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Mr Anon 4:33 Sun Nov 8
Solving the offside issue.
Safe to say VAR has caused as many issues as it's solved, while ending up even more controversial.

Rather than scrapping it completely was thinking could they not chip player's boots like they have the ball already, and adjust the rule so that if player's feet are onside then all good?

Would take away all the ambiguousness and allow for almost instant decisions.

Either they need to go all in and throw more technology into solving the issue, it it needs to be reversed entirely, can't go on like this surely

Replies - Newest Posts First (Show In Chronological Order)

Mex Martillo 8:00 Tue Jan 19
Re: Solving the offside issue.
Westside, I remember playing games a bit like that as a kid, when there was no off side as we had no linesman and the ref (teacher) did not apply offside. We had the kids just goal hanging, but also a bunch of kids just running after the ball in a little crowd. Goal hanging is an obvious result of no off side.

Westside 12:23 Mon Jan 18
Re: Solving the offside issue.
Abolishing offside, was also tried more recently, in Germany, with a trial game.


Mex Martillo 12:03 Mon Jan 18
Re: Solving the offside issue.
Westside 12:26 Sun Jan 17
OK I can see that, I guess that is the point of continuing incase the linesman is wrong. When it is so obvious, you would think they could be a bit quicker to disallow the goal or even just say, probably disallowed, startng VAR nonsense. Perhaps it was my Spanish commentators, but they gave the goal which had my blood pressure going through the roof...

eswing hammer 6:00 Sun Jan 17
Re: Solving the offside issue.
How can they change rules a third of the way through the season, re handball , how can they have some matches have VAR and some not re FA cup Sheffield united v Newcastle l think , the Lino put his flag up on a Newcastle attack ,there was no whistle the play stopped except the Newcastle forward ,who walked the ball into the net , except he wasn’t offside , goal checked , goal given , what do the players do , depends which month your in and what is the rule of the week !

Gaffer58 5:49 Sun Jan 17
Re: Solving the offside issue.
So Andy Carrol could become the world’s greatest striker!!!

cygnet 5:22 Sun Jan 17
Re: Solving the offside issue.
Here you go. 1987-88 Vauxhall Conference:

cygnet 5:17 Sun Jan 17
Re: Solving the offside issue.
FIFA already trialled it Gaffer58. Quite a few yeara ago at non league level. It was abandoned after a few weeks as every game swiftly descended into players hoofing the ball into the area from anywhere on the pitch towards a goal hanging striker.n
They realised every team would turn into Wimbledon.

GreenStreetPlayer 5:07 Sun Jan 17
Re: Solving the offside issue.
Okay the technology is there, it’s the wankers making the decisions is the problem.
A fingernail, a toe, I think if you have to look at it more than once that’s questionable whether it’s a penalty, offside whatever and the decision shouldn’t be given.
It’s being analysed to death.
Football used to be such a simple game!

Gaffer58 4:55 Sun Jan 17
Re: Solving the offside issue.
Controversial, but why not just scrap offside, it woulD mean more goals, hence more excitement that would make the game more enticing to fans, and thus more importantly to sponsors, advertisers etc.

Fifth Column 2:34 Sun Jan 17
Re: Solving the offside issue.
Everyone else understands what you mean Westside. Save your energy for more useful exercises.

Westside 1:53 Sun Jan 17
Re: Solving the offside issue.
Just stick the flag up when they're offside

And when it shouldn't have been flagged, what do you do?

Percy Dalton 1:10 Sun Jan 17
Re: Solving the offside issue.
No I'm not saying that.
Just stick the flag up when they're offside

Westside 12:26 Sun Jan 17
Re: Solving the offside issue.
To continue the move is just a waste of actual playing time knowing that whatever happens would be scrubbed off.

So if that move had broken down and West Ham had gained possession, you'd want the game stopped for a offside free kick? Wasting more playing time?

Percy Dalton 12:21 Sun Jan 17
Re: Solving the offside issue.
Exactly mate I was screaming at the lino to raise his flag as soon as it was obvious he was offside.
To continue the move is just a waste of actual playing time knowing that whatever happens would be scrubbed off.
Watching football nowdays doesn't help my blood pressure.

Westside 12:03 Sun Jan 17
Re: Solving the offside issue.
Can someone remind me why they now let play continue after an obvious offside.

Because there is no way of restarting the match, if an offside decision has been given and is shown to incorrect.

And some obvious offsides, do turn out to be errors.

Westside 12:01 Sun Jan 17
Re: Solving the offside issue.
As a 'once upon a time' defender, part of the art of defending was knowing when to step up and play offside however this is negated now by an opinion of whether the attacker in an offside position are interfering or not.

That's always been the case, Exhibit A, Sammy Lee, League Cup final 1981. You can argue whether he was interfering with play or not, but it's always been up to the referee, to decide if a player is interfering or not.

Fifth Column 11:51 Sun Jan 17
Re: Solving the offside issue.
All the line drawing would make sense if you could show the exact point that the ball was kicked. However, VAR replays don't show that close enough to be conclusive, so the point the frame of the video is stopped at to measure could be half a second out either way - making it meaningless. Unless you can chip the ball and the players boots showing the exact second the ball is kicked then it's all bollocks.

For VAR, they should make it only your feet can be offside and then that there needs to be 10cm clear gap, otherwise you're considered level.

lowermarshhammer 11:22 Sun Jan 17
Re: Solving the offside issue.
Referee's mistakes?

Some you win , some you lose.


No winners, a load of old modern shite.

Mike Oxsaw 10:56 Sun Jan 17
Re: Solving the offside issue.
Paint a grid of 6cm squares over the whole pitch.

COE Dulux.

JayeMPee 10:22 Sun Jan 17
Re: Solving the offside issue.
Followed the game yesterday on my iphone, when Antonio scored rather than cheer I found myself waiting to see if var would rule it out. Bloody ridiculous and even worse if I was able to be in the stadium watching the game live, one of many things which is totally destroying the game I once loved.

Mex Martillo 10:12 Sun Jan 17
Re: Solving the offside issue.
Can someone remind me why they now let play continue after an obvious offside. It is just crap and a waste of time.

I was shouting at the TV that the long pass in the buildup to Cresswell’s heeled in goal was offside. Then had a minute or 2 worrying that perhaps incredibly they were not going to give disallow the goal.

What is that all about?
I cannot see any point to it?

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