WHO Poll

Crassus 1:10 Sat Jan 9
Phrases from your childhood
It is of constant amusement to my kids, their pals, now young adults, when I inadvertently drop in a colloquial phrase from my upbringing, even more so at work

Terms seemingly unfamiliar but standard fayre back in the Brampton days

So give me your 'endangered' phrases from a time when we were young and the sun shone - I'll kick off

Face like a smacked arse
Face like a China man's arse
Silly as a sack of arseholes
What a LEMON
About as genuine as a 5 bob note

Oh and referring to %0 new pence as 10 bob always raises a snigger

Replies - Newest Posts First (Show In Chronological Order)

arsene york-hunt 10:31 Mon Aug 30
Re: Phrases from your childhood
Me old cocker... Sounds quite rude

COOL HAND LUKE 10:03 Mon Aug 30
Re: Phrases from your childhood
"I've heard that duck fart before" (caught out telling porkies)

"Raggedly arsed milestone" (you're looking scruffy / untidy)

COOL HAND LUKE 10:01 Mon Aug 30
Re: Phrases from your childhood
Nurse Ratched 1:20 Sat Jan 9
Re: Phrases from your childhood
**My parents were born in the mid 1920s...*

Eh? You gotta be clocking on a bit then, Nursey? Unless they had you well late in life?

pdcwhu 5:54 Mon Aug 30
Re: Phrases from your childhood
Up da Ra

percyd 7:40 Mon Aug 30
Re: Phrases from your childhood
Does anyone still use "fainites"? Never heard it down under, but everyday use when I was a London sprog.

Mr Logic 6:12 Mon Aug 30
Re: Phrases from your childhood

yngwies Cat 7:39 Sun Aug 29

We used to do that at my school, so you'd say no slogs to avoid getting biffed. I still say it sometimes but nobody seems to know what I'm talking about. Where did you go to school

Mr Logic 6:06 Mon Aug 30
Re: Phrases from your childhood
I'll give you a bunch of fives

Mr Chocolate 5:09 Mon Aug 30
Re: Phrases from your childhood
Jim'll fix it

legrandefromage 2:47 Mon Aug 30
Re: Phrases from your childhood
I should cocoa

Mr Chocolate 2:44 Mon Aug 30
Re: Phrases from your childhood
Lunch time you cunt

only1billybonds 11:01 Sun Aug 29
Re: Phrases from your childhood
Good work FC.

Far Cough 10:53 Sun Aug 29
Re: Phrases from your childhood


only1billybonds 10:50 Sun Aug 29
Re: Phrases from your childhood
Fucking ada.

I had an aunt ada but i dont think she played a part in the above.

chim chim cha boo 10:42 Sun Aug 29
Re: Phrases from your childhood
All fur coat and no knickers.

1964 9:01 Sun Aug 29
Re: Phrases from your childhood
Do you want a punch up the bracket.

BRANDED 8:49 Sun Aug 29
Re: Phrases from your childhood
Pint of Best please

Aalborg Hammer 8:02 Sun Aug 29
Re: Phrases from your childhood
"What's for dinner,Mum?"
"Bread and Pullet" or "Suck it and see"

My Dad would call my Mum "Ducks"

yngwies Cat 7:39 Sun Aug 29
Re: Phrases from your childhood
Slogs (when one passed wind) had to name 3 pubs and whistle (it was the 70s)!when the other person would hit you repeatedly.

Daffy Ducks, instead of punching one would pinch, more for the ladies

Lily Hammer 7:32 Sun Aug 29
Re: Phrases from your childhood
“Sit and swivel.”

Accompanied by raising the middle digit.

Withamexile 7:16 Sun Aug 29
Re: Phrases from your childhood
What’s for dinner?

Shit with sugar on

Gary Strodders shank 7:14 Sun Aug 29
Re: Phrases from your childhood
Another one like you son & i could destroy the world
Your as dim as a toc H lamp
As thick as two short planks
Ill knock you into next week
Dont go getting any bright ideas

I didnt shed many tears when the old man passed.

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