WHO Poll

Alfs 9:45 Fri Mar 5
Views from the opposition
Okay, in a bid to start giving WHO a reboot I'm resurrecting this old chestnut.

Next up, Leeds Utd on Monday evening. Their fans forum 'Marching on Together' have agreed to supply us with a fan or two to answer.

What questions would you like to ask the Northern Monkeys?

Replies - Newest Posts First (Show In Chronological Order)

Alfs 5:04 Sun Mar 7
Re: Views from the opposition
Gank, do you have dementia?

A few of us are trying to save this site that you spend your entire life on. Do you not think that is a good thing?

It's possible that WHO will have to move but you would never be banned. Your mixture of irascibility and slowness of thought is incredibly endearing, and often entertaining.

gank 4:00 Sun Mar 7
Re: Views from the opposition
That's handy, considering I had none. I actually thought I had made that clear.

You're a weird cunt, if you're so scared about not having a West Ham Website to post on, why not make one? And ban me?


Alfs 3:10 Sun Mar 7
Re: Views from the opposition
Questions are now closed, so you can stop your frantic scribbling now, Gank.


gph 3:07 Sun Mar 7
Re: Views from the opposition
NS What do your Harrogate Railway mates think about the current Town dominance over Harrogate football?

arsene york-hunt 2:58 Sun Mar 7
Re: Views from the opposition
How much would I have to pay for a decent whippets?

Northern Sold 2:18 Sun Mar 7
Re: Views from the opposition
Im with gank.... ive got leeds mates if i want to know what they think about whatever i will ask them... fuck em

Stevethehammer 12:46 Sun Mar 7
Re: Views from the opposition
What's all the hype about because personally I can't see it.
Leeds have had some decent results but Bielsa is rolled out as some master tactician the world has never seen before and leeds united are the best thing since sliced bread if you listen to mainstream media.

Darlo Debs 12:27 Sun Mar 7
Re: Views from the opposition

BigDingus 12:26 Sun Mar 7
Re: Views from the opposition
Where exactly in Yorkshire does the tea grow ?

Warchild 12:09 Sun Mar 7
Re: Views from the opposition
I once threw a piece of chewing gum into the home end at Elland Road at the end of an annoying defeat. Can you name the game and for a bonus point the scorer of the winning goal?

Briano 12:08 Sun Mar 7
Re: Views from the opposition

Sarge 11:58 Sat Mar 6
Re: Views from the opposition
Whatever happened to Webster's Yorkshire bitter?

jakehammer 10:15 Sat Mar 6
Re: Views from the opposition
vexed 5.01 sat.

ag ga ag
. vexed, you never fail to amuse mate. love it.

cup of tea 9:20 Sat Mar 6
Re: Views from the opposition
View from the oppo was ALWAYS shit

Its posted and the person is just called a cunt, probably because he/she is.

Personally I couldn't give a cunt about what other fans think but thats just me

frank marker 9:17 Sat Mar 6
Re: Views from the opposition
Now you're in the Premiership, do you still have the same head of security or has he gone back to hairdressing?

Mex Martillo 8:37 Sat Mar 6
Re: Views from the opposition
Gank, May be some people like “View from the Opposition”.
How do you consider yourself?
Do you think your a normal?
Did you ever consider that, perhaps your different from most people and that most people like “View from the Opposition”?

gank 6:39 Sat Mar 6
Re: Views from the opposition
These 'View from the Opposition' heads are fucking shit. Fawning up to some nerd who supports someone else so you can report his moronic opinions on here? No thanks. Save yourself the bother.

mallard 6:19 Sat Mar 6
Re: Views from the opposition
Ag !

Vexed 5:01 Sat Mar 6
Re: Views from the opposition
What's going on with the fucking haircuts in your team? Looks like Sunday league at the fucking burns unit.

Norflundon 4:46 Sat Mar 6
Re: Views from the opposition
After Rice took the absolute piss out of Phillips when we played you at your gaff .... do you still think Phillips is better.

bruuuno 2:42 Sat Mar 6
Re: Views from the opposition
Why are you such a ******* ****, you **** ****?

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