WHO Poll

dm 3:22 Sun Jan 31
Do you still listen to albums?, or playlists, or...
I'm genuinely interested in whether other members of this website still tend to listen to albums? Or do you tend these days to listen to playlists, maybe on shuffle?
I think it is fair to assume most people on here are in their 30s/40s/50s/60s so we grew up collecting albums in physical format. Im 52 and tend to listen to albums, probably about 70% of the time I'm playing music. With the remaining time spent, either playing music on random or playing specific tracks.
This being WHO I fully anticipate to be called a cunt for posting such a pointless thread.

Replies - Newest Posts First (Show In Chronological Order)

The_Phantom 9:03 Sat Feb 6
Re: Do you still listen to albums?, or playlists, or...
Rarely listen to albums by one artist, prefer compilations.
I mainly listen to music on my phone with itunes. Got about 1500 tracks and I start playing from A to Z and then start over again at A. This gives me a good variety of music.
Got about 300 CDs but
I only really listen to CDs when I’m in the car but that’s a lot less now because since being made redundant in November I’m hardly using the car.
I occasionally use Alexa as a jukebox when washing up.
I’m more likely to listen to a podcast – football, comedy, quizzes than I am music.

BRANDED 10:38 Tue Feb 2
Re: Do you still listen to albums?, or playlists, or...
zebthecat 5:21 Mon Feb 1
Re: Do you still listen to albums?, or playlists, or...
I tend to listen to albums mainly.
Vinyl at home and streamed from my MP3/FLAC player in the car.
Refuse to get Spotify as they are disruptor VC cunts and the combination of actual vinyl and digital download suits me perfectly

I can assure you that without streaming services paying properly the recorded music industry was dead because of illegal music across the internet. Spotify single handedly saved the recorded music industry turning 90% piracy in Sweden to almost zero. Every year since 2010 my earnings from Spotify has gone up and up.

Don’t believe the hype.

That said if you love an act you might want to pay them direct for their work. If you buy second hand NO money goes to them. If you buy new vinyl from a retailer they might get some money depending on the deal they did with their label. Same with CDs. Obvs live is dead at the mo so there are lots of acts that might appreciate a direct purchase.

Chigwell 6:21 Tue Feb 2
Re: Do you still listen to albums?, or playlists, or...
There are 2 Santana albums that I always try to listen to start to finish, because that's how they are produced, sometimes with no gaps at all between tracks: Caravanserai and Borboletta.

zebthecat 5:21 Mon Feb 1
Re: Do you still listen to albums?, or playlists, or...
I tend to listen to albums mainly.
Vinyl at home and streamed from my MP3/FLAC player in the car.
Refuse to get Spotify as they are disruptor VC cunts and the combination of actual vinyl and digital download suits me perfectly.

Darlo Debs 4:02 Mon Feb 1
Re: Do you still listen to albums?, or playlists, or...
Surf didn't any of the albums on your list spawn one or two hit singles then?

Not meaning to sound pedantic but aren't hit singles how bands and artists traditionally drawn people in to buy their albums in most cases?

ParadiseLost 3:54 Mon Feb 1
Re: Do you still listen to albums?, or playlists, or...
Music used to be expensive and you would put a lot of thought into buying a LP or CD. You’d have your library and you would know every track. You have a small library you know everything about.
Online music, even if you pay for a subscription, is cheap. It’s easy to add another item or artist to your list. So you end up with a huge library you know next to nothing about.
For the convenience and the price people have accepted a huge decline in how good music sounds. So music has become just another bulk commodity.
These days I tend to listen to playlists I’ve put together. That bridges the something I know and adding something I don’t reasonably well. But, I do miss the days of less choice as odd as that may sound.

BRANDED 10:50 Mon Feb 1
Re: Do you still listen to albums?, or playlists, or...

There are hundreds of resources for artwork, album notes etc on the internet if that’s what interests you. Most just want to listen to music, often on a mobile phone with crappy headphones.
Spotify has some good info on artists before looking further. They are also doing a whole new service just launched where artists, labels, musicians and producers can do podcasts about tracks and albums.
Times change.

Bungo 10:41 Mon Feb 1
Re: Do you still listen to albums?, or playlists, or...
I think the medium has altered my style of listening.

In olden times pre-remotes I would put on a vinyl LP and likely listen to it all the way through.

Then CDs and remotes came along and it became easier to skip tracks or just jump around.

Now with Spotify I tend to put an album on but continue browsing on the laptop, get distracted by something else and then hop around album to album, artist to artist.

I think it goes with a reduction in attention spans in general.

frank marker 10:39 Mon Feb 1
Re: Do you still listen to albums?, or playlists, or...
I recently invested in a new mid-range gramaphone. It can play 78s and also convert to digital so every couple of weeks my kids receive an educational music compilation CD from my collection. So far it's been Steely Dan, Eno, Hawkwind and Big Western movie themes, - only some of which are available on Spotify.
An evening playing vinyl (as opposed to in vinyl) is a real pleasure. Discovering (or re-discovering) details in the artwork or photos on an album sleeve or unusual links between the credits of bands separated by musical genre or decades is like plunging into a blithe world of musical wikipedia.
CDs are okay but when did you last take the time to digest the information printed in font 4 in their booklets?
Spotify is great for playlists and surfing Youtube can bring up interesting connections. I love music... and life... but perhaps I need to get out more.

Westham67 9:11 Mon Feb 1
Re: Do you still listen to albums?, or playlists, or...
I have a Spotify playlist crammed with old school house music

I listen to the WHO, Bowie, or Neil Young now and again

TonkaToy 9:07 Mon Feb 1
Re: Do you still listen to albums?, or playlists, or...
I don't do streamed music. LPs CDs or very occasionally the Radio.
I'm not looking forward to changing my car, as all the latest Ford's don't come with a CD player. I'll have to get one fitted somewhere....

MaryMillingtonsGhost 9:59 Sun Jan 31
Re: Do you still listen to albums?, or playlists, or...
TonkaToy 6:05

Agreed fella.

Have about 30,000 tracks on my NAS (fuck knows how many albums), along with Qobuz streaming. Use Audirvana as my streaming software as easy to switch between Qobuz and stored FLAC files. I do like listening to an album all the way through (including the shit tracks) so don't create playlists. I find the change in tone too jarring (Comfortably Numb, followed by Territorial Pissings, followed by I'm Not In Love??).

wd40 7:12 Sun Jan 31
Re: Do you still listen to albums?, or playlists, or...
Born to Run Springsteen on vinyl .
Lovely gate sleeve album cover .

SurfaceAgentX2Zero 7:11 Sun Jan 31
Re: Do you still listen to albums?, or playlists, or...
In theory, I'd rather listen to full albums, but I suspect very few need to be listened to all through.

Beatles - Rubber Soul, Revolver
Beach Boys - Pet Sounds
Who - Tommy, Quadrophenia, Who's Next
Kinks - Arthur, Village Green, Muswell Hillbillies
Floyd - DSOTM
Genesis - SEBTP
Dylan - Blood on the Tracks
Van - Astral Weeks

I'm sure there's more. Obviously anything with a massive hit single is automatically excluded.

TonkaToy 6:05 Sun Jan 31
Re: Do you still listen to albums?, or playlists, or...
Full albums every time. The only time I listen to / pick an individual track is in a pub that's still got a proper juke box.

Darlo Debs 5:23 Sun Jan 31
Re: Do you still listen to albums?, or playlists, or...
Sounds lkke a good deal, and enough time to store them albums using a dewey system

Mad Dog 5:05 Sun Jan 31
Re: Do you still listen to albums?, or playlists, or...
Got loads of albums on my iPhone (copied from cd's)
Prodigy is huge favourite and various ibiza mixes.

Mainly listen to live mixes.

When I say "live" I mean late 90s early 2000's.

dm 4:50 Sun Jan 31
Re: Do you still listen to albums?, or playlists, or...
Darlo. I probably will on Tuesday and Wednesday as I'm on standby those days. If it wasnt for this lockdown , I'd be on late shift. So I have to be ready to go to work at the ' drop of a hat' until about 2pm. If it gets to 2pm and I haven't been contacted, then I'll know that I'm not required. I'll still get full pay including shift allowance, including a bit extra for my shift finishing after midnight, even though I almost certainly won't be there.
I am fortunate that even under normal circumstances my job is a four day week with about 36 days leave, so sometimes it does feel like semi retirement, so I do get a lot of time at home at the moment. Unfortunately my job cannot be done from home though.

Swiss. 4:50 Sun Jan 31
Re: Do you still listen to albums?, or playlists, or...
I also have had Spotify since it began in Sweden.

I have iTunes Playlists and use Youtube. Youtube is good for finding new stuff.

Far Cough 4:48 Sun Jan 31
Re: Do you still listen to albums?, or playlists, or...
Pffft, I have Amazon Music Unlimited with 70 million tracks

BRANDED 4:40 Sun Jan 31
Re: Do you still listen to albums?, or playlists, or...
I've get Spotify with 40 million tracks on it

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