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charleyfarley 6:02 Thu Jul 2
⚽ Newcastle v West Ham - Official Match Thread

St James' Park
5th July 14:15

Craig Pawson: (18) 70 2

Dubravka, Krafth, Lascelles, Fernandez, Manquillo, Shelvey, Hayden, Saint-Maximin, Almiron, Joelinton, Gayle.

Fabianski, Fredericks, Diop, Ogbonna, Cresswell, Rice, Soucek, Bowen, Fornals, Lanzini, Antonio.

• Newcastle 8/5: Draw 23/10: West Ham 7/5













Replies - Newest Posts First (Show In Chronological Order)

arsene york-hunt 7:03 Wed Jul 22
Re: ⚽ Newcastle v West Ham - Official Match Thread
Just started to watch SKY coverage. It's supposed to be Man Utd v West Ham but it's all been about fucking Liverpool. Thta's enough for me I'm off to occupy myself until the kick off

BTW I fucking detest Liverpool......

and Manchester United.

Hammer and Pickle 7:12 Mon Jul 6
Re: ⚽ Newcastle v West Ham - Official Match Thread
I also can’t see Johnson doing worse than Cresswell in the full-back job.

daveyg 6:32 Mon Jul 6
Re: ⚽ Newcastle v West Ham - Official Match Thread
That's exactly as I see our best line up.
Cresswell doesn't add anything,he's afraid to go and mark his man because he'll be beaten for pace. Stays in the middle to often and jsutgets in the frigging way.

White Pony 5:46 Mon Jul 6
Re: ⚽ Newcastle v West Ham - Official Match Thread

I’d also say that Cresswell has been a weak link. Need to shore up our left side

JAC 5:15 Mon Jul 6
Re: ⚽ Newcastle v West Ham - Official Match Thread
Noble shouldnt get a sniff while we are playing as we have for last few matches.

Keep the side we have with the only real weakness being Lanzini but we have enough depth without putting Noble in.

White Pony 2:47 Mon Jul 6
Re: ⚽ Newcastle v West Ham - Official Match Thread
Let’s hope Lanzini doesn’t start the next match. Noble will though, we all know this.

What we’ll get from “I win” Moyseysey:

Fornals Antonio Bowen
Noble Rice Soucek
Creswell Diop Og Fredericks

Plus using 2 late subs.

I’d rather have:
Bowen Antonio Yarmalenko
Rice Soucek
Johnson Diop Og Fredericks

Wilshere to be replaced by Fornals when he tires / breaks
Silva to come on if we need goals, either for Antonio or Yarmalenko (with Antonio switching out wide)
Cresswell to fuck off

geoffpikey 2:26 Mon Jul 6
Re: ⚽ Newcastle v West Ham - Official Match Thread
Lanzini is on £70kpw.

In the mental world of "international" players that's not TOO mental for a 27 year old.

We didn't pay much for him. £8-£9m. Take a hit on any anticipated fee profit and get some other player more USEFUL and it's not beyond the realms of possibility to get rid.

He just needs to show he's good again to suitors.... Erm, in which case, of course, we should keep him.


stepney hammer 2:17 Mon Jul 6
Re: ⚽ Newcastle v West Ham - Official Match Thread
Hernandez was prepared to take a massive pay cut though. Depends whether Lanzini is prepared to do the same.


Sajmo1 2:10 Mon Jul 6
Re: ⚽ Newcastle v West Ham - Official Match Thread
Sevilla went for Chicharito despite his 140k/week wages so there will be one or two potential suitors for Lanzini no doubt. We will get a small fee though

Eerie Descent 2:04 Mon Jul 6
Re: ⚽ Newcastle v West Ham - Official Match Thread
There is not a chance Lanzini will be leaving the club. He is on a big fat contract, one which won't be anywhere near matched by the sort of foreign clubs that would want him.

Sven Roeder 1:47 Mon Jul 6
Re: ⚽ Newcastle v West Ham - Official Match Thread
On the bright side we have started scoring the goals that people score against us.
Bowen on the right low across the box and Antonio puts it in from the centre of the goal.
Bit of help from a clumsy defender v Newcastle but much easier v Chelsea.

zico 1:41 Mon Jul 6
Re: ⚽ Newcastle v West Ham - Official Match Thread
Sven Roeder

Agreed with both posts. The injury Lanzini had seems to have destroyed his agility and that first burst of pace. He was never quick but had that burst over 10 yards that gave him the ability to go past players twisting and turning. He can't seem to do that now.

The left side of our team is a problem stopping crosses. Wolves scored two down that side and Cresswell and whoever just don't seem to get close enough or as you say track the runners. Schoolboy stuff really.

Sven Roeder 12:48 Mon Jul 6
Re: ⚽ Newcastle v West Ham - Official Match Thread
Both goals yesterday smacked of poor defensive organisation and lack of drilling to track runners and move out as one.
Soft goals and avoidable
Story of our season with too many goals scored too easily against us.

Mad Dog 12:42 Mon Jul 6
Re: ⚽ Newcastle v West Ham - Official Match Thread
Sajmo. I don't care if formals has never played that position, fucking schoolkids are taught not to linger around at the back.

I don't mind fornals, but that was awful on his part. The defenders in the middle should have done better too.

Sven Roeder 12:38 Mon Jul 6
Re: ⚽ Newcastle v West Ham - Official Match Thread
This is a very West Ham situation.
Dean Ashton was never the same after his serious injury with his ankle fused and obviously had to retire.
Don’t know whether it’s physical or mental with Lanzini and likely a bit of both.
Unfortunately he is a shadow of what he was and it’s probably likely that a move to a less physical league like La Liga or Portugal might be for the best.
Seems no sign he is getting back to his best for us.

ChillTheKeel 11:03 Mon Jul 6
Re: ⚽ Newcastle v West Ham - Official Match Thread
Lanzini was actually superb when Payet left - until he got injured and has been shit ever since, I've no idea how he's still getting a game.

CARTERS 10:58 Mon Jul 6
Re: ⚽ Newcastle v West Ham - Official Match Thread
Having read most posts regarding Lanzini and Fornals I agree he plays in the centre with Yammo & Bowen wide or, not at all.
Better still have Antonio on the wing and Haller up front or is he still in a knee brace FFS.
Lanzini, if everyone can recall ,was a great partner for Payet and thereafter has become anonymous.
We need to stay up and clear out some of these so called stars.Anderson,Lanzini,Masuaku,Cresswell,Wilshere,That would save some money and I'd let Haller go as well.
How much is there in Value 130m Pounds??
let alone the saving in wages.
While we're at it new owners would be nice......

ChillTheKeel 10:20 Mon Jul 6
Re: ⚽ Newcastle v West Ham - Official Match Thread
Usually those 2 dropped points would come back to haunt us, but the teams below us are so shit we'll do a Zola and stay up by default again. Can't wait for more of the same next season.

Sajmo1 9:57 Mon Jul 6
Re: ⚽ Newcastle v West Ham - Official Match Thread
Maybe play a proper winger on the left and move Fornals to the middle that might help who knows. People blame him for the 2nd Newcastle goal even though he's never played a similar role in his career. When have you seen a cam/cm constantly covering for his leftback?

rochesterjohn 6:47 Mon Jul 6
Re: ⚽ Newcastle v West Ham - Official Match Thread
To be fair, he does run around for 90 minutes or however long it is before he inevitably gets hooked.
There is something to be said for that (but you
could find dozens of lower league players able to do that job), definitely polarises opinion though, normally they’re either shit or adequate this guy has followers in both camps.

Manuel 6:32 Mon Jul 6
Re: ⚽ Newcastle v West Ham - Official Match Thread
This debate with the grinning Fornals, we've been here before haven't we with other players, same weekly shit. Clearly some people see completely different things on a football pitch, which in itself is a little strange.

I suspect he will eventually go the same way as Anderson, ie will never improve, doesn't bring nowhere near enough to the table and will run out of chances. He will then just be sitting around on his paid holiday before some mid table side in Spain take a punt on him.

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