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gooders 11:34 Sun May 17
Moving to Gloucester
Got a job in the city starting in July. Anyone know the area (hoping glosterhammer is still there) and if so where are the best primary schools and who should my boys second team be?

Replies - Newest Posts First (Show In Chronological Order)

penners28 12:44 Wed May 20
Re: Moving to Gloucester
I lived in the next village over to Kings Stanley. They do that up the Kings Head?

Gloucester Iron 11:14 Wed May 20
Re: Moving to Gloucester
White Pony 11:24 Tue May 19
Re: Moving to Gloucester
penners 4:52

I was in there when a DJ was on a couple of times, so most probably yeah. I do remember the barmaid in there was the most miserable barmaid I’ve ever come across.

used to have some good Northen Soud events on at The Vic, but believe they've moved up to Kings Stanley recently...

VickyPkVillageIdiot 11:38 Tue May 19
Re: Moving to Gloucester

eusebiovic 11:29 Tue May 19
Re: Moving to Gloucester
Is this a case of Norwich getting all the infamous publicity but the real daddy is Gloucester?

White Pony 11:24 Tue May 19
Re: Moving to Gloucester
penners 4:52

I was in there when a DJ was on a couple of times, so most probably yeah. I do remember the barmaid in there was the most miserable barmaid I’ve ever come across.

White Pony 11:22 Tue May 19
Re: Moving to Gloucester
I think you’re confusing Gloucester with the Harry Potter films, JAFKD son. Easily done.

JustAFatKevinDavies 5:19 Tue May 19
Re: Moving to Gloucester
full of weird bald little goblins

penners28 5:08 Tue May 19
Re: Moving to Gloucester
No comment officer

Lee Trundle 2:28 Tue May 19
Re: Moving to Gloucester
Which family of gypos are you from, penners?

penners28 2:24 Tue May 19
Re: Moving to Gloucester

Roby 5:23 Mon May 18
Re: Moving to Gloucester
I used to live in Cheltenham as a kid from 89 to 97.

My family moved from Maidstone to a village a few miles outside Cheltenham, they moved on again to Devon and I left for university and only went back once since.

Don’t miss the place at all and wouldn’t recommend it to anyone.

It used to rain all the time and the whole place was basically in fear of two families of travellers who had kids all over the place and were nutters.

Bit of a small town mentality, I’d personally commute from Bristol on one side or Worcester on the other.

Whole place was infested with plastic Man Utd fans as Cheltenham Town and Gloucester City were crap. Few Villa fans knocking about as it ain’t too far from Brum.

The accent is even worse than the Bristol one.

penners28 4:52 Mon May 18
Re: Moving to Gloucester
You ever stay for DJ JASE?

White Pony 4:27 Mon May 18
Re: Moving to Gloucester
penners I used to drink a at the Vic every week when I was up in Stroud. You’d usually find me playing pool. Also used to do the Retreat quiz every week, although the landlord was generally unintelligible so fuck knows what the questions ever were.

penners28 4:05 Mon May 18
Re: Moving to Gloucester
I went 6th form at Central, formally Saintbridge. That chef from marlow Tom something left the year I joined.

Bit of a culture shock tbf, moving from the previous school i was at to some inner city one. As soon as they found out I was a gypo it was fairly plain sailing though. Good football team and all.

Think shayne bradley still plays for tuffley. He did retire but ive seen his name pop up every now and then. Ex saints.

the exile 2:41 Mon May 18
Re: Moving to Gloucester
penners - no, STRS.

the house of freaks 1:17 Mon May 18
Re: Moving to Gloucester
I’m in the area too - albeit Cheltenham. My eldest goes to Ribston - which is a girls grammar in Gloucester. Think you’ve had some good advice on areas to avoid - another option is out Huntley or hignam towards forest of dean. Once you move the non- London side of either Cheltenham or Gloucester you get more bang for your buck housewise

ray winstone 1:00 Mon May 18
Re: Moving to Gloucester
Too? Are you really as thick as you come across?

Johnson 12:47 Mon May 18
Re: Moving to Gloucester
So why didn't you say that instead of laughing at a bullshit post no one else got?

Of the too issues it is clear which one should rank higher in your priority list but I'm sure your grand kids will be pleased to know they come second in your desire to get, or is it avoid as you seem unsure, my attention on WHO.

ray winstone 12:40 Mon May 18
Re: Moving to Gloucester
Johnson, I was just relieved to find out that where you live is nowhere near my grand kids are going to school, phew.

Johnson 12:28 Mon May 18
Re: Moving to Gloucester
You'll have to explain that one to me, especially as I am not from Gloucester.

Whilst you're at it, you can explain which former poster you are too.

There's a few names in the frame so it won't take too long for people to work it out if you're not keen to explain.

VickyPkVillageIdiot 12:11 Mon May 18
Re: Moving to Gloucester
Johnson = conehead

Not too hard to get.

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