a Woman.

mallard 5:28 Wed Apr 1
Re: MY best actors
Fassbender was excellent in that cellar bar scene in Inglorious Basterds

Sniper 5:26 Wed Apr 1
Re: MY best actors
Norton is a superb actor

Michael Fassbender is brilliant too - he’s been in some rubbish films but he does generally carry them. Anyone who can say the line ‘you blow and I’ll do the fingering’ without laughing deserves some credit

Far Cough 5:23 Wed Apr 1
Re: MY best actors
Gielgud is a good choice if only for his stellar role in Arthur

Swiss. 5:19 Wed Apr 1
Re: MY best actors
Ed Norton
Ryan Gosling
Del Torro
David Straithairn

ironsofcanada 5:12 Wed Apr 1
Re: MY best actors


You could try a slightly more original post.

Your list of Pacino and Guinness films watched would be less boring, maybe. And further the discussion.

arsene york-hunt 4:30 Wed Apr 1
Re: MY best actors

Do you find when you are in conversation with somebody they are usually yawning or looking at their watch?

Tomshardware 10:44 Wed Apr 1
Re: MY best actors
Al Pacino in 'Serpico', outstanding performance, great film.

Bungo 10:22 Wed Apr 1
Re: MY best actors
Carrie Fisher in Return Of The Jedi of course...

ironsofcanada 9:50 Wed Apr 1
Re: MY best actors
And it also depends what you are going for I love Harris in Camelot, like I love Olivier's Henry V. Both being stage actors on film but telling a sweeping story. Shakespeare and musicals like that were not written to be performed subtlety, do not mean that can't convey subtle things.

ironsofcanada 9:42 Wed Apr 1
Re: MY best actors
arsene york-hunt 3:06 Wed Apr 1

"Everything I have seen him in"

There is the rub. There are a number movies I and others have mentioned where what you say about Pacino is patently not true.

For instance, in the Godfather, Brando is not yelling but he is a massive character (no pun intended) along with James Caan, Abe Vigoda and the guy that played Fredo.
Robert Duvall and Pacino are the subdued realism that usher you into this world that could easily be cartoony.

So give me idea of where you are coming from. What have you actually seen of his as compared to what you have seen of Guiness, for instance.

Your one example is probably not good enough. Shakespeare is tricky as much as actors want show off in it. You are working with or against the interpretation of characters that have done thousands of times over hundreds of years. There is a good video on YouTube somewhere of Patrick Stewart talking about the traps he fell into when playing Shylock, specfically, (done it in three big productions at least.). I think Denzel Washington is a very good actor but did not do great in Much Ado About Nothing as another example.

Nutsin 6:50 Wed Apr 1
Re: MY best actors
Didn't like Pacino in heat, thought he was good in Glengarry Glenross and Devils advocate, his best was Godfather and Scarface.

arsene york-hunt 3:06 Wed Apr 1
Re: MY best actors
ironsofcanada 12:31 Wed Apr 1

I've not seen a great performance by Al Pacino at all. Everything I have seen with him in he has overacted and shouted his way through the film. You are always conscious of the fact that these so called greats are acting. Al Pacino is one of the worst offenders

Richard Harris, Now there is a ham. Only decent performance from him was in The Red Desert and that was in Italian.

ironsofcanada 12:31 Wed Apr 1
Re: MY best actors
arsene york-hunt 11:23 Tue Mar 31

I have seen that and many versions of that play.

Not great but none of the good actors mentioned are without blemishes on their record. I would guess it was better than his work in Jack and Jill.

You mention Guinness, you don't think his performance was off as Charles I in Cromwell. So ahistorical that it throws the balance of the piece off. The film is a condensation of history, of course, but Charles' personalty was a big reason for the the Civil War. Harris is playing a big and combined character really and to make a conflict understandable, Guinness needs to match that. He had the advantage that his character was big. But did not and it makes the story lopsided.

Still a great actor not a great performance.

Have you watched any of Pacino's great performance? Have you allowed them to change your mind on him?

, 12:16 Wed Apr 1
Re: MY best actors
Honourable mention for Rod Steiger.

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