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twoleftfeet 8:04 Tue Dec 1
Should I know who Ellen Page is?
Breaking news on Sky that she has become a he.

When I first read it I thought it was Elaine Page which is why I got interested, thank god it wasn’t her.

Anyway she is now a he/they called Elliott.

Strange world.

Replies - Newest Posts First (Show In Chronological Order)

Moncurs Putting Iron 5:19 Thu Dec 3
Re: Should I know who Ellen Page is?
If you are not a fan of the umbrella company or the film Juno then probably not.

Former for me, not the latter never seen it.

BillC79 3:14 Thu Dec 3
Re: Should I know who Ellen Page is?
Should be made to parallel park 5 times before making the change

Gaffer58 1:21 Thu Dec 3
Re: Should I know who Ellen Page is?
He/she r even it, will be n the next series of get me out off here,

ironsofcanada 1:08 Thu Dec 3
Re: Should I know who Ellen Page is?
Sven Roeder 1:02 Thu Dec 3

Those are concerns.

As are people like Jessica Simpson formerly Jonathan Yaniv who use it as a club to inflict at best nuisance and worst financial and social destruction on others.

And in respect to kids. As mentioned earlier.

Sven Roeder 1:02 Thu Dec 3
Re: Should I know who Ellen Page is?
Me neither but just posing some 'what if's?'

There must come a time where a journeyMAN tennis player say 300th in the world decides he likes the look of the equal prize money for the LADIES Singles Champion at Wimbledon knowing he has no chance of earning it as Mens Singles Champion and starts playing in lead up tournaments as a woman to earn a ranking and enters the LADIES draw.

Golden Oldie 12:50 Thu Dec 3
Re: Should I know who Ellen Page is?
Just read up on it
Some bird who wants to pretend to be a bloke or something, for some reason the global press really really wants us all to know this.

Next week little Timmy wants his whole family to pretend he is Spiderman.

How new and refreshing, some might say "stunning and brave"™...sigh

Anyway expect a load of emotional wank in the press filled with slogans and mantras written by international NGOs promoting perversion and mental illness as normal, like they always seem to do these days

ironsofcanada 12:28 Thu Dec 3
Re: Should I know who Ellen Page is?
Sven Roeder 12:23 Thu Dec 3

Probably something they discussed in the run up.

But honestly not something I worry myself with. I didn't know who Page's partner was and never needed to refer to her sexuality before. I have enjoyed some of Page's stuff over the years and might again but that is really as far as it goes.

If I knew them, probably a valid concern.

Sven Roeder 12:23 Thu Dec 3
Re: Should I know who Ellen Page is?
Of course she has been consulted but does she now identify as heterosexual and should we refer to her as such?
Or at least bisexual

ironsofcanada 12:11 Thu Dec 3
Re: Should I know who Ellen Page is?
My guess would be that a person in this situation would probably consult their partner on a decision like this but odder things have happened.

Sven Roeder 11:24 Thu Dec 3
Re: Should I know who Ellen Page is?
I did question what the partner thinks about waking up & finding herself in a heterosexual relationship

It is also a celebrity thing of making an announcement then complaining about questioning & press ‘intrusion’.
Why not keep it to yourself & your partner & anyone who needs to know. ie a producer who rings your agent and offers you a part as a 33yo woman

Above also applies to Meghan Markle telling everyone she has had a miscarriage after complaining about press interest in her & (the former) Prince Harry

mashed in maryland 11:14 Thu Dec 3
Re: Should I know who Ellen Page is?
A perfectly legitimate question is whether or not this now makes the couple heterosexual, and therefore taking part in queer erasure; defined (on wikipedia no less) as heteronormative exclusion of same-sex relationships?

Unless of course you understand that these rules aren't designed to make sense, and all this is done for attention.

Wouldn't be so bad if dictionary definitions are changing and you can be visited by police or forced out of your job for questioning it all.

BRANDED 11:11 Thu Dec 3
Re: Should I know who Ellen Page is?
Pretty drastic attention seeking, but assuming she was going to do it then sure, it might have been done quietly


mashed in maryland 11:05 Thu Dec 3
Re: Should I know who Ellen Page is?
I too had never heard of Elliot/Ellen Page before all of this.

I have now heard of Elliot/Ellen Page.

Mission accomplished on his/her part.

View all this sort of thing thru the filter that its all done for attention and everything makes much more sense.

Aalborg Hammer 3:46 Wed Dec 2
Re: Should I know who Ellen Page is?
The hardest part of female to male transition is injecting a sense of reason

Block 2:39 Wed Dec 2
Re: Should I know who Ellen Page is?
He'll have a bigger cock than griffin

factory seconds 2:35 Wed Dec 2
Re: Should I know who Ellen Page is?
welcome to the straight white male winning team ellie son.

BRANDED 12:53 Wed Dec 2
Re: Should I know who Ellen Page is?
At any moment in time I’m pretty sure any human knows themselves. Having an irreversible medical procedure might not be wise for any individual. It’s why some birds get massive tits when they are 22 but decide they are too fucking big at 40. Sewing up your gash might not be wise if you feel a need for a bit of cock later in your life.

ironsofcanada 12:29 Wed Dec 2
Re: Should I know who Ellen Page is?
He/she/they has always been different and has very slowly come out over time. This has not stopped them acting pretty well in some things and being very well compensated in other mainstream stuff. Page is 33 and it is what it is.

It is different to me from children being encouraged towards this before they can possible know themselves in any way and from people like Jessica Simpson (not that one, the one formerly known as Jonathan Yaniv) who uses this stuff to make others miserable and derive gain and enjoyment out of it.

Hermit Road 12:16 Wed Dec 2
Re: Should I know who Ellen Page is?

The good thing is that this narcissism isn't being mainstreamed and inflicted on children at all.

BRANDED 11:15 Wed Dec 2
Re: Should I know who Ellen Page is?
Or would two fingers suffice?

Toe Rag 11:13 Wed Dec 2
Re: Should I know who Ellen Page is?
Will I give any less of a fuck about any of her fillums?

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