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Block 11:26 Wed Dec 9
Demba Ba accuses officials of racism

Here's the video

Massive overreaction, You now can't even call a black person black without them being offended.

It wouldn't be the terms I'd use personally, but this nonsense has to stop.

Replies - Newest Posts First (Show In Chronological Order)

mashed in maryland 6:25 Fri Dec 11
Re: Demba Ba accuses officials of racism
I think the Romanian word for "black" has something to do with it; negru. Seriously. You'd be shocked at the amount of English speakers who are offended when they learn the Romance language word for black, have seen a handful of social media meltdowns over finding things described as "negro" on holiday.

As for the reaction to this; Romanian football and mainland European football in general is full of derogatory references to gypsies and there's no such outrage.

Its all manufactured to tie in with the BLM stuff. Which is all about attention and profit. That simple.

wansteadman 11:55 Wed Dec 9
Re: Demba Ba accuses officials of racism
If it wasn’t for BLM I would never have known that black kids weren’t allowed to go to school or to university.
And in the states the blacks are at the bottom of the earnings table, below Mexicans, because of institutionalised racism.
Asians are at the the top of the earnings table because of institutionalised racism ??
Must be something I’m missing

Sydney_Iron 11:36 Wed Dec 9
Re: Demba Ba accuses officials of racism
"What kind of immigration or labour market policies do you support"

How does that make anyone a racist? sure if its only black or ethnic types they specify, immigrants come in all colours, race and creed.

This is part of the problem, this issue isnt just (excuse the pun) black or white, its everthing in between but anyone who dares to stray from that black or white has the finger pointed at them............

Take the blinkers off Pickle

only1billybonds 11:32 Wed Dec 9
Re: Demba Ba accuses officials of racism
Not good enough Clive.

In my adulthood i have voted Labour,Conservative,Brexit Party (natch),UKIP and several independants.

Now,back to the nazi accusations.


Hammer and Pickle 11:22 Wed Dec 9
Re: Demba Ba accuses officials of racism
You are a common or garden UKIP voter, Gague.

What kind of immigration or labour market policies do you support?

only1billybonds 11:15 Wed Dec 9
Re: Demba Ba accuses officials of racism

I judge people as individuals on the calibre of their character.

Their skin colour,the shape of their eyes,their religion and place of birth are immaterial to me.

Now,you have accused me of being a nazi. Can you tell me and all our friends here what you base this accusation on.?

Hammer and Pickle 11:12 Wed Dec 9
Re: Demba Ba accuses officials of racism
I don’t accept any Miike.
It’s very simple really.
Sort it out son.

Takashi Miike 11:08 Wed Dec 9
Re: Demba Ba accuses officials of racism
"what race standard would you accept in your life?"

double dutch from the polish grass

Cabbage Savage 11:08 Wed Dec 9
Re: Demba Ba accuses officials of racism
Hammer and Pickle 11:02 Wed Dec 9

Pickle remeber when you race Pawal a rownd village and you both wear grandpas old nazi uniform.

You win race - uniform still had the majik of granpa pickle best jew cacher from village in it

Side of Ham 11:04 Wed Dec 9
Re: Demba Ba accuses officials of racism
When you accuse someone here in the UK of being a Nazi Homer & Pickle whilst you sit in and love a country that assisted the actual Reich, do you not then understand why you are despised on here?

roltrader 11:03 Wed Dec 9
Re: Demba Ba accuses officials of racism
To be fair only1billybonds, naming your dog Goering was a bit of a clue ??!!

Hammer and Pickle 11:02 Wed Dec 9
Re: Demba Ba accuses officials of racism
OK, Gague, let me ask you this question; what race standard would you accept in your life?

Go on answer it in an honest manner.

only1billybonds 10:57 Wed Dec 9
Re: Demba Ba accuses officials of racism
That isnt proof Clive.

Now please show positive evidence of my nazi leanings.

Your bluster fosnt count as proof btw.

Hermit Road 10:57 Wed Dec 9
Re: Demba Ba accuses officials of racism
Fo the Communist 10:32 Wed Dec 9

That wasn’t the point I was making.

The only thing racist about the George Floyd killing is that you know his name and we are prepared to rip a society apart because of what happened to him, whereas hardly anyone knows who Tony Timpa is, and not one window will be broken in his honour.

Side of Ham 10:47 Wed Dec 9
Re: Demba Ba accuses officials of racism
The lino would have had to say "it's not the lowlife white scumbag" for it to be all right.....

Hammer and Pickle 10:47 Wed Dec 9
Re: Demba Ba accuses officials of racism
If there is any support for a proper Nazi party in the UK, it's always going to come from vermin like you, Gague.

It always has and it always will.

Mace66 10:46 Wed Dec 9
Re: Demba Ba accuses officials of racism
I wasn’t at all surprised when I heard this.

Football’s fucked

It’s all fucked

only1billybonds 10:35 Wed Dec 9
Re: Demba Ba accuses officials of racism

Whose 'we'

Go on then. Post up some proof of my nazism


Fo the Communist 10:32 Wed Dec 9
Re: Demba Ba accuses officials of racism
Sure issues of race have been brewing for centuries and bubbling up to the service increasingly in more recent history.

What we are seeing in the UK now is - I hope - an acceleration of events triggered by the George Floyd killing. In the same way Weinstein brought long-standing issues of gender equality and abuse to the fore - and prompted an emotional rather than intelligent response - so we are seeing now with racism.
In both cases there was a failure to meet rising consternation and questioning with rational debate. That has been a collective failure of the political and media establishments.
Once it has sorted Brexit and Coronavirus, maybe the Government of the time will have the courage to initiate the required discussion.

Hammer and Pickle 10:17 Wed Dec 9
Re: Demba Ba accuses officials of racism
We basically accept you're really a Nazi, Gague.

only1billybonds 10:13 Wed Dec 9
Re: Demba Ba accuses officials of racism
'How the fuck has football got into this state'

Social media.
Cowardice all round.

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