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Roeder-nowhere 8:35 Sun Jan 10
Striker options
Not sure if there are any up and coming youg strikers in the reserves, if so maybe Moyes should try him out for size tomorrow in case the worst happens and Antonio gets injured and we don’t bring anybody in.

Take Antonio out of the equation and our options for strikers are?

1. Bowen
2. Yarmolenko
3. Razor Ruddock???

So, there are no decent options. Bowen hasn’t really been tried up front alone in the Premiership... he IS the plan B should we lose Antonio,which is a bit worrying. We are in that time of the season where we can push on or slide back into the lower half of the table, and without a recognised 2nd striker the latter is a real possibility. Hoping before selling Haller we at least had some irons in the fire... ahem.

Replies - Newest Posts First (Show In Chronological Order)

southwoodford 12:23 Tue Jan 12
Re: Striker options
I keep reading about potential signings that fit our meager budget. Suddenly Josh King is still too expensive at £10m. He probably is. Fact is that we need a prolific natural striker who can give us min 15 a season (and that's not even prolific). If they're not right, they're not right. Better to train up a couple of stop gaps to grab us a handful of goals between now and the summer until the right option comes along than waste money on more underwhelming performers. It's true that if you pay peanuts you get monkeys. In our case it's also true that if you pay millions you still sometimes get monkeys.

Keeno78 12:13 Tue Jan 12
Re: Striker options
Been training Diop as a striker as well if the rumours are true, hope he bleaches his hair like Ian Pearce!

Tomshardware 9:57 Mon Jan 11
Re: Striker options
Ian Pearce

Sir Alf 9:33 Mon Jan 11
Re: Striker options
Who is this Falznine lad? Brazilian? Rumour is that he is odds on to be the solution to the striker requirement.

scott_d 4:13 Mon Jan 11
Re: Striker options
Bowen is a good finisher, I dont see it as a problem him being option B to Antonio.

In fact I think we could play either Bowen or Yarmalenko and they would both be better than Haller has been for us.

Lertie Button 3:43 Mon Jan 11
Re: Striker options
You forgot Mark Noble, little wonder the rest of the premiership view us as s joke

Chigwell 3:38 Mon Jan 11
Re: Striker options
Whoever we get please let it not be another one-footed wonder. (Carroll, Haller, Anderson, Bowen and Yarmalenko come to mind).

On The Ball 9:45 Sun Jan 10
Re: Striker options
They'll definitely sign a striker. He might not be any good and he'll certainly be cheap, but they'll definitely sign one. 100%.

Willtell 9:20 Sun Jan 10
Re: Striker options
What if pigs can’t fly?
What if our team get Covid?
What if....

grasshopper 9:17 Sun Jan 10
Re: Striker options
We will get one or possibly two players that can play CF by the end of the window.

the exile 9:16 Sun Jan 10
Re: Striker options
Plenty of discussion about this already on the Team for Stockport thread.

Vexed 8:41 Sun Jan 10
Re: Striker options
Yarmolenko is surely the obvious choice if we're without Antonio now?

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