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J.Riddle 2:03 Wed Mar 31
The words Easter and Egg removed from Chocolate gifts
Most customers don't celebrate Easter?

In 2017, Cadbury was accused by the Church of England of ‘airbrushing faith’ after it dropped the word ‘Easter’ from its annual treasure hunt. The trails at more than 250 National Trust sites were rebranded in a move criticised by the then Archbishop of York, John Sentamu.

Christmas Greetings will also apparently be airbrushed this year with Seasonal Greetings.


Replies - Newest Posts First (Show In Chronological Order)

ChesterRd 9:13 Wed Mar 31
Re: The words Easter and Egg removed from Chocolate gifts
For those who believe such things

25th December is 9 months after the annunciation of the virgin Mary which was on 25th March so nothing to do with Yule, just a clash of dates.

Hammer and Pickle 8:41 Wed Mar 31
Re: The words Easter and Egg removed from Chocolate gifts
Notice how it is always same sad old wankers.

Jaan Kenbrovin 8:38 Wed Mar 31
Re: The words Easter and Egg removed from Chocolate gifts
Cabbage Savage 6:55 Wed Mar 31

Ag Ag Ag Ag

Nurse Ratched 8:35 Wed Mar 31
Re: The words Easter and Egg removed from Chocolate gifts

Hammer and Pickle 7:07 Wed Mar 31
Re: The words Easter and Egg removed from Chocolate gifts
You poor sad old bat.

Nurse Ratched 7:02 Wed Mar 31
Re: The words Easter and Egg removed from Chocolate gifts

A lot.

Cabbage Savage 6:55 Wed Mar 31
Re: The words Easter and Egg removed from Chocolate gifts
This my favorit foto of Pickle leeding village easter jew hunt


Swiss. 5:29 Wed Mar 31
Re: The words Easter and Egg removed from Chocolate gifts

Spring Break Chocolate Ovoid.


Swiss. 5:27 Wed Mar 31
Re: The words Easter and Egg removed from Chocolate gifts
Spring Break Egg

gph 12:25 Wed Mar 31
Re: The words Easter and Egg removed from Chocolate gifts
Commando rabbits dug away at the soil beneath the egg-shaped rock that sealed Jesus' tomb.

They believed in Jesus in a way that his supporters didn't.

Hence the sealed tomb, which would have been really difficult for resurrected Jesus to open with his holey hands.

Mike Oxsaw 11:55 Wed Mar 31
Re: The words Easter and Egg removed from Chocolate gifts
If you pick a catholic up by the ears, does it hurt them less?

Fo the Communist 11:53 Wed Mar 31
Re: The words Easter and Egg removed from Chocolate gifts
"bunnies have fuck all to do with Christianity."

Someone ought to tell that to the Catholics. They breed like rabbits.

J.Riddle 11:43 Wed Mar 31
Re: The words Easter and Egg removed from Chocolate gifts
oe royal 9:37 Wed Mar 31

Alfs can't answer because he typed before he engaged his brain, he has form for this and is a bit of a cunt btw.

Sven Roeder 11:26 Wed Mar 31
Re: The word Chocolate still on Chocolate gifts
Its a well placed 4 day break with an excuse to eat hot cross buns & chocolate.

I do miss the old days when there would be 2 games over the long weekend & it marked the point where hopefully we finally pulled our finger out and tried to avoid relegation.

zebthecat 11:21 Wed Mar 31
Re: The words Easter and Egg removed from Chocolate gifts
SurfaceAgentX2Zero 10:41 Wed Mar 31

Yes. The church just hijacked the old Pagan festivals for convenience. Ditto Christmas which is Yule.

Darlo Debs 11:18 Wed Mar 31
Re: The words Easter and Egg removed from Chocolate gifts
Chajonbubble 100% agree.

It makes no sense, but then neither does the idea of someone dying then coming back to life 3 days later and whose image is now see on slices of toast .

Moncurs Putting Iron 10:43 Wed Mar 31
Re: The words Easter and Egg removed from Chocolate gifts
I don't celebrate Easter, I take the bank holiday off and have a few beers

If someone gave me a day off on Eid I would have that as well, and I would have a few beers.

Weak Bait, No bite.


SurfaceAgentX2Zero 10:41 Wed Mar 31
Re: The words Easter and Egg removed from Chocolate gifts
I'll tell you one thing for nothing. The festival of Easter, eggs and bunnies have fuck all to do with Christianity.

chajonbubble 10:37 Wed Mar 31
Re: The words Easter and Egg removed from Chocolate gifts
this isnt the most annoying this about Easter, it is that apparently unlike a consistent birthday, Jesus was resurrected at different times of the year. Just pick a bloody date and stick to it.

zebthecat 10:07 Wed Mar 31
Re: The words Easter and Egg removed from Chocolate gifts
In 2017...

...lock this shit.

Mike Oxsaw 10:03 Wed Mar 31
Re: The words Easter and Egg removed from Chocolate gifts
So, why don't they come up with a corresponding set of chocolate confectionery that celebrates the other religious festivals prevalent in the UK?

Is it, perhaps, that many of those religions celebrate and glorify death as opposed to life, as represented by the egg?

Chocolate suicide belt, anyone? Jelly-bean "nail bomb"?

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