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Worst Case Ontario 12:27 Fri Oct 30
Do you know anyone who was murdered?
My wife went to school with a fellow who was murdered in some kind of truck robbery. The killers then put the body in an incinerator. Quite the story here a few years ago.

Any of you quite so lucky?

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martinbritt_63 8:17 Wed Nov 4
Re: Do you know anyone who was murdered?
In 2009 - Charlie Heath, a Jock who lived 10 doors down from me in Poplar. Nice enough bloke, used to come in the local with a daft rescue Alsatian that he had. Anyway, he wasn't around for a while - no big deal, as he often went down to his caravan on Canvey. Neighbours became concerned when the interior windows of the house were covered in swarms of flies. The police broke in and found his partially decomposed body in the bath. He'd been beaten to death with a hammer and the body had been there for about a month. His two sons were found guilty, one got life and the other 8 years as an accessory - as Python said
," they were a cheery lot, cheery but violent "

wmc3205 7:55 Wed Nov 4
Re: Do you know anyone who was murdered?
my dad shot in armed robbery


buried 11am 11/11

Northern Sold 7:30 Wed Nov 4
Re: Do you know anyone who was murdered?

Know of a couple of people die in fights but none were murdered.

Bishopsfinger 7:21 Wed Nov 4
Re: Do you know anyone who was murdered?
A friend was a doorman he got stabbed while working at The Rush Green tavern.

the last eastender 7:14 Wed Nov 4
Re: Do you know anyone who was murdered?
Sad reading all these posts.


The Lonsdale avenue one, I knew him, nice bloke.

ray winstone 7:11 Wed Nov 4
Re: Do you know anyone who was murdered?
My grandad had a fight with a bloke on a London bus many moons ago. The other bloke fell off the bus and cracked his head on the pavement and died, grandad served 16 years for manslaughter, came out a right miserable old git.

Cheezey Bell-End 7:05 Wed Nov 4
Re: Do you know anyone who was murdered?
Not quite on topic, but I once had the police round to ask me questions about someone who disappeared. As someone who had never been in trouble, it was unnerving, but I had a solid alibi at least.

Lertie Button 7:00 Wed Nov 4
Re: Do you know anyone who was murdered?
Mate of mine was, never been the same since, no fun at all these days

hammer205 9:04 Tue Nov 3
Re: Do you know anyone who was murdered?
Yes unfortunately and sadly a few which I suppose coming from east London is understandable.

Around 1980/81 school friend aged 12/13 stabbed to death outside the green gate pub. No idea of motive but think it was related to his brothers. No one caught for it

Featured on crime watch Bloke shot dead on his doorstep in Lonsdale Avenue in front of his pregnant Mrs. They were jailed eventually

Knew members of a family murdered in high profile case in early 1990’s. Awful case and they were jailed

Didn’t know him but Adam Regis was murdered very close to home. His murderers haven’t been caught which is scandalous

Itchy Scratchy 8:58 Mon Nov 2
Re: Do you know anyone who was murdered?
Re Hello Mrs Jones. At that time I was living in Wheathampstead, and remember this very well.

I walked past No Man's Land Common after night games as there wasn't any public transport from St Albans back to W'hampstead. As such I walked very close to where she was, in the pitch black around midnight.

After she was found it unnerved me for some time to walk anywhere at night.

Oh dear 6:32 Mon Nov 2
Re: Do you know anyone who was murdered?
A few………

Around 1982 a group from my local went to party in a local college hall. There was a fight and one of lot from our pub was stabbed and died. I’m sure they never prosecuted the culprit, but it was an open secret who had done it. It was a bit of a shock to us all, in your late teens and early twenties you think you are indestructible. Even when you lost a tear up you mostly ended up with bruises, to your pride and your body. To see a mate or an acquaintance die was a real eye-opener. It didn’t seem to end the stupidity though as there was some proper retribution dished out, mostly involving arson attacks. The pyromaniacs were caught and got some serious bird.

Not so long after a guy I know had drifted up to the West End. He had stopped coming into the local pubs and had ended up living and working up there. He was found in an alley behind Victoria Station (I believe) beaten and stabbed. The murderer or any motive was never discovered. Some of my other friends were close to his sister and to this day not a soul is any the wiser.

A local publican (a close friend of my in-laws) asked a group of guys to drink up at the end of the evening, they became quite unreasonable and after a little verbal sparring they left. A week a later a gang returned a hacked him to pieces. The publican had a string “local-type” pubs, the types that were always busy and was universally popular man, he was a good publican and knew how to deal with drunks and was hard enough to not kowtow to hooligans. It was an absolute open secret who had done it and they were untouchable for all the wrong reasons. The Police got nowhere despite pursuing the case for years. Some years later though, the guy who had allegedly did it committed suicide while on remand for kidnapping and raping a girl he met in an East London nightclub.

blueeyed.handsomeman 10:17 Mon Nov 2
Re: Do you know anyone who was murdered?
not in this life ,eh dazman

smartypants 10:01 Mon Nov 2
Re: Do you know anyone who was murdered?
Remember the Brookside beth jorsache patio murder. I was at school with a family who did exactly that, apparently it was what the storyline was based on, daughter and sons were at school with me, really nice kids who had a bully of a dad. She confessed at school, we all laughed and then her best friends mum told the police. This was pre mobiles so I went round to house to see only to find police cars everywhere. The mum took the wrap for it.

smartypants 9:51 Mon Nov 2
Re: Do you know anyone who was murdered?
Remember the Brookside beth jorsache patio murder. I was at school with a family who did exactly that, apparently it was what the storyline was based on, daughter and sons were at school with me, really nice kids who had a bully of a dad. She confessed at school, we all laughed and then her best friends mum told the police. This was pre mobiles so I went round to house to see only to find police cars everywhere. The mum took the wrap for it.

one iron 7:31 Mon Nov 2
Re: Do you know anyone who was murdered?
my mate paul hatch was going this woman, her oldman found out he stabeb and killed paul in a phone box in abbs cross lane hornchurch

Capitol Man 12:24 Mon Nov 2
Re: Do you know anyone who was murdered?
On the other side of things a friend of my family in wales was put through the wringer as a chief suspect in a series of killings and was brought in and interviewed several times over the course of several years..

A farmer himself he’d done some business with a farmer who was killed shortly after by what turned out to be serial killer and rapist. He also vaguely fitted a description from a witness.

They convicted the actual killer about 20 years later.

Cheezey Bell-End 12:11 Mon Nov 2
Re: Do you know anyone who was murdered?
A girl from my old company who I had met once was on the Malaysian jet the Russians shot down in 2014, along with her boyfriend who I knew by sight.

CanningTownWA 12:04 Mon Nov 2
Re: Do you know anyone who was murdered?
A schoolfriend died in a terrorist attach at the Wailing Wall whilst on holiday, and a client of mine died in the Air France plane shot down on the way to Egypt a few years ago.
Also knew a kid who played football with my son in Perth Western Australia who murdered his girlfriend. He was always very sullen compared to his brother in the same team.

smartypants 8:00 Sun Nov 1
Re: Do you know anyone who was murdered?
I had a mate, who went down the wrong road so to speak and got into trouble, dealing etc. He was making a fair bit of money early 90s but informing at the same time, not a great combination and they overdosed him. Seems everyone involved from both sides of the fence were happy to just forget about it.

lowermarshhammer 6:39 Sun Nov 1
Re: Do you know anyone who was murdered?
When I first started going into pubs at about 15 or 16 I knew two lads who were best mates, they were in probably about 18.

One night they had a daft argument on the High Street after closing time and one of them threw a punch. The other guy properly clattered his head on the pavement and died shortly afterwards. Manslaughter not murder.

The bloke who did my parent's roof in the 70s was stabbed to death by his girlfriend with a screwdriver about six weeks after he'd finished the roof.

ChesterRd 5:45 Sun Nov 1
Re: Do you know anyone who was murdered?
A boy in my class at school was killed at age 14. It seems Graham was out one evening and a gang of lads beat him up so badly he suffered massive head injuries. He was on life support but it was turned off after a few months.

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