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Babelman 1:11 Wed May 6
scousers moral high ground
See Carragher going on about us again. Why don't LFC show some class and decline title as season can't be played correctly.

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Full Claret Jacket 8:02 Fri May 29
Re: scousers moral high ground
I can never understand a word Carragher says anyway and I have to mute the sound as his voice is like fingernails scraping down a chalkboard. Of course they are always the victims.

Babelman 4:47 Fri May 29
Re: scousers moral high ground
Mr Kenzo 1:56 Thu May 28

Mr Kenzo 1:56 Thu May 28
Re: scousers moral high ground
Was sent this link some time ago, it gives one scouser's opinion on Heysel whilst being in attendance, its Fucking long, but he mentioned our fans being there too. Its quite unbelievable.


boleyn8420 1:42 Thu May 28
Re: scousers moral high ground
Saw today one of the best descriptions of the fucking scousers

that sad tribute act of a football club

That definitely means more to every other football fan as a description of the entitled cunts

Mr Kenzo 11:39 Thu May 21
Re: scousers moral high ground
If the Covid 19 results had come back and shown that 3 Liverpool had been infected, it wouldn't surprise me if the club brushed it under the carpet so they could get their hands on the Premiership title. Classless wankers and don't get me on the subject of that bottler Carrgaher, he epitomises everything to do with the city of Liverpool.

Manuel 10:37 Thu May 21
Re: scousers moral high ground
I don't have the energy to hate them, couldn't care less about them to be honest. As a long term expat I've come in contact with quite a lot of Scouse along the way and found a lot of them fine with a good sense of humour. Maybe some dodgy cunts among them, granted, but so what. Always preferred them to Mancs, generally speaking.

Hammer and Pickle 9:28 Thu May 21
Re: scousers moral high ground
Don’t give a toss what the media says.

Klopp’s teams have always played excellent attacking football that is a joy to watch. To compare him to Mourinho and the dour grind he plays indicates a lack of real love for the game.

Not that Klopp isn’t a smug cunt, but that’s another issue.

White Pony 9:20 Thu May 21
Re: scousers moral high ground
Imagine a different, less revered club had done the exact same shit as Liverpool and their fans. It would be a perfect example of how the media are able to spin things to either extreme.

They have a lot more fair weather fans than they like to admit also. They like to portray their club as some kind of pure and virtuous idyll, one that all clubs should aim for.

They remind me of god botherers, big time.

The worst is Klopp though. As someone else said, the new media darling. Just because he smiles with massive teeth and makes some lame quip. Cut back to bland football pundits laughing and hanging on his every sausage-breath word.

They’ll turn on him sooner or later, just as they did with that one-time hilarious comedy god Mourinho.

Joe C 7:54 Thu May 21
Re: scousers moral high ground
Well why don't you just marry them?

wd40 7:03 Thu May 21
Re: scousers moral high ground
Proper ground, great football to watch winning cups and european nights under the flood lights.

We can only dream.

Joe C 12:25 Thu May 21
Re: scousers moral high ground
Fucking cunts top story on BBC Sport simply for having gone back to training.


wd40 9:35 Tue May 19
Re: scousers moral high ground
Dogshit? Must have been dreaming when we were swapping coins with Ipswich fans at Portman road back in day then.

Mart O 5:44 Tue May 19
Re: scousers moral high ground
Quality from Joe. What a pack of cunts they are. And beyond that, never met one of 'em that wasn't a complete gobshite.

Babelman 4:43 Tue May 19
Re: scousers moral high ground

Side of Ham 1:55 Sun May 17
Re: scousers moral high ground
Great rant Joe C but why the fuck did you play for the cunts then?

Mike Oxsaw 12:30 Sun May 17
Re: scousers moral high ground
From Toxteth to toxic. I'm sure there's an old English folk song in there somewhere.

defjam 12:21 Sun May 17
Re: scousers moral high ground
Joe C 10:51 - *Stands up and applauds*

only1billybonds 11:38 Sat May 16
Re: scousers moral high ground
Mate of mine and his lad are STH's at Man Utd (he's from Altringham). He was telling me that a couple of seasons ago during a game against Liverpool, Utd scored and within seconds little bags of dog shit were being hurled by the filthy Scouse cunts. Now i guess a lot of us have been involved in some sheanigans at away games in our time but come on,this is stretching it a bit.

Oh and well done Joe C., excellent tirade.

Babelman 10:25 Sat May 16
Re: scousers moral high ground
Athletico Easthamico 1:12 Sat May 16

have always believed this

Babelman 10:23 Sat May 16
Re: scousers moral high ground
Joe C 10:51 Sat May 16

well put

boleyn8420 3:24 Sat May 16
Re: scousers moral high ground
Joe C
I echo every word and sentiment in that tremendous rant
Fucking scousers are cunts. End Of.

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