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charleyfarley 2:13 Thu Jul 9
⚽ West Ham v Watford - Official Match Thread

London Stadium
Fri 17th July 20:00

Martin Atkinson (29) - 80 3

Fabianski; Creswell, Ogbonna, Diop, Johnson; Soucek, Noble, Rice; Fornals, Antonio, Bowen.
Subs: Randolph, Yarmolenko, Masuaku, Lanzini, Wilshere, Balbuena, Anderson, Haller, Coventry

Foster; Masina, Dawson, Kabasele, Femenía; Hughes, Cleverley; Welbeck, Doucouré, Sarr; Deeney Subs: Gomes, Mariappa, Chalobah, Cathcart, Joao Pedro, Gray, Quina, Pussetto, Pereyra


• West Ham 7/5: Draw 21/20: Watford 21/20



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Jasnik 8:07 Sat Jul 18
Re: ⚽ West Ham v Watford - Official Match Thread
How bad is wilshire that Noble was dead on his feet and Moyes still didn't change it.

Keep dreaming 4:28 Sat Jul 18
Re: ⚽ West Ham v Watford - Official Match Thread
Buying Sarr is a good shout. Very good player that

Kaiser Zoso 3:45 Sat Jul 18
Re: ⚽ West Ham v Watford - Official Match Thread
He’d be a lot more use than Ajeti and Hugill

ornchurch ammer 3:44 Sat Jul 18
Re: ⚽ West Ham v Watford - Official Match Thread
Buy Sarr from Watford - pace and power - a lot of raw talent there IMO.

Cant believe no one else has mentioned that.
He will develop in to a player that can play anywhere across the front line.

Takashi Miike 2:34 Sat Jul 18
Re: ⚽ West Ham v Watford - Official Match Thread
probably some clever Chelsea cunt fan on a wind up

Far Cough 2:26 Sat Jul 18
Re: ⚽ West Ham v Watford - Official Match Thread
Don't know if this is true or not, just seen this comment on the BBC match thread?

Nice touch by Frank Lampard to send Congratulations and a magnum of Champagne to Declan Rice.


Tapping up?

geoffpikey 2:23 Sat Jul 18
Re: ⚽ West Ham v Watford - Official Match Thread
Fornals' ball from left to right (to Johnson) also completely switched the play on the second goal, didn't it? It had Watford's defence turning and giving Bowen more time for a great cross.

He's a good player with a great attitude. Just got to find his best position. I don't see Lanzini coming good again, sadly, and Chinny can be a sort-of replacement. Keep. (Not that we'll be overrun with offers, anyway.)

Far Cough 2:18 Sat Jul 18
Re: ⚽ West Ham v Watford - Official Match Thread
I'm afraid I will have to agree with the Village Idiot, Fornals is definitely a keeper, I like him...

Fornals that is, not the Village Idiot

El Scorchio 2:18 Sat Jul 18
Re: ⚽ West Ham v Watford - Official Match Thread
That’s also Haz 12:19

El Scorchio 2:17 Sat Jul 18
Re: ⚽ West Ham v Watford - Official Match Thread
VickyPkVillageIdiot 12:25

I’ve noticed that about Fornals as well. Since the restart he’s celebrated every goal really enthusiastically. That combined with all the graft tells me that’s a player who is committed, willing to work for his team and is enjoying being here.

This season was a bit of a steep curve for him at times but there’s no doubt he’s a tidy player and he’s stepped in when others have hidden. Personally I think he could have a good season next time round, and I hope it’s a pleasant surprise for a lot of people.

Westham67 2:16 Sat Jul 18
Re: ⚽ West Ham v Watford - Official Match Thread
Haz 12:19 Sat Jul 18

Nagel 2:08 Sat Jul 18
Re: ⚽ West Ham v Watford - Official Match Thread
If there's one position that we're more than covered in it's the right wing, so I don't think we'll be looking at Sarr.

ratcatcher 1:48 Sat Jul 18
Re: ⚽ West Ham v Watford - Official Match Thread
Buy Sarr from Watford - pace and power - a lot of raw talent there IMO

VickyPkVillageIdiot 12:25 Sat Jul 18
Re: ⚽ West Ham v Watford - Official Match Thread
Watching the replay of the second goal...when it goes In, Fornals looks so genuinely happy. He clearly cares and isn’t some moody foreign lad.

I think it’s evident in his performances that he cares and wants to succeed here. He has undoubtedly lacked some quality this season but what a shit season to come in for with the old cunt in charge initially who had no idea what he was doing.

I hope he’s here next season.

Haz 12:19 Sat Jul 18
Re: ⚽ West Ham v Watford - Official Match Thread
So, Fornals. I'll nail my colours to the mast and admit that I was a fan when we bought our Spanish international. I was one of those sad cases that actually watched him play over those few weeks last summer and was excited by what I saw.

Despite someone earlier saying that he played, left wing and right, that certainly wasn't the case when I saw him. He was playing behind the front two and pulling the strings.

Since coming to us he hasn't looked quite as good as those games he played in the summer but he has been played out of position an awful lot, Yet he never complains, always gives 100 per cent and, more importantly of all, has contributed to so many of our goals this season!

He see's the passes and at least tries to go for them. Some of his passing skills are sublime, They don't all come off, not by a long way but I reckon we'll see even more improvement from him next year. Maybe see him score a few more? But I'll tell you what, it is fucking good to see someone playing for us that cares, that runs himself ragged most games, to the point that he might well get subbed..

According to Don Juan of Rochester he was subbed because he was crap. Was that the case when Antonio was subbed? Was he crap? Or had he just run himself into the ground again?

If the likes of Haller and Anderson were to show as much passion and commitment as Fornals, we wouldn't be anywhere near the relegation zone.

He'll be here next season, that's for sure, and I for one will be pleased to see that.

jack flash 11:51 Sat Jul 18
Re: ⚽ West Ham v Watford - Official Match Thread
I thought Johnson did us proud after a bit of a shaky start, which under the circumstances, was to be expected
I'd prefer him to Fredericks, who has failed to impress defensively all season. I would certainly unload the former but I would be looking to replace him with one of the quality RBs who we've been linked with
I wouldn't like to rely on Johnson for a full season, particularly after his injury woes
If Nkagia had stayed that would have been a possible solution
The glaring problem that needs to be urgently addressed is LB though
Cresswell was again shown up as our weakest link last night where Sarr could give him a 3 yard start and still go past him with ease
It's obvious to all how vulnerable we are in that area of the pitch
I would unload both Cresswell and Masuaka and buy a couple of competent LBs as an absolute priority in the summer
That should have benn done last summer and is the main single reason why we finished up in such a mess this season
Nearly all the goals we've conceded have come as a result of very poor/non-existing defending in that area of the pitch

ornchurch ammer 11:32 Sat Jul 18
Re: ⚽ West Ham v Watford - Official Match Thread
Thing is though that if we can regularly beat the mid to lower table teams at least we wont be caught in the relegation battle. That's step 1 for me.

Sir Alf 11:32 Sat Jul 18
Re: ⚽ West Ham v Watford - Official Match Thread
Thinking about the right back slot, Johnson is strong, very good in the air , decent control and passing. His main issue yesterday was decision making and a few times trying to do the difficult thing when a simple pass would do. But imo he looks good enough to be our first choice RB over the longer term. It’s the left back spot that desperately needs an upgrade. I suspect a young LB will be brought in but we really need a ready made option ASAP. Cresswell is a huge liability defensively. The times teams get in behind him is criminal.

Fornals does have a good footballing brain but that midfield needs some legs. Fornals spends a lot of the game chasing shadows but does have an eye for a pass. Is that enough to compensate for him being anonymous for a lot of games? No Imho. It’s an obsession on my part For sure but watching our lads repeatedly outpaced by 3 or 4 Watford players especially 2nd half makes it so obvious we need a Kante or Ndidi type of athlete in there. Every team needs one though so never easy to find those type of players.

Ogbonna is 32? So we have to think about

RM10 11:31 Sat Jul 18
Re: ⚽ West Ham v Watford - Official Match Thread
There are some hard decisions to make what do we do with haller Anderson lanzini, masuaku,Wiltshire is off, none helped us stay up but we will take big losses, need right and left back, fast winger, creative mid and a striker!

ratcatcher 11:23 Sat Jul 18
Re: ⚽ West Ham v Watford - Official Match Thread
Considering his age, lack of playing time and the pressure of last night, Johnson played very well. He looks a better player than Fredericks, more like a proper RB and hopefully he will be our first choice in that position for a while now. If he continues to play well the money can be spent on other problem areas in the squad.

wanstead_hammer 11:20 Sat Jul 18
Re: ⚽ West Ham v Watford - Official Match Thread
jfk 5:27
Exactly. The lazy mute nancy-boy can be fucked off out of it now.

And let’s make the 3 parasites next.

I’m sure loads more are joining the Hammers United campaign as we speak.

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