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stewey 10:54 Sat Jun 20
All kicking off @BLM reading
What do is it they want ?
Apart from new Nike trainers

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only1billybonds 9:28 Sat Jun 27
Re: All kicking off @BLM reading
Outrageous decision,clearly a case of white (English) privelage at play. Why shouldnt someone be able to move to a country,be given the opportunity to build a far better life than he had before he relocated then go out and murder people at will without being prosecuted for doing so.?

Mike Oxsaw 8:42 Sat Jun 27
Re: All kicking off @BLM reading
That would give him the martyrdom he seeks - or at least those using him seek.

Better 100% isolation in a cell that contains a little box that holds a cyanide capsule.

Normal meals & cleaning/sanitation materials but no interaction with anybody (guaranteed his family will demand that the UK government fly all 146 of them over to see him on "compassionate grounds" though - fuck 'em).

Let him go crazy and choose to end it all himself.

terry-h 8:31 Sat Jun 27
Re: All kicking off @BLM reading
Breaking news

The arsehole has now been charged with three counts of murder.
Bring back hanging.

Ridikzappa 8:39 Wed Jun 24
Re: All kicking off @BLM reading
Hey BLM, relying on mob intimidation, violence, the threat of personal ruination, and the power of giant monopolistic corporations to terrify everyone into thinking the same way probably suggests you’re not on the “right side of history.”

Kaiser Zoso 8:36 Tue Jun 23
Re: All kicking off @BLM reading
Hey mod, if your goose-stepping around, preventing discussions by locking threads, you've forgotten this one?

Lee Trundle 12:00 Tue Jun 23
Re: All kicking off @BLM reading
Makes you wonder what the UK saw in him to welcome him in with open arms then, doesn't it Fifth?

His brother sounds like a right wrong 'un too. He'll probably have no problems re-entering the country either.

Fifth Column 11:54 Mon Jun 22
Re: All kicking off @BLM reading
According to the Daily Mail reports he has history of schizophrenia, dated a Christian woman and converted to Christianity and liked a drink. Only got out of jail two weeks ago for various low level assaults.

Tomshardware 11:44 Mon Jun 22
Re: All kicking off @BLM reading
Its sickening that this kind of thing is so common now, this won't be the last time someone does this in the name of whatever it is their warped beliefs are. This world seems such a violent and angry place more than ever before.

only1billybonds 8:59 Mon Jun 22
Re: All kicking off @BLM reading

Agree totally and know exactly where your'e going with those comments. Bloke 3 doors up from me has a son who was taught by the fella,kid is in a bad way.


Hairy has had a result here. 3 less white people to opress people of colour.

Nutsin 8:53 Mon Jun 22
Re: All kicking off @BLM reading
Where is the outrage from Hairyhammer?

3 white people stabbed to death, by a terrorist and nothing hairy?

Yet many white people expressed their outrage over the cop killing floydd.

Your silence is racist!

Kaiser Zoso 8:46 Mon Jun 22
Re: All kicking off @BLM reading
Truly shocked about what, o1bb?

We’ve seen enough Muslim men murdering white people with impunity by now to get used to it, as the mayor of London says, it’s just part and parcel.

The teacher's safety came a distant second

only1billybonds 8:40 Mon Jun 22
Re: All kicking off @BLM reading
The teacher who died taught in a school around the corner from me,was full of tv and media bods this morning. Lot of people round here are genuinely shocked,he seemed very popiular with parents and pupils.

, 8:19 Mon Jun 22
Re: All kicking off @BLM reading
Has this Libyan killed these three chaps because they are white, gay or just infidels?

Sven Roeder 8:14 Mon Jun 22
Re: All kicking off @BLM reading
Understand 2 if not all 3 of the victims were GAY men.

Mike Oxsaw 8:07 Mon Jun 22
Re: All kicking off @BLM reading
He is NOT a terrorist. He is a Cultural Updater (Nationally Transposed).

He was here at the specific invitation of the UK government - unless one of you twats invited him here..

Lee Trundle 7:49 Mon Jun 22
Re: All kicking off @BLM reading
He was an immigrant terrorist. Which are as probably as much of a problem here, as gun toting cops are in America.

Northern Sold 7:42 Mon Jun 22
Re: All kicking off @BLM reading
Come on you Irons

Why was the bloke Libyan old bill?

Come On You Irons 7:16 Mon Jun 22
Re: All kicking off @BLM reading
All three victims who unfortunately lost their lives in this shocking attacked now confirmed as white British.

As posted earlier, we don't see any riots or protests from 'White Lives Matter' against these atrocities.

Johnson 12:22 Mon Jun 22
Re: All kicking off @BLM reading
AKA ERNIE 11:39 Mon Jun 22


Mike Oxsaw 11:57 Mon Jun 22
Re: All kicking off @BLM reading
He didn't attack ANY of the people who had a direct input into releasing him, so why is this even news?

AKA ERNIE 11:39 Mon Jun 22
Re: All kicking off @BLM reading
Kaiser apparently he wanted to go join ISIS think hes a fucked in the head cunt that shouldve been looked after and monitored bettdr

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